Pedometer or Heart rate monitor??

I'm looking to increase my fitness level by purchasing either a pedometer or heart rate monitor...but I'm stuck as to what to purchase. I looked at the reviews for Ifit, and they look great except they don't measure heart there a devise that measures heart rate AND tracks exercise as well? Which ones do you guys suggest? Thanks in advance!!


  • ashnmaddie
    ashnmaddie Posts: 1 Member
    I like to know how hard I am working out by using a heart rate monitor. It also lets me know over time how I am doing... what used to be hard is now easier...
  • kabertrand63
    kabertrand63 Posts: 111 Member
    A HRM is much more accurate and I'd recommend that so you can accurately know if you are in your target zone etc. I also just bought the Fuel Band from Nike, wanted to know how my activity is during the day in general (glorified pedometer) and reviews say it's a great motivator. There's a new gadget on the market, pre-orders starting in January, called Amiigo. Shipping won't be until April so I couldn't wait but that one looks amazing.
  • losininlakeview
    losininlakeview Posts: 4 Member
    Thanks~!! I'll look into the Fuel Band from Nike, I just needed a starting point! :)
  • angel79202
    angel79202 Posts: 1,012 Member
    I love my Polar Heart Rate monitor :)
  • lois4468
    lois4468 Posts: 166 Member
    Fitbit works with MFP to track steps, stairs, sleep, cals burned etc. There is even a group on here if you want to read about it. So far I have purchased a Polar FT4, which I used for my walking and works outs ( mowing, etc.) no real exercise here. It is good to know but I have settled on wearing the Fitbit everyday. Gives me good numbers and is the easiest to use. Not sure you need any of them but if budget is limited I would go with the Fitbit. Look for the older model and find a good deal on it.
  • kabertrand63
    kabertrand63 Posts: 111 Member
    The fuel band doesn't do HRM. Agree the FitBit may be best for you, I just prefer to wear my activity tracker on my wrist rather then on my person somewhere. I just know it will end up in the wash!
  • JudyAngelman
    JudyAngelman Posts: 58 Member
    I just picked up my Fitbit today from Brookstone in the mall. It was the same price there that was being advertised online. I am excited to see how it works, I have heard so much about it.
  • kabertrand63
    kabertrand63 Posts: 111 Member
    Awesome, keep us posted! I spent such a long time trying to figure out what I wanted. Also, a new product is coming out for pre-order in January and ship in April called Amiigo. Looks AWESOME but I can't wait.
  • HSingMomto7Kids
    HSingMomto7Kids Posts: 345 Member
    I would say HRM!!!
  • corneredbycorn
    corneredbycorn Posts: 267 Member

    It's my favorite little gadget.
  • Polar watches! They're life changing.
  • Get a HRM. Best thing I've done during my journey thus far. I got a watch at Wal-Mart for about $30 or so. It tracks your calories, too.
  • DrBorkBork
    DrBorkBork Posts: 4,099 Member
    Polar HRM or Body Fit Media (bodybugg) should help you track your cals & exercise. A pedometer will only track how many steps you take in a day.
  • kabertrand63
    kabertrand63 Posts: 111 Member
    Yep, HRM is the way to go. I just like my gadgets :)
  • KelliW_runner
    KelliW_runner Posts: 150 Member
    I've been wearing fitbit every day for nearly a year. I like the information it collects and my husband and I have "contests" on step goals, etc. I also have a Garmin Forerunner HRM with GPS that I use for running (and occasionally HIIT and cycling). I can override the calorie burns for a period in time on fitbit's website if I think the HRM is more accurate. It is very easy and it all syncs with MFP through fitbit's site.
  • I am glad you posted this, I have been looking for some suggestions on good HRM's.