New Here, Tips anyone?

Hello everyone my name is Jeanine and im 22 living in California.I made a fitness pal account a while ago but never actually used it, but ive finally decided to take myself seriously and do this. I was going to start at the beginning of 2013 but i decided why not start now? I hope to meet new friends on here that will encourage me and vise versa. I currently weight 275 and my goal weight is 150 ( i have a looong way to go) and i know the first 30 days can be very difficult. Does anyone have any tip or suggestions they would like to share!? Thank you everyone! :happy:


  • Calicoeyeslew
  • jennyelizabuff
    Hiya! I like you have had an account for a while but this is the year I take it all more seriously!
  • jsnearly
    Just be persistent and steady.
  • jonnype
    Re committing to losing weight. Lost 50 pounds last year on MFP but fell off the wagon so to speak and gained 36 pounds. Starting again on 2nd Jan 2013 and will need help and inspiration. Wish me luck, got to get trimmer before I reach 40 years old at the end of May 2013.
  • sunsnstatheart
    sunsnstatheart Posts: 2,544 Member
    1) stick with it
    2) find something that motivates you to stick with it
    3) stay off the forums except for entertainment
  • supermodelchic
    supermodelchic Posts: 550 Member
    Hi, just make sure what you eat has a purpose that it counts , helps your body out, veggies ,protein, complex carbs, healthy fats, your body reflects what you put into it, if you eat like crap well shoot you get my point. Check out other peep's diary's to see how they are doing it.
  • Jeanine1234
    Jeanine1234 Posts: 18 Member
    Hi! :D
  • Jeanine1234
    Jeanine1234 Posts: 18 Member
    Thank you Everyone I really appreciate the suggestions!
  • MaraDiaz
    MaraDiaz Posts: 4,604 Member
    Congrats on starting early.

    My best advice I think is not to give up the first time you stumble, or the second time, or the third time, or ever. This isn't like a new car that doesn't seem new anymore after the first time you spill your coffee in it. So if you have perfectionist tendencies, tell them to show up elsewhere in your life, but not when it comes to getting healthy!
  • Tdk4685
    Tdk4685 Posts: 293 Member
    My suggestion is to keep at it. Keep logging your food, keep exercising, just do it. Even if you feel like you dont want to do it, do it! You will be glad you did when you start seeing results.
  • buzzcockgirl
    buzzcockgirl Posts: 260 Member
    Log your food, track your calories, make smarter food choices, eat smaller portions (on smaller plates!) drink TONS of water (super good for your body and helps keep you feeling full), eat smaller meals more often, and try to do lots of little things that will help with change. Like parking further away when you park, walk where you can, take the stairs, stand in front of the TV (instead of sitting) and 'march' , get a pedometer and commit to taking at least 10,000 steps a day. Dont let yourself sit down to watch TV or go to bed 'til you reach your goal (10,000 is pretty easy- maybe aim higher)....
    Anyways- I could go on and on.... but congrats for getting on here and getting going. Make it a priority- something you HAVE to do each day (logging on, exercising, etc) and you'll see results!!
  • trogalicious
    trogalicious Posts: 4,584 Member
    Break down your goals into steps. If you have your goal weight set, that's awesome.. but don't let that be the only goal. Set a goal of 10 lbs and tracking every meal, etc.

    Eat less, move more, choose healthier alternatives. Make sure you get your water. Realize that you don't have any competition aside from yourself... and at the end of the day, be honest with your logging. Otherwise, you're just cheating yourself.
  • Lyssa62
    Lyssa62 Posts: 930 Member
    1) stick with it
    2) find something that motivates you to stick with it
    3) stay off the forums except for entertainment

    ditto!!! especially #3.
  • fit4lifeUcan2
    fit4lifeUcan2 Posts: 1,458 Member
    1) stick with it
    2) find something that motivates you to stick with it
    3) stay off the forums except for entertainment

    ditto!!! especially #3.

    another ditto and I want to add that you can do this. Believe in yourself and have a can do attitude and you'll get there! I've had times when my WL stalled for over a month and I was very frustrated but I kept with my plan and eventually the scale moved downward again. This isn't an over night thing so don't expect fast results and don't get down on yourself if its not happening as fast as you would like. You didn't gain it over night so you're not going to lose it over night.

    And yes especially #3
  • Khittle123
    Khittle123 Posts: 24 Member
    I am the same way. I've had an account for some time and I have used every excuse in the book not to use it. I actually forgot that I had one until I registered. I decided that to start up again like you.
    What I am doing, and it may help you,is just take it one day at a time. Set a daily goal that seems attainable. Right now my goal is to eat breakfast everyday for 2 weeks. Once that is complete I plan to incorporate eating my daily allowance of veggies everyday. And continue that trend with veggies and fiber and exercise.
  • chrissymcmurray
    I have done this program in the past and it worked great for me. Unfortunately I fell back into old habits and I am now back at square one, but I learned a lot from going through the process. First, know what you are going to eat before you get hungry. If you mentally plan your meals for the day it's a lot easier to stay on track rather than allowing yourself to get hungry THEN trying to decide what to eat. It takes to pressure off and doesn't allow your mind to wander into "what am I craving mode" because you have already told it what is on the menu. Secondly, there are going to be special occasions and events that will push you into eating things you shouldn't. And that's ok ideally you are trying to set up a lifestyle change and it's not realistic to say I'm NEVER eating fatty foods again. The biggest thing is to allow get right back to it the next day. If you can do that, then you will have a much greater chance at successfully changing your lifestyle. That is where I failed last time. I did great, lost weight, but then I moved across the country and through all the going away parties and dinners I strayed so far from my routine that I just thought, well so much for that, rather than knowing that I can just as easily pick up where I left off. So that's where I am at now, except rather than picking up where I left off, I'm having to start over. But it's better than accepting defeat right? It's a learning process and as long as you learn from the mistakes you make along the way and don't give up on yourself, you will see the results you are looking for. I wish you the best of luck, and let the new you shine through!
  • fit4lifeUcan2
    fit4lifeUcan2 Posts: 1,458 Member
    I want to add that what really helped me was that I set small goals for myself. Gave myself a non food reward for reaching those goals. Example: after losing my first 10 pounds I got my hair done. Another 10 lbs and I treated myself to a movie. After I lost another 10 pounds of course I had to buy new clothes. Don't look so far ahead or you'll get frustrated and scared and doubt yourself. Take mini goals one at a time. After reaching that goal make a new goal for yourself with a reward of something you've always wanted. Got myself new boots as one goal. YOU CAN DO THIS!!!!
  • LittleMiss_WillLoseIt
    LittleMiss_WillLoseIt Posts: 1,373 Member
    Eat within your calories intake
    Work hard
  • Caguppie
    Caguppie Posts: 53 Member
    Find about 30 or more friends (look for some folks with similar goals & interests). Log in EVERY day. Even if you don't want to or can't log food/exercise. By just logging in, you will help build the habit of checking in everyday. Post to friends updates and by supporting their successes and challenges, you will be inspiring yourself to keep at it. I think it builds from there

  • NeverGivesUp
    NeverGivesUp Posts: 960 Member
    get a good support system. I loooove my MFP friends.