Pregnancy 2010 - Week 14



  • tahmed
    tahmed Posts: 409 Member
    Tahmed – I think we will start TTC again in June (I want to double check something with my OB before we decide for sure) maybe we can race :laugh: Congrats on the loss too, awesome!!!

    Jalara - As for outdoor activities. I’m a HUGE walking, LOVE to walk. Walked my first half marathon last October and LOVED it. So I will probably be doing some of that this year too. Have you thought about doing the C25K or whatever it’s called?

    Erinm – thanks for the kind thoughts :flowerforyou: . I’m actually handling it much better this time then last time. I think knowing that I’m healthier than I’ve ever been (which helps and sucks at the same time, I'm much healthier yet this happens) and will be even healthier in a few months helps. I have somewhere else to direct my obsession to, which helps me too

    Pmaria – GREAT work on the 2 bls. Thank you for the well wishes also :flowerforyou: .

    Adegonia – That’s so exciting!!! My friend went off the pill and was knocked up like a week or two later (she's the one who can look at her husband and get pregnant :laugh: ). I think it just depends. I know most medications take about 2 weeks to kick in, so maybe two weeks??? I do recommend tracking your cycle. Makes it easier to know what’s going on and the best time to do the baby dance. I track mine on It’s free and it’s nice to have that record and it's easy.

    Shoppingqueen - 10 lbs for the first half is amazing if you ask me!!! Even my weight watcher leader gained 40 lbs during hers and she has to stay thin to keep her job (of course her kid is 3 months old and she’s lost all but 10 of it). Keep up the good work!!!!

    Jen – Have you changed stuff up lately? Drinking all the water you need? I read your pre-e story and we were pretty close on weeks then. You are so lucky you didn’t end up with magnesium, I slept for DAYS on that stuff. Really don’t remember much of the first couple days of my daughter’s life. To top it off I couldn’t stay awake enough after the c-section to get moved out of recovery so I was there for 5 hours, without my daughter!

    I have a plan!! Oh wait, my weight this week was 197.5, I think I gained 2 lbs, but not sure. Does anyone track this anywhere or do we just do it to keep ourselves accountable? Back to my plan!!! Tahmed, you might be into doing this. I plan to lose 20 lbs by June 30th. Anyone in for a goal of June 30th? My daughters bday is June 29th and that will be around the time we start TTC again, so it worked out. I like having goals, they keep me going :wink: :laugh:

    Anyhow, I’m off to veg and then off to bed. Take care!!!

    Kiffy - I am totally up for a challenge. I think my goal is to loose 5lbs a month for the next 3, so I would like to be 175 on June 31st. With how slowly the lbs have been falling off, I don't think I could hit 20lbs, but I think 15 is reasonable for me.

    Jalara- I hope the pain goes away, but I am glad you were able to get reassurance from the doc. that you are OK.

    As far as TTC, We wanted to start in June, but if I were to get pregnant on the first try, i would be 3 weeks along when we go to Puerto Morelos. It would be a bit of a bummer to be at an all inclusive resort in Mexico and not be able to drink anything, and possibly be sick. So I think we will wait until July. Per the fertility calculator, I will be fertile the first week of July, so hopefully it happens then!! I would love to have a spring Baby!!
  • kerilorene
    kerilorene Posts: 39 Member
    Hello everyone. I have not posted for some time. I have been pretty busy. I am 10 1/2 weeks pregnant with twins so unlike alot of women at 2 1/2 months, I show - big time. Maternity clothes are the only pants I can tolerate and I am worried I will turn into something between a weeble wobble and jabba the hut - yuck. I have to maintain high calories but I am trying to make the calories count. Last night I had rice and vegetables for supper and I feel good today. Fruits and vegetables are my friend - double woppers are not!

    Good luck to all TTC. I was on the pill for 3 years, took my last pill Dec 31st, had a normal period that week, had one more Jan 24 and then no more. But be careful! If you are TTC, use alternate forms of BC for a couple months after stopping the pill because when I ovulated - I ovulated twice! and boom -- Twins - which of course we are happy about but its a lot of take in and we are still getting used to the idea.

    Have a great day everyone!
  • adegonia
    adegonia Posts: 51 Member
    Hello everyone. I have not posted for some time. I have been pretty busy. I am 10 1/2 weeks pregnant with twins so unlike alot of women at 2 1/2 months, I show - big time. Maternity clothes are the only pants I can tolerate and I am worried I will turn into something between a weeble wobble and jabba the hut - yuck. I have to maintain high calories but I am trying to make the calories count. Last night I had rice and vegetables for supper and I feel good today. Fruits and vegetables are my friend - double woppers are not!

    Good luck to all TTC. I was on the pill for 3 years, took my last pill Dec 31st, had a normal period that week, had one more Jan 24 and then no more. But be careful! If you are TTC, use alternate forms of BC for a couple months after stopping the pill because when I ovulated - I ovulated twice! and boom -- Twins - which of course we are happy about but its a lot of take in and we are still getting used to the idea.

    Have a great day everyone!

    That would be Amazing. Easter Sunday my Grandma said that she can just see us running around with twin boys, pretty funny because we didn't decide to ditch the pill until later that night. I'm pretty sure our house is two small for twins, only 2 bedrooms and 1 daughter already. Congrats that would be so exciting!
  • jalara
    jalara Posts: 2,622 Member
    adegonia - we're the same way - we would just adore having twins... we keep hoping it'll happen for us!
  • tahmed
    tahmed Posts: 409 Member
    My husband wants twins too. He keeps asking me if I can tell the dr. that I have been trying for over a year, so he will give us a fertility enhancer, and increase the likelyhood of twins. I said....if God wants it to be it will, but I am not risking the chances of multiples on taking not needed drugs!!!
  • kistinbee
    kistinbee Posts: 3,688 Member
    Well I was down 2 pounds this week as of Monday and Tuesday but TOM is visiting so I'm back up one. I'm hoping it doesn't take too long to get regulated because I took my last bc pill 4/2/10. WE ARE OFFICALLY TRYING! I am halfway to my goal but it feel so good to be healthy now. So does anyone know the average time for your body to start ovulating after a year on the pill? I know it can take a "normal" couple a year to conceive but I don't think that year starts until you have normal cycles. Anywho, Welcome to all the newby's I love this group they are so supportive and full of real life advice!

    Hello! Congrats on TTC!!! Just wanted to say, I was on the pill since I was 16, so for like 10 years. I went off beginning of December 2008, got pregnant that same month! And we had our daughter September 2009! can happen ANY time! Good luck!
  • adegonia
    adegonia Posts: 51 Member
    Thanks guys for all the encourgment. I am on mymonthlycyles now like Kiffypooh suggested. One more thing to distract me at work LOL. I figure it will happen in God's perfect timing until then I have 5 more pounds that need evicted!

    Completely off topic, I am very surprised that the spinach I added to my sub has sodium in it? I would just not log it because I think that it's actually a negative calorie food (you burn more calories chewing it than it has in it) but I am really trying to see where my vitamin levels are so I will be ready for pregnancy. Craziness!
  • jalara
    jalara Posts: 2,622 Member
    Question to the ladies who are TTC (or getting ready to).

    My doc put me on a prenatal vitamin AND folic acid in December - 1 full year before we are planning to start to try. She said the earlier the better. Is anyone else taking them?
  • Caliwaters25
    Hey everyone I have forgotten the weigh in is Wednesday. Oh well I am not too happy with my CW 167 I gained 3 lbs stress eating, and Easter with a chocolate basket have not been the best tools for health eating. But I am back on the horse I gave away the chocolate basket but bought some skinny cow ice cream bars so I still have desert but only if I loose these 3 lbs first. Thanks for the challenge I am already trying to drink more water. I suggest the fresh and fit bottle. When full its 24 oz and its easy to track intake. Goal weight is still 150. We finished our last BCP in February and we took a month off to help my body cycle back to normal and will be TTC this month.
  • erinm
    erinm Posts: 53 Member
    I took a prenatal several months before I got pregnant. My doctor told me it was good for me as well, and that it might actually help me get pregnant. Don't know if that's accurate or not, but I did take one. Ever since I found out that I am pregnant though, I can't take them. They make me vomit. Any kind of vitamin now makes me vomit. They told me to switch to Flintstone's, and just take two of those instead, but I still vomit off of Flintstone's too.
  • jenzimmer
    jenzimmer Posts: 300 Member
    Question to the ladies who are TTC (or getting ready to).

    My doc put me on a prenatal vitamin AND folic acid in December - 1 full year before we are planning to start to try. She said the earlier the better. Is anyone else taking them?

    Folic acid is SUPER important if you are TTC. A lack of it causes neuro tube defects in babies. And by the time you find out you're preggo it can be to late since the neuro tube is the first thing that develops. (I have a degree in Neurology.) So it's always a good idea to have lots of it in your system just in case. You can just take a multi as long as it has 400 of folic acid it in. Even when I was preggo with Kayden I just took reg. vitamins and not prenatals. Good luck!
  • jenzimmer
    jenzimmer Posts: 300 Member
    Tahmed – I think we will start TTC again in June (I want to double check something with my OB before we decide for sure) maybe we can race :laugh: Congrats on the loss too, awesome!!!

    Jalara - As for outdoor activities. I’m a HUGE walking, LOVE to walk. Walked my first half marathon last October and LOVED it. So I will probably be doing some of that this year too. Have you thought about doing the C25K or whatever it’s called?

    Erinm – thanks for the kind thoughts :flowerforyou: . I’m actually handling it much better this time then last time. I think knowing that I’m healthier than I’ve ever been (which helps and sucks at the same time, I'm much healthier yet this happens) and will be even healthier in a few months helps. I have somewhere else to direct my obsession to, which helps me too

    Pmaria – GREAT work on the 2 bls. Thank you for the well wishes also :flowerforyou: .

    Adegonia – That’s so exciting!!! My friend went off the pill and was knocked up like a week or two later (she's the one who can look at her husband and get pregnant :laugh: ). I think it just depends. I know most medications take about 2 weeks to kick in, so maybe two weeks??? I do recommend tracking your cycle. Makes it easier to know what’s going on and the best time to do the baby dance. I track mine on It’s free and it’s nice to have that record and it's easy.

    Shoppingqueen - 10 lbs for the first half is amazing if you ask me!!! Even my weight watcher leader gained 40 lbs during hers and she has to stay thin to keep her job (of course her kid is 3 months old and she’s lost all but 10 of it). Keep up the good work!!!!

    Jen – Have you changed stuff up lately? Drinking all the water you need? I read your pre-e story and we were pretty close on weeks then. You are so lucky you didn’t end up with magnesium, I slept for DAYS on that stuff. Really don’t remember much of the first couple days of my daughter’s life. To top it off I couldn’t stay awake enough after the c-section to get moved out of recovery so I was there for 5 hours, without my daughter!

    I have a plan!! Oh wait, my weight this week was 197.5, I think I gained 2 lbs, but not sure. Does anyone track this anywhere or do we just do it to keep ourselves accountable? Back to my plan!!! Tahmed, you might be into doing this. I plan to lose 20 lbs by June 30th. Anyone in for a goal of June 30th? My daughters bday is June 29th and that will be around the time we start TTC again, so it worked out. I like having goals, they keep me going :wink: :laugh:

    Anyhow, I’m off to veg and then off to bed. Take care!!!

    Yeah, I'm pretty lucky I didn't have that. Why did you have to get it? What was your BP at? I think I was 170/100 maybe even higher. But I think once at the hospital it dropped a little. Once I had the epi it was really low. Plus my labor was so fast so maybe that helped to. I'm sorry you slept so much! Did you BP go back down after you had her? Mine did not. I was on BP meds for months. But now its under control and has been since August of 08. We are going to TTC in May. I don't want to be preggo in summer (at least not the end of my pregnancy) cause of the swelling. I was SOOOOO swollen. I gained 50 pounds and lost 23 pounds 2 weeks after he was born from the water weight! CRAZY! Well I hope this next one goes better and that I don't get pre e again. Good luck!

    As far as working out I feel like I've done everything. I got a trainer, do the 30 day shed, spinning, running, walking, and biking. I cut carbs, watch salt and increased my water. Increased my cals, decreased my cals. I've been at this since last June. Nothing. I've gone from 138-142. It's really frustrating. I give up. I just keep working out and maybe one day the scale will move!
  • shoppingqueen34
    shoppingqueen34 Posts: 226 Member
    Hello everyone. I have not posted for some time. I have been pretty busy. I am 10 1/2 weeks pregnant with twins so unlike alot of women at 2 1/2 months, I show - big time. Maternity clothes are the only pants I can tolerate and I am worried I will turn into something between a weeble wobble and jabba the hut - yuck. I have to maintain high calories but I am trying to make the calories count. Last night I had rice and vegetables for supper and I feel good today. Fruits and vegetables are my friend - double woppers are not!

    Good luck to all TTC. I was on the pill for 3 years, took my last pill Dec 31st, had a normal period that week, had one more Jan 24 and then no more. But be careful! If you are TTC, use alternate forms of BC for a couple months after stopping the pill because when I ovulated - I ovulated twice! and boom -- Twins - which of course we are happy about but its a lot of take in and we are still getting used to the idea.

    Have a great day everyone!

    CONGRATS! Twin - God bless you! :happy: Is this your first pregnancy? I'm 19 weeks and just started to show this past week. I finally made the switch over to maternity pants - but I have to keep pulling them up and it is annoying!! Happy and Healthy 9 months to you!
  • adegonia
    adegonia Posts: 51 Member
    Question to the ladies who are TTC (or getting ready to).

    My doc put me on a prenatal vitamin AND folic acid in December - 1 full year before we are planning to start to try. She said the earlier the better. Is anyone else taking them?

    I started taking them the end of February thinking that we would start trying in August. I am glad that I did because we couldn't stand waiting that long and now I will have at least a couple of months worth in my system. Walgreens has a great prenatal vitamin that is about the size of a tylenol and only about $12 for 100. If you have the iphone app that shows you how much of all your vitamins you are getting you may be surprised prepill how low they are. I bought tums today because I can't seem to get my calcium where it should be.
  • shoppingqueen34
    shoppingqueen34 Posts: 226 Member
    Question to the ladies who are TTC (or getting ready to).

    My doc put me on a prenatal vitamin AND folic acid in December - 1 full year before we are planning to start to try. She said the earlier the better. Is anyone else taking them?

    I started taking them the end of February thinking that we would start trying in August. I am glad that I did because we couldn't stand waiting that long and now I will have at least a couple of months worth in my system. Walgreens has a great prenatal vitamin that is about the size of a tylenol and only about $12 for 100. If you have the iphone app that shows you how much of all your vitamins you are getting you may be surprised prepill how low they are. I bought tums today because I can't seem to get my calcium where it should be.

    It's best to take prenatal vitamins with DHA as well :)
  • kiffypooh
    kiffypooh Posts: 1,045 Member
    Jalara – I hope the pain goes away quickly and you can get back to things. Thanks for the well wishes. We are planning to start again in June, we think :happy: I have an appointment in a couple of weeks for my annual exam and a check up from the mc and I have a few more questions for her. I’ve been taking prenatals for years before even thinking about TTC. I take calcium, not folic acid (I thought all prenatals had enough in them, but I could be wrong). What kind did your dr recommend? I need to get a new jar and want to get better then I’ve been taking. My dr also did a complete blood work up to make sure my body was ready to get pregnant. I need to call and have that done again. I think it was thyroid, cholesterol, diabetes, etc, but I'm not sure.

    Amanda – We both want to be 175 for that challenge, that’s fun! Puerto Morelos sounds like fun too :drinker: . I had a co-worker a few years back who knocked up is girlfriend, married her, went to Mexico for their honeymoon, she turned 21 and THEN she had the baby. Busy year, but I was like…really?? Mexico with your pregnant wife? Poor thing.

    Kerilorene – Great attitude on the food :flowerforyou: . I can not even imagine twins (I’m sure I’ve said it before) my daughter was hard enough :laugh: .

    Adegonia – apparently December is the time to get off the pill :laugh: My husband and I took the relaxed approach when trying with our daughter but when 6 months had passed I wished I had tracked my period. It took me 3 more months to realize that I didn’t really have a very regular cycle. I think it’s always a great idea to track your period. My SIL said it’s a good idea to track moods, bloating, etc. She had 2 mc before she had my niece and said it all came in handy when she met with a specialist. Are you saying fresh spinach has sodium?

    Erinm – My SIL had the same problem with prenatals. She did take them the whole first trimester, but not much after that. My niece is SO smart. I’ve done those quizzes on and I really think she is close to being “gifted”. I took them every day, plus the DHA pills and my daughter is average. She’s a smart girl, but nothing compared to her cousin who is 4 months younger then her.

    Jen – I can’t remember what my BP was, but I kept setting off the machine. Part of my problem was that the hospital I delivered at doesn’t have a NNIC unit so I was an “exciting” case. I think there was a little overreaction on many things because they never have any exciting cases. I couldn’t move off my left side, after a few hours I couldn’t get up to go the bathroom. They tried to give me food, but I had to lay down to eat. I wish I could remember what it was, but I’m a huge flake :happy: I was on BP meds for a few weeks after. That’s when I realized I hated my OB. She went on vacation a couple days after I had my daughter and had no idea what was going on when she got back and didn't seem to care to figure stuff out. My GP ended up taking care of stuff for me. OH, wasn’t the swelling the worst thing ever??? I had marks of my feet for MONTHS from my flip flops. I remember being at work and knowing I couldn’t take my shoes off or I was walking to the car without shoes after work because I couldn't fit them back on. When is your sons bday?
    My friend joined MFP last June and is kind of in the same place. It’s tough. I guess the perk of being larger is you don’t run into those problems as much, although I suspect my time is coming. Keep on going, I’m sure you’ll see a budge someday soon. Do you measure yourself? You may be losing inches, just not weight.

    Shoppingqueen – That’s exciting about the pants. I LOVED maternity pants, why aren’t all pants elastic???
  • fivefatcats
    fivefatcats Posts: 368
    Hi girls! I just spent 45 minutes trying to catch up on everybody because I am touched by your thread.

    Kiffy - hang in there. God has a plan for you.

    Jenzimmer - thank you for your info about prenatals and folic acid and I hope you bust your plateau soon!

    Kerilorene - congrats on the twins. I had twin girls 6 weeks before my 40th birthday and it was the EASIEST THING I EVER DID. Not that all deliveries go that well (who am I kidding, nothing goes that well - ever), but I had an epidural and a GREAT DOC who delivered baby #1 vaginally then wend 'fishing' for baby #2 and delivered her vaginally even though she was feet first. Check out my pics for those perfect little 8 month olds. First two pregnancies were singletons and were delivered vaginally without anesthesia. Now that I have had the epidural, I can't remember why we didn't do that before. We did have one miscarriage between #1 and #2.

    Keri and tahmed - twins are a blessing but they are HARD ******* WORK. I have heard people say having twins isnt like having two babies, its like having 1 1/2 babies. Horse manure!! Its like having two babies. The first months are incredibly challenging - just cry when you need to - cuz there's nothing else to do but pray! I would NOT do twins on purpose. We were the victims of Clomid (I was approaching 40 and doc said this might help me throw an extra "good egg" - yah . . it did - first try).

    I am 40, married, with four beautiful daughters (4.5 years, almost 3, and twin 8 months olds). We are done having children but I would still like to follow your thread.

    You have a group of uplifting caring women here!
  • fivefatcats
    fivefatcats Posts: 368
    Oh hey -

    Erinm - have you tried taking your prenatals at night??? I always took mine right before bed and didn't seem to have any trouble.

    Just a thought!
  • kiffypooh
    kiffypooh Posts: 1,045 Member
    Thanks for the well wishes favefatcats!!! Welcome to the group!
  • 00Angela00
    00Angela00 Posts: 1,077 Member
    omg, I've missed so much! That was a lot to read over! haha, before getting pregnant I was following the C2K and LOVED IT! I highly recommend it.

    I gained 2 pounds this week and am at 160lbs. :-( I know it's good to gain for the baby but it's hard to see those high numbers again.

    Baby doing well ... not to gross anyone out, but this vaginal discharge is soooooo annoying! It's like the discharge you get when you're in your fertile week, but it's non-stop since conception. I'm so self concious of the smell and am kind of getting grossed out by having to clean it up all the time. *sigh that's my one pregnancy complaint (of the week haha) other than that I'm showing more and more, haven't felt the baby since that one time a week ago. I'm excited to start feeling him more often. :-D