Anyone else from Canada? :)



  • jackeh
    jackeh Posts: 1,515 Member
    wow amazing to see all the canadians here!!!
    i am in Ottawa :)
  • havingitall
    havingitall Posts: 3,728 Member
    There are tons of us here! I'm in Mississauga, Ontario
    I'm in Mississauga too. I work out at the gym and do lane swimming when the weather is cold. The summer has a lot more variety with hiking, my walking group, biking etc.
  • 9tattoos
    9tattoos Posts: 46 Member
    Hey Everyone
    I am from Shubenacadie, Nova Scotia. I too, have been a member for a while, but fell off the wagon. Life got in the way, and packed on the pounds. But, I am back and ready for the lifestyle change. We have a bootcamp program twice a week, I do the elliptical every other day for 30 minutes. When its nice and not too cold, will walk for 3km. I just have to remember to log everything.
  • Hello. I am from just outside Sault Ste. Marie, ON. I joined last January and only stuck with it for less than a month. Now I am really motivated. I have a Tony Little Gazelle Edge and am back up to using it a few times a week for 30 minutes. My goal is by the end of January to use it at least five nights a week for about 45 mintues each.
  • Hi, I am from Minden, Ontario...
  • jb_sweet_99
    jb_sweet_99 Posts: 856 Member
    Good morning everyone!

    It is so nice to read this thread from my fellow Canadian friends.

    I enjoyed reading your posts on this thread. I have to say that a couple of your posts did make me go, "hmmm...."

    suef - you mentioned the stationary bike in your post because you enjoyed cycling last summer.

    jb_sweet_99 - you said "you like options", for your workouts.

    It's interesting because I've been thinking about what I really want my workout routine to be. I want structure but I want variety too. So I've been mulling this over in my mind.

    I have to admit that I wasn't even considering the bike at all (I do have one) because I get bored. But now I'm thinking about next summer. I have been wanting to get back into cycling but just have done it. This is great inspiration to challenge myself on distance and stamina. So thanks a lot suef for your post.

    jb_sweet_99 - thank you for getting me to think again about variety in my routine. I think for my cardio I will switch it up between the cycling, the treadmill and of course going outside in the fresh air to do any kind of outdoor activity. I also have snowshoes, I should take advantage of that.

    For the strength routine, I am thinking of trying Jillian Michaels "Shred" DVD again. That DVD is brutal but maybe if I just do what I can and gradually build up my strength.

    I would really love to hear other peoples ideas on workouts and I would love to hear what you do for a workout.

    Have a happy and healthy day everyone!

    No Problem!! I'm glad I could help...I know myself and I get bored easily so it helps to switch it up. I'm taking Kickboxing now and the instructors switch it up for us so it's always interesting and keeps me, and my body, guessing! I did do the 'Shred' at one point, and if my doctor hadn't told me I couldn't do it because of my knees I would still be doing it! What I did was just stayed on level one until I had it down pat, then alternated one and two till I got used to it before switching to 2nd for good. Good luck!
  • KatWood
    KatWood Posts: 1,135 Member
    I live in Barrie, Ontario and work in Brampton, Ontario.
    I also travel once in a while to Calgary, Alberta for work.
  • DebbieW
    DebbieW Posts: 187
    Good morning my Canadian workout buddies!

    jb_sweet_99 - thanks for sharing what you do for working out. Kickboxing, wow! I am very impressed. I tried my hand (or leg, lol) at kickboxing a number of years ago. I have to say, that is a killer way to work out. It is really hard but boy the payoff if worth the effort. I'm sure that your muscle burn after kickboxing is pretty impressive.

    Hmm, see, now you have inspired me again, thanks! We have an "Impact Zone" near my house. They teach all the martial arts stuff. I should see if they have a class for women who want to get fit.

    Do you do this with your gym membership? If so, which gym do you go to?

    Well, it's time to pop in the "Jillian Michaels 30 day Shred dvd and then finish that off with some time on the treadmill.

    Have a healthy and happy day everyone!
  • FrenchMob
    FrenchMob Posts: 1,167 Member
    Didn't realize there were this many canucks here. :)

    I'm in Port Colborne ON in the Niagara region.
  • lgblack
    lgblack Posts: 73 Member
    I'm CANADIAN!!! Lived most of my life in the Ottawa Valley (Arnprior)/Ottawa (Orleans). Moved west 6.5 years ago. Now live in St. Albert, Alberta (just on north end of Edmonton). My family is in Ottawa. My husband's family is in Toronto.
  • qtie0
    qtie0 Posts: 4
    Edmonton, ab ... i'm hoping this works for me ...
  • is minnesota close enough? fiance' and i live 40 miles west of minneapolis....she is "angelwings2000"...on myfitnesspal and also her hotmail e-mail is the same,....we're both 47,48....both looking to lose 15 to 20 lbs..before our wedding..and then KEEP IT OFF....seaotter240
  • sallymurph
    sallymurph Posts: 56 Member
    I am originally from Quebec, but now live in Ottawa.
  • DebbieW
    DebbieW Posts: 187
    Hello my fellow Canucks!

    Well I sure hope that this cold weather hasn't frightened you too much. I have REFUSED for mother nature to tell me I can't go for a walk.

    I've been forcing myself out the door on my lunch hours at work to go for walks. It's really helping me to feel more refreshed (thanks cold air) and energized.

    Because I've added going for walks outside on to my work out routine, I have lost 11 pounds since January 2nd.

    I have never had this kind of success before. I'm really pumped! Summer is just around the corner and I actually am starting to feel that I will be better prepared for it this year.

    Good luck everyone on your weight loss journeys!

  • janpei
    janpei Posts: 7

    Hey everyone, I live in Coquitlam, BC and just started a new journey last week.. This is my first time posting and updating my profile so there will have to be more to come! Great to see so many Canadians here. Hopefully I can figure out how to work the message boards and get posting!

    We are going on a cruise and have numerous weddings this year that I would like to buy a new "wow" dress for!

    Good luck and let the games begin
  • Hi Jan

    I am in Abbotsford, and have a way to go on the weight loss. I am currently at 230, and would like to goal at 175 or lower. :)
    I am on the healthy journey this time, not the thin one like so many times before. I am aiming for 4-5 lbs per month, and just joined MFP tonight here at work. I look forward to seeing more Canadians in here

  • janpei
    janpei Posts: 7
    Hey Nicole ~! Welcome.. I too am trying to do it healthy so it will stay off! We can be buddies if you need motivation... I know I sure do!

    Let's do it right this time!
  • Zekesmom
    Zekesmom Posts: 64
    Fredericton here:)
  • jewelinvic
    jewelinvic Posts: 332
    Victoria, BC here, originally from Mississauga, ON :flowerforyou:
  • Hey everyone! I'm from Cape Breton, NS :happy: Glad to see so many Canucks motivating each other!
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