T.H.E. (Trying Hard Everyday) Team - Fresh Start wk1

Here is to starting over. We've all had issues with falling off the wagon before, forgot to log food, went over a little the day before.... whatever it is you can come here. We all support each other in this group. We do not criticize no matter the issue. We have fun and we laugh. We get to know each other and we make losing fun. It's ok to slip. Let us help you and each other get back up. This group has been around for awhile but we have decided to start fresh. Some of our normal members have had problems and this is a way of helping every one who needs a fresh start.

This group is always open to new members. We post our weigh in results on Friday.

We look forward to seeing old members and new ones.


  • Lisa0711
    Lisa0711 Posts: 1,405 Member
    I'd like to join! I've been slacking so much here lately. Maybe adding a new group will help me get back in the swing of things! I exercise consistently, but eating right is so hard for me. I've come to a standstill with weight loss and thanks to my eating choices this weekend I've gained a few. I need to get back on track and get closer to my goals! Here's to a fresh start!
  • freeflower3
    freeflower3 Posts: 39 Member
    I'm scared of this group, but I need it. I am currently off MFP for the 4th day now.


    How come I really want it and want to be my best, then let myself get derailed?

  • pawprint061
    pawprint061 Posts: 640
    I'd like to join! I've been slacking so much here lately. Maybe adding a new group will help me get back in the swing of things! I exercise consistently, but eating right is so hard for me. I've come to a standstill with weight loss and thanks to my eating choices this weekend I've gained a few. I need to get back on track and get closer to my goals! Here's to a fresh start!

    Welcome. It's ok. We all slack, and get discouraged here and there. That is why we are here. We try to motivate others into getting back on the wagon.
  • pawprint061
    pawprint061 Posts: 640
    I'm scared of this group, but I need it. I am currently off MFP for the 4th day now.


    How come I really want it and want to be my best, then let myself get derailed?


    Don't be scared. It's not a diet. It's a lifestyle change. It's something you have to be aware of everyday. You need a good support team. I don't think you can really do this by yourself and that's why we are here. We help and we talk. We support each other.
  • cyndeebee
    cyndeebee Posts: 249 Member
    Welcome Lisa and Michele! You will love this group.

    And thank you SO much, Kelly, for starting us up again. I know I really need to be a part of this group again, because you're right...It's a lifestyle change. As long as I stick with the group, I have motivation.

    I did lose the weight last year (in the late spring), so I stopped coming here, but I gained a lot back this winter, and that seems to be when we all lose our desire to be here - when we most need it. The days are cold and dark, we huddle in our houses...and we give into the temptation to eat. And, as we all know, winter foods are more calorie laden and hearty...

    Perfect time for us all to find new resolve. We're just past Easter, and this will be the last holiday, for awhile (hopefully) when we celebrate with rich foods. Time to get back to thinking healthy...being healthy.

    Wishing everyone the best of luck on their journey...
  • Destined
    Destined Posts: 116
    I am in!!! I have never joined any group before because I have been frustrated not losing weight before.. I am so in.. I will post every Friday...
  • pawprint061
    pawprint061 Posts: 640
    One thing that I like about our group is that we used to do challenges. Usually its, water, or something that has to do with giving something up. This week I would like to suggest something different. Usually we start a new thread on Friday with our check ins. But because I started this Tuesday I am suggesting it.

    I want to know what have you done to either loose or maintain this week? Did you drink extra water? Did you pass on a second helping? I want to know after you check in on Friday. Let's take a couple days to reflect on our gains or our loss in the current thread. Then when the new thread comes around it's going to be a new week... meaning we will not dwell on the week before. We won't see our check ins from the week before... it'll be a fresh thread for a fresh week.

    What do you think?
  • pawprint061
    pawprint061 Posts: 640
    Welcome Lisa and Michele! You will love this group.

    And thank you SO much, Kelly, for starting us up again. I know I really need to be a part of this group again, because you're right...It's a lifestyle change. As long as I stick with the group, I have motivation.

    I did lose the weight last year (in the late spring), so I stopped coming here, but I gained a lot back this winter, and that seems to be when we all lose our desire to be here - when we most need it. The days are cold and dark, we huddle in our houses...and we give into the temptation to eat. And, as we all know, winter foods are more calorie laden and hearty...

    Perfect time for us all to find new resolve. We're just past Easter, and this will be the last holiday, for awhile (hopefully) when we celebrate with rich foods. Time to get back to thinking healthy...being healthy.

    Wishing everyone the best of luck on their journey...

    Glad to have you back. Your right, no more major holidays for awhile... perfect time to get up and get out.
  • pawprint061
    pawprint061 Posts: 640
    I am in!!! I have never joined any group before because I have been frustrated not losing weight before.. I am so in.. I will post every Friday...

    Welcome. Any time you need support we're here.
  • LosingIt4good
    LosingIt4good Posts: 1,214 Member
    Im here!! Thanks pawprint for starting a new thread!

    I had a rough past couple weeks. Went to Texas with the fam and it was stressful. I ate way too much Texas BBQ and not enough good for me food, but I did manage to get some swimming and alot of walking in when we hit seaworld.

    Anyway...we got home last night and today I hit the grocery store to restock my fridge. Tomorrow its back to the gym for me. I havent weighed in yet since Ive been home, so I have no idea where I'm at... but Its also TOM so there really isnt any point until the end of the week.

    (raises her chocolate milk glass) Here's to a fresh start!! ;0)

    To the new people....Welcome!!!!

    You'll love this group! No judgments, just honest to goodness, good for you suggestions and help when you need it!
    Feel free to share your struggles, some of us have been there before and know what your going through. No need to be shy.. :0)

    I'm off to watch the Biggest Loser from last week and this week on the DVR!
  • CrazybeeRX
    CrazybeeRX Posts: 288 Member
    You're doing a great job Kelly. I think the challenge is a good one. I need to try harder. I go to the doctor on the 16th and I will talk to him about trouble with my weight going up and then down like a see saw. This fibromyalgia is really getting to me. the pain has been so bad lately I just don't move and I eat more from frustration. Hopefully I will get some help from this new doctor.

    Welcome new ones. Maybe we should tell a little about ourselves. I'm Debbie and I am 51 yrs old. I have 4 grown kids and 1 grand daughter. I've struggle with weight all my life. I started MFP last summer and lost 34lbs then I went on vacation to Vegas in September and never got back on track. I gained back 15 lbs . The winter months suck. My oldest son is getting married in July and I want to lose 25 lbs before the wedding. I will really need encouragement and kicks in the butt to keep moving. Please help me and I will do my best to help you!

    Much love to the old group and look forward to getting to know the new gals.

  • cyndeebee
    cyndeebee Posts: 249 Member
    Okay, Deb...Good idea. I'll introduce myself, too.

    I'm Cindy, I live in Canada...and like Deb, I also have fibromyalgia. For the past 2 years, I've been "retired." And for those of you who knew me from before, I am on Disability now...

    I have two grown kids, two granddaughters, and I'm also the mom of a almost-13 year old daughter.
    I live in a small town, close to my family, and my best friends are my parents.

    I never had a weight problem until I hit my 40s. (I'm 55 now.) Now I have to really watch what I eat, because I'm not very active. My fibromyalgia causes a lot of pain, but I also suffer from the chronic fatigue, and it's a rare day when I don't have to curl up on the couch and have a nap or two. (I hate naps.)

    Anyway, I've got excess padding to get rid of right now, and I'm hoping to lose about 4 pounds before the 23rd, because I'm heading to my old home town, to visit my daughter and granddaughters...
  • pawprint061
    pawprint061 Posts: 640
    I should have done this also...

    My name is Kelly. I'm 24. I have one child named April who will be 2 in June. I grew up skinny. I hit 21 and gained like crazy. I am now under my pre-pregnancy weight and back down to my high school weight. I struggled though for about three years trying to loose. I went on diets and finally found this site and bam I've lost 32 pounds.... I'm in Ohio. I work for a non profit dog service/adoption agency. Health problems run in my family and I'm kicking it in the butt before it takes me under.
  • Lisa0711
    Lisa0711 Posts: 1,405 Member
    I'm Lisa. I've always had a problem with my weight, but when I turned 15 I got on the Atkins diet and lost about 25 pounds (starting weight was 215). I quit that diet and started eating better and lost another 15 pounds. Since I was about to turn 16, I really focused on my diet and wanted to be at a good weight for my birthday. I was really happy at that weight (176), even though I wanted to lose a few more pounds. I kept it off for about 6 months and then eating fast food all the time since I could finally get out of the house started to take it's toll. My social life expanded along with my waistline!! I slowly gained, then I met my current boyfriend (September will be 5 years for us :heart: ) and I put on the "boyfriend/love layer." In just 3 months I had gained about 30 pounds, but strange as it may sound, I couldn't see it. Then my scale broke and I gained even more. I got up to 245. I felt so bad all the time. I got sick all the time and I was mean because I was so unhappy and self-conscious. I knew I had to do something. Even though I've been heavier all my life, I don't feel like that's the person I'm meant to be!! So now, I've lost about 50 pounds. But here lately I've gained back a few. (Just haven't had the guts to change my ticker...) It's just so hard for me since noone I know in person really seems to care about eating healthy. I try to all the time, and I try suggesting healthy foods but no one seems to wanna do that. My boyfriend trims right-of-way for the EMC he works at, and he's slim anyway. So he eats what he wants and doesn't put on a pound. If I worked hard like he does for 10 hours a day I probably wouldn't either though! lol

    Anyway, I'm glad to join this group!!
  • nitag
    nitag Posts: 706 Member
    Hi everyone...

    Thanks Kelly for the new thread...

    Nice to see old and new members..

    Cyndi I know what you mean about Texas.. The 4 weeks I was there I gained.. But its hard when you only eat out.. But I'm home, husband's home and hopefully the stress is gone. I'm currently not working and I really don't want to so I am trying to figure out things I can do at home to make money..

    Well I am off here to exercise...

  • pawprint061
    pawprint061 Posts: 640
    Anyone heard from Lulu Bear or adopt4?
  • Julem22
    Julem22 Posts: 107 Member
    Hello, I would like to join. I will post every Friday. That is my weigh in day, but to be honest I have not weighed myself in several weeks because I have not been keeping up well with my food diary and I am so scared to have gained. As a result I keep delaying my weigh in LOL!! Anyway, today is actually the first day I am back on track. Thank you for starting the group.
  • pawprint061
    pawprint061 Posts: 640
    Hello, I would like to join. I will post every Friday. That is my weigh in day, but to be honest I have not weighed myself in several weeks because I have not been keeping up well with my food diary and I am so scared to have gained. As a result I keep delaying my weigh in LOL!! Anyway, today is actually the first day I am back on track. Thank you for starting the group.

    Welcome. You should never be afraid to weigh in. That's a very bad frame of mind to be in for when you see the numbers you might get discouraged. We all have slip ups... it's life. Remember it's a lifestyle change... you have to adapt and accept... it will be ok to slip it's the getting back on track that's so important and that's the best thing... have a support group. Glad you found us.
  • pamh5555
    pamh5555 Posts: 191 Member
    Well, Ladies, Count me in. I can't wait.

    pamh5555............................. SW 215 lbs/GW 125 lbs/CW 195 lbs/PROGRESS -20 lbs

    This is my ultimate goal. However my short term goal is 190 lbs by April 30th.

    The biggest thing that has made me lose the weight is that i am back from vacation and back on schedule so my calories are more consistent and so is the timing of all.
  • iwillweighlessoneday
    iwillweighlessoneday Posts: 30 Member
    I'd like to join too please!

    I'm Jennifer, 27, and mother of an almost 16 month old daughter. I haven't been posting my food here for a few weeks, but I have it all written down in my food journal, so I'll be adding it slowly onto here, and posting from here on out my food.

    I started seriously trying to get rid of weight (not lose - cos everything I lose I find again!) in early March, and I've gotten rid of 12 pounds so far.

    I started really eating horribly when my dad died in 2007, and then I had my daughter in Dec of 08, and didn't feel right afterward, so of course I kept delaying the inevitable. But now that my little one is getting older, I want to do more with her and really just be healthier in general.

    I don't really have a weight goal in mind, but I'd like to be a size 14 again one day.. then I'll probably set a weight goal for myself.