Getting Over Exercise Embaressment?

How do you get over feeling embarrassed to exercise?

I often put off exercise until my partner is at work so he can't see me. But he's on 2 weeks holidays and it seems like I'll have to not exercise for 2 weeks... it just feels really awkward and embarrassing to exercise in front of him.

Any tips on getting over it?


  • MyOwnSunshine
    MyOwnSunshine Posts: 1,312 Member
    Go for a walk or run by yourself instead? Go in another room and work out.

    I don't like working out at home in front of anyone either, but I either run or work out at the gym. At the gym, we're all in our own little world, so I don't care who's around me.
  • SonyaCele
    SonyaCele Posts: 2,841 Member
    I felt the same for a while but just sucked it up and didn't let it become an excuse to not exercise. And after a week or so , my exercising on the tv with the wii became so annoying to him that he'd go off and do his guy things while I worked out.
  • Emtabo01
    Emtabo01 Posts: 672
    I told my husband not to stare at me when I'm working out, he could be in the same house, though I'd prefer not same room while I'm doing it. I just asked him nicely. I told him I felt dumb doing it in front of him and he of course told me I'm crazy and he doesn't care, he usually plays on his phone in the kitchen and I'm in the family room.
  • cjsacto
    cjsacto Posts: 1,421 Member
    I like to walk and hike with my bf, and we go to the gym together so I don't mind walking/jogging on the treadmill with him there. I'm less comfortable on the stationary bike, but it doesn't bother me too much.

    However, when I do an exercise DVD (I'm doing the 30 Day Shred), I go in a bedroom and close the door. I have outright told him, I can't do all the exercises right and I don't want him to see me. He just shrugged. I had to tell him why I was locking myself in a room, but it doesn't bother him. Don't let it stop you from working out! If you are using a DVD, can you bring a laptop into the bedroom instead of using the TV in the living room?
  • KathieG2013
    KathieG2013 Posts: 9 Member
    I like to walk and hike with my bf, and we go to the gym together so I don't mind walking/jogging on the treadmill with him there. I'm less comfortable on the stationary bike, but it doesn't bother me too much.

    However, when I do an exercise DVD (I'm doing the 30 Day Shred), I go in a bedroom and close the door. I have outright told him, I can't do all the exercises right and I don't want him to see me. He just shrugged. I had to tell him why I was locking myself in a room, but it doesn't bother him. Don't let it stop you from working out! If you are using a DVD, can you bring a laptop into the bedroom instead of using the TV in the living room?

    exactly what I do , go to another room (my studio in my case) and lock the door. Boyfriend and kids are told I am exercising so not to bother me for the next hour. Works just fine.
  • bigfatbino
    bigfatbino Posts: 136 Member
    I used to have this problem. I hated the thought that "everyone was going to laugh at the fat guy exercising." In the gym, or running on the road, wherever. "They" were watching and laughing.

    I just said "I don't give a F%#. I'm out here exercising, and they are all sitting on their backsides in cars passing by, or sitting on a gym machine taking up space.

    Just do it for you, and screw what anyone else thinks about it. =)
  • emmuci
    emmuci Posts: 160 Member
    I think you could go for a jog early in the morning, that way you'll less seen by people, that is what i have done for a long time cause i didn't like it either to be exposed when exercising :smile:
    Or try to go to the gym, and hey, believe me after loosing weight i realized that being overweight and exercising is actually something to look up at and not laugh at. It actually gives motivation. And if someone laughs that is his own damn problem cause in the end i'll laugh when i'm gonna get slim and fit! So chins up and believe in yourself!:drinker:
  • When I go to the gym, I notice that many people are healthy, thin, and good looking. I figure if I keep going to the gym I will eventually look the same way. Simple philosophy but works for me. This reminds me of Winston Churchill, when a lady accused him of being drunk...

    "You are drunk Sir Winston, you are disgustingly drunk. 'Yes, Mrs. Braddock, I am drunk. But you, Mrs. Braddock are ugly, and disgustingly fat. But, tomorrow morning, I, Winston Churchill will be sober."
  • Janelle173
    Janelle173 Posts: 396 Member
    I work out in the bedroom while he is in the living room hanging out with our baby. If I had to work out in the living room, I would ask him to leave for a bit, either to the bedroom, the basement (where he can work out if he is motivated to do so) or to the kitchen. I normally don't let him see me work out at all...My work out clothes show off every little bit of me that I try and constantly hide! lol. BUT, after like 2 weeks of consistently working out, he had to come in the room to grab something. I slowed down and was distracted, he said "don't stop just cus I am in here, keep on going" as a little motivator...and then the next day complimented me and said that he was noticing my body was changing from the effort I was putting in. I don't know if he hadn't noticed up to that point because he didn't ever see me work out so to him, he wasn't thinking about noticing, or if he was just saying he noticed to help keep me motivated...but it was nice to hear.

    I def would not let it be a reason to stop working out. My baby was sick, I went with out sleep for 3 days and 3 nights straight, had a week of hell, then my SO and I ended up sick, then the baby got sick again, and so from then, it knocked me off my work out schedule and it has been hard to get back on the wagon!
  • lina011
    lina011 Posts: 427 Member
    it annoys the **** outta me when my partner is around me when im exercising........i tell him to bugger off"
    I usually workout before he gets up .
    At the gym i could not care less......... we are all there for the same reasons.
  • Dexy_
    Dexy_ Posts: 593 Member
    I guess I might have to turn into a morning person... lol!
  • Maidofmer
    Maidofmer Posts: 908 Member
    I cant let my husband watch me do aerobics. pretty funny when you think about it. hes seen me naked, which is scary in its own right, he was there when I got a c section and was cut in half, but i'll be damned if he sees me work out. he goes into our room and plays a game or watches a movie so I can work out.
  • Set the alarm early and do it first thing - best for your metabolism at that time anyway.
    Or just speak to your fella and say, I need to do my exercised but don't want an audience - are you ok to stay out of the room / you want to pop to the coffee shop / anything you need to do while I do my exercise......

    I get up and get out first thing for a run come rain or shine. sets me up for the day and in the winter months, not many people see you either :)
  • Dexy_
    Dexy_ Posts: 593 Member
    I would do it in our bedroom but the bed hardly fits in it! Let alone me jumping about >< haha.

    I'll have to start getting up earlier... which is hard because this household doesn't even think about getting out of bed until 9am!

    No excuses I suppose... but waking up kids will really suck :( Just gotta do it.
  • By exercising in front of your mate, this may motivate him, and show him how hard you work to get in shape. It may spark another reason to appreciate you. Just saying :)
  • DawnieB1977
    DawnieB1977 Posts: 4,248 Member
    I cant let my husband watch me do aerobics. pretty funny when you think about it. hes seen me naked, which is scary in its own right, he was there when I got a c section and was cut in half, but i'll be damned if he sees me work out. he goes into our room and plays a game or watches a movie so I can work out.

    Haha funny isn't it! My husband has seen me give birth twice, but I really don't want to exercise in front of him! He bought me a Zumba game for the X Box for xmas and I haven't tried it out yet. I was waiting for when I had some peace and quiet and privacy!

    I'm not bothered when I go to the gym though. I don't think anyone pays anyone else any attention.
  • jjscholar
    jjscholar Posts: 413 Member
    The way that I had gone over my exercise embarrassment had been by taking cardio dance classes such as Zumba and Hip-Hop Fitness... Basically, I found a form of exercise that I like very much no matter what...

    I then just stopped worrying about what other people think...
  • aalpass
    aalpass Posts: 124 Member
    Why are you embarassed? Do you feel he is going to judge you? If he's a caring loving husband he will just be proud of you which will hopefully boost your motivation to keep on keeping on.
  • george29223
    george29223 Posts: 556 Member
    noone is ever around when i exercise at the gym its not that i would mind its the fact everyone clears out when i do the nipple dance to warm up right before my work out for those that need a mental picture i basically pinch my nipples while flapping my arms like a chicken while marching in place and ofcorse the nipple song ahhhhhh gotta sing the nipple song
  • Dexy_
    Dexy_ Posts: 593 Member
    Why are you embarassed? Do you feel he is going to judge you? If he's a caring loving husband he will just be proud of you which will hopefully boost your motivation to keep on keeping on.

    It's just embarrassing because he's in really good shape even though he smokes, and eats like it's his last meal!

    I guess it just annoys me having him around when I'm working so hard to get what he has without trying... damn green eyed monster! :P
  • george29223
    george29223 Posts: 556 Member
    everyone sing the nipple warmup song !! nipple niple strong and proud round and pointy sing out loud nipple nipple see me cold jump right in and grab ahold nipple nipple warm and soft know your ready to strarrrrrt
  • Maidofmer
    Maidofmer Posts: 908 Member
    I cant let my husband watch me do aerobics. pretty funny when you think about it. hes seen me naked, which is scary in its own right, he was there when I got a c section and was cut in half, but i'll be damned if he sees me work out. he goes into our room and plays a game or watches a movie so I can work out.

    Haha funny isn't it! My husband has seen me give birth twice, but I really don't want to exercise in front of him! He bought me a Zumba game for the X Box for xmas and I haven't tried it out yet. I was waiting for when I had some peace and quiet and privacy!

    I'm not bothered when I go to the gym though. I don't think anyone pays anyone else any attention.

    I know right! Man has stayed with me in the bathroom, holding my hair back through morning sickness, but no, if im working out and he comes through, it automatically shuts off. I want to try zumba, sounds fun, but with the gym, I don't care whose there.
  • Maidofmer
    Maidofmer Posts: 908 Member
    Why are you embarassed? Do you feel he is going to judge you? If he's a caring loving husband he will just be proud of you which will hopefully boost your motivation to keep on keeping on.

    It's just embarrassing because he's in really good shape even though he smokes, and eats like it's his last meal!

    I guess it just annoys me having him around when I'm working so hard to get what he has without trying... damn green eyed monster! :P
    I know that feeling. my hubby lives off fast food and I think pepsi and monster runs through his veins instead of blood. he 6'2 and barely 195, when wet, wearing cinder blocks.
  • Firefox7275
    Firefox7275 Posts: 2,040 Member
    I would do it in our bedroom but the bed hardly fits in it! Let alone me jumping about >< haha.

    I'll have to start getting up earlier... which is hard because this household doesn't even think about getting out of bed until 9am!

    No excuses I suppose... but waking up kids will really suck :( Just gotta do it.

    Why do you need to wake the kids up? Just leave them sleeping, turn the volume down or get yourself some reasonably priced wireless earphones.
  • Jess21684
    Jess21684 Posts: 202 Member
    yea if the embarassment stops you, try getting outside and working out, go for a walk or run. Honestly, I felt weird at first with my ex and would want to do workout dvds at home but over time I got over it.. Honestly, your man will probably find it totally sexy that your working out and he wont think nothing but good from it :) I would just try to gather up courage to just workout and try to block out any thoughts on it and it will get easier over time or ask him if he can go in another room maybe, my ex usually wouldnt sit literally right in from of me and stare the whole time, usually would be watching tv in our room while I was in the living room working out. Im sure if you explain that its a little akward for you if he is around, he could find something to do or be in another room at least :) either way, he probably finds it attractive that your working out and taking care of yourself, its a good thing. dont let it stop you from kicking butt!!
  • quirkytizzy
    quirkytizzy Posts: 4,052 Member
    I live in a studio apartment so I just had to learn to work out with him right there with me. I was embarrassed to do it in front of him, too, but realized that there just wasn't enough space for me to sequester myself. Sometimes I do it while he's at work, but overall, I just give him stern looks if he giggles. Sometimes I have to tell him not to make me laugh - even I have to admit I sometimes look a little silly while doing my Pilates.
  • Staffygirl88
    Staffygirl88 Posts: 75 Member
    I used to have this problem. I hated the thought that "everyone was going to laugh at the fat guy exercising." In the gym, or running on the road, wherever. "They" were watching and laughing.

    I just said "I don't give a F%#. I'm out here exercising, and they are all sitting on their backsides in cars passing by, or sitting on a gym machine taking up space.

    Just do it for you, and screw what anyone else thinks about it. =)

    love this :)
  • Bless this topic.

    Edit :
    Ugh, I hate that I'm so embarrassed to workout in front of people. I've lost so much weight, everybody tells me I look fantastic, and it doesn't mean a darn thing when it comes to exercise embarrassment. I usually close the door to our spare bedroom, and workout in there in the morning, before my boyfriend wakes up. I can't lock the door though, so there have been plenty of times when my Mom has just busted in on me.

    Yeah, I can't even workout in front of my mom. Most of the time, if she bursts in, the endorphins do a 360 and I have myself a little tantrum and just give up on working out that day. Sounds silly, I know.

    I figure I'm going to have to get over it somehow though ; The boyfriend & I are moving into an apartment in a few months, and I won't have a spare bedroom to workout in. :c
  • Staffygirl88
    Staffygirl88 Posts: 75 Member
    ive been with my other half for 4 years now and ive NEVER done exercise infront of him, this is aerobics dvds (i dont mind running outdoors with him) and i would sneakily do it whilst he was sleeping or out.
    however, he literally just looked at the computer screen to see what i was doing and saw this page and said
    ''are you embarrassed to exercise infront of me''
    and i said ''ofcourse! you'd sit there and mock me cus i know i look stupid doing the aerobics''
    and his response was ''i wouldnt mock you. i wouldnt just sit there and watch you!''

    which was a complete surprise to me! i imagined him sitting on the sofa behind me laughin at me and probs making sexual comments lol. but now i know he wouldnt even be bothered and would just leave me to it :)

    so maybe you should just mention it to him? just say ''i want to exercise but i dont want u watching me'' and he probs wont even be bothered
  • eAddict
    eAddict Posts: 212 Member
    I used to have this problem. I hated the thought that "everyone was going to laugh at the fat guy exercising." In the gym, or running on the road, wherever. "They" were watching and laughing.

    I just said "I don't give a F%#. I'm out here exercising, and they are all sitting on their backsides in cars passing by, or sitting on a gym machine taking up space.

    Just do it for you, and screw what anyone else thinks about it. =)
