Weight Loss Veteran, beginning again

Hello Everyone!
I just found my drive to start my journey again.
I lost nearly 50 lbs last year and was very happy with my body when at my lightest weight, however, I started a night shift and found the love of my life and let myself go, and I gained back 20 lbs.

I carried that weightloss around like a trophy, and having to edit my weight upwards on here hurt. I feel as if a fresh start is whats best for me at this point, so I can boast about my efforts moving onward, not looking behind me.

Feeling really motivated, not going to wait until the new years, I'm going to start now and kick off 2013 with a BANG. :)

Please friend me if you wish to be motivation buddies! I'm also looking for accountability partners on here!


  • Hello All,

    In addition to the fact that I need to lose 20 lbs, I am also trying to get back into a regular exercise habit. I've lost all motivation after having been pretty constant two years ago. :smile:

    Struggling with a TERRIBLE sweet tooth. Any recommendations will be greatly appreciated.
  • Kimbrlee715
    Kimbrlee715 Posts: 17 Member
    Hoping to make more friends around here. The support from others is the best tool on this site. :)