I need help with dieting and exercise! Tips?

Hi everyone, I just re-joined MFP and my target goal is 55lbs. My weekly minimum goal is at least 3lbs a week. However, I need help!

I work full time 9-5 p.m. and go to school 3 times a week at night!

I need an exercise plan and diet plan on a budget---Also, my shape is odd. I am thick with a heavy bottom and thick thighs! I was told before I shouldn't do heavy exercise on my bottom half because I would expand even more. I need a work-out plan without machines to get me in shape.

Can anyone give me some tips.



  • mambagirl
    mambagirl Posts: 137 Member
    My first tip is to be realistic.Set your 3lbs per week down to 2..maybe 1.
  • lee91356
    lee91356 Posts: 330 Member
    The best diet tip I can give you is to focus on proteins to keep you full and not waste your calories on empty foods that will just give you calories but no nutrients.

    For exercise I use free running/ jogging apps on my smart phone to track ex; C25K. I also started doing at home workouts such as Jillian Michael and resistance bands. Videos can be found at stores like Best Buy, Target, Walmart for cheap and can be reused and also you can find stuff on like - youtube and such.

    Good luck!
  • Yeah I know I should be making more realistic goals, but in my mindset if I make a high goal for myself then I will push myself to reach my goal...So I guess ideally I want to lose 3lbs a week. I would still be happy with loosing one or two!
  • Thanks! That helps I will check out some apps for working out and I think there are some fitness videos on my ondemand service...Its just difficult to find a set plan, because when i was seeing a nutritionist before he advised me to do minimal activity with my legs and running because my lower half is wide...He advised if I work that section out by running and so forth it will build muscle and expand. He suggested that I walk and light work outs on that half and when I do loose enough weight I could increase it. It just sucks because I want to go hard on working out and I don't want to work the wrong areas!:smile:
  • Khittle123
    Khittle123 Posts: 24 Member
    hmm..well work out the days that you don't go to school, and be mindful on what you eat. Make sure that what you put in your body is healthy. have protein with every snack and meal, drink lots of water.
    Something I am trying to do is make a few dinner recipes for the whole week, then cook them all in one day and freeze them. any time i pick recipes i pick recipes that serve four, that way i can get four meals out of it. I can either take it to work the next day or use it for dinner. then, i plan what snacks i am going to have for the up coming week and portion those out. that way i can grab and go. I always try to have a lean protein in every snack and meal, then either a whole grain or a fruit with my snack.
    do you have a pintrest account? they have awsome fitness tips and recipes.
  • spankywife
    spankywife Posts: 40 Member
    Fitness blender has a bunch of amazing free workouts on youtube. Drink your water! Get adequate sleep. Eat vegetables. And be kind to yourself.
  • Thanks! I will be sure to check out Fitness Blender!
  • AntWrig
    AntWrig Posts: 2,273 Member
    Thanks! That helps I will check out some apps for working out and I think there are some fitness videos on my ondemand service...Its just difficult to find a set plan, because when i was seeing a nutritionist before he advised me to do minimal activity with my legs and running because my lower half is wide...He advised if I work that section out by running and so forth it will build muscle and expand. He suggested that I walk and light work outs on that half and when I do loose enough weight I could increase it. It just sucks because I want to go hard on working out and I don't want to work the wrong areas!:smile:
    Don't listen to him.

    You should equally work your lower and upper regions. You can only build muscle in a calorie surplus.
  • Natihilator
    Natihilator Posts: 1,778 Member
    Thanks! That helps I will check out some apps for working out and I think there are some fitness videos on my ondemand service...Its just difficult to find a set plan, because when i was seeing a nutritionist before he advised me to do minimal activity with my legs and running because my lower half is wide...He advised if I work that section out by running and so forth it will build muscle and expand. He suggested that I walk and light work outs on that half and when I do loose enough weight I could increase it. It just sucks because I want to go hard on working out and I don't want to work the wrong areas!:smile:

    You are most likely similar to me in that you carry the bulk of your excess fat in your hips and thighs. This just means that the fat will probably come off here last, but those areas will also lean up as you lose weight overall, so don't let the fear of getting bigger from working out the "wrong areas" stop you! If I took your nutritionist's advice, I couldn't do most of the activities I love - hiking, biking, squats, etc. and I would be pretty pissed...and inactive.
  • PikaKnight
    PikaKnight Posts: 34,971 Member
    FYI - you can't spot reduce...
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    Thanks! That helps I will check out some apps for working out and I think there are some fitness videos on my ondemand service...Its just difficult to find a set plan, because when i was seeing a nutritionist before he advised me to do minimal activity with my legs and running because my lower half is wide...He advised if I work that section out by running and so forth it will build muscle and expand. He suggested that I walk and light work outs on that half and when I do loose enough weight I could increase it. It just sucks because I want to go hard on working out and I don't want to work the wrong areas!:smile:

    No offense but your nutritionist has no clue about exercise and how it impacts your physiology. You will not 'bulk up'. Working your legs has the best metabolic effect due to the fact that your muscles are so much bigger in your bottom half compared to your top half.

    Eat at a reasonable caloric deficit, get enough protein and do some kind of resistance training and do other exercise/cardio if you want.,
  • Thanks everyone yeah I love riding bikes and I like jogging and he put me in the wrong mindset...I will definitely take everyone's advise. I started youtubing work outs so that should help. I like the idea of making pre-planned food for the week. I know some of this is common sense, but it just takes some reassurance and helpful tips to get me motivated and pay attention to my diet plan.
  • honkytonks85
    honkytonks85 Posts: 669 Member
    Hi everyone, I just re-joined MFP and my target goal is 55lbs. My weekly minimum goal is at least 3lbs a week. However, I need help!

    I work full time 9-5 p.m. and go to school 3 times a week at night!

    I need an exercise plan and diet plan on a budget---Also, my shape is odd. I am thick with a heavy bottom and thick thighs! I was told before I shouldn't do heavy exercise on my bottom half because I would expand even more. I need a work-out plan without machines to get me in shape.

    Can anyone give me some tips.


    3lbs is way too unrealistic when you haven't got THAT much to lose
  • cubanbruin
    cubanbruin Posts: 31 Member
    definitely do lots of cardio..maybe a walk after work or school.. try and get pure cardio in right when you wake up so that you have zero glucose in your blood and you can burn pure fat in the mornings..try a work out video or a run in the morning before breakfast..

    the weight should melt off

    and switch your diet to lots of protein..light carbs stay away from heavy bread dishes

    just be dedicated, you can do it! :)
  • Louisianababy93
    Louisianababy93 Posts: 1,709 Member
    weight loss is in simple terms Calories in vs. calories out,If you're eating at a deficit, you'll lose weight.
    Three lbs per week isnt really ideal..just thowing that out there.

    Cardio-makes you smaller.
    strength training- makes you look good naked.( Dont forget protein for your muscles.)
    & as Joylia said, you can't spot reduce.

    Here's some links.
    http://www.bodyrecomposition.com/articles <----READ!! especially the articles that partain to you.
  • Oishii
    Oishii Posts: 2,675 Member
    It sounds like you're the same shape as one of my friends. She still runs etc. when she loses weight, and when she gets to her ideal weight her hips and thighs are in better proportion to the rest of her, and certainly not bulky.
  • jkestens63
    jkestens63 Posts: 1,164 Member
    You need to set a realistic goal. You said you would be happy with one pound... aim for that and the motivation that results from frequent success help you reach your ultimate goal. If you happen to lose more, great! You will get frustrate if youconstantly try for an unobtainable goal.. and three pounds a week is not obtainable in a safe manner for the long run.

    You've also said you are rejoining MFP, so you weren't successful before. Don't set yourself up for failure. You can do this if it is a lifestyle change and not just a diet to reach a number.

    And exercising your lower body will not make you thick, it will tone you up and make you leaner as you lose. I've never heard of anything so ridiculous from a "professional".

    Good luck, stay focused!
  • TahleelDreamy
    TahleelDreamy Posts: 16 Member
    Hi! Welcome back! 3 lbs per week is too aggressive, better to be realistic and set up your MFP goals correctly, so you can actually stick to the eating plan and track your results. Trying to trick yourself by raising a high bar will only confuse the calorie allowance, then it becomes very confusing and frustrating to actually track fat, protein and carb grams while using MFP.

    I think you got bad advice about not training the whole body. The truth is, the bulk of your 'heavy bottom' weight isn't muscle tissue anyway, it's fat. Fortunately, when you lose, you will lose everywhere. Though it may be true you lose on top first. Be patient, the results will come. I always lose in the face first, which is great because even if its only been 5 lbs, everyone notices and compliments me. But I aimed to lose the belly fat primarily, and that happened but only after my bra size shrank considerably. No worries though, because the pant sizes started dropping too!

    The best advice I can give you is to be very mindful with food. Eat clean and simply. Load up on the good stuff (vegetables, fruits,whole grains, and lean meats ...in that order) and eliminate the bad stuff (white sugar, flour, pasta, rice, potatoes and anything processed). Eat breakfast like a king, lunch like a prince and dinner like a pauper and you will do just fine!
  • TheMsJen
    TheMsJen Posts: 6 Member
    When you are work are you behind a desk for most of that time? If so, see if your boss minds you replacing your chair with a ball. Walmart sells a good ball with a support ring for $20 or less. It will help you with balance, stomach muscles, and you can do cardio while doing paperwork by doing a steady bounce.

    If your standing the majority of the time, wear athletic shoes and walk in place, alternating between step or just lifting your heels alternatively.

    You can do sitting exercises in a chair or micro stretches while standing.

    Since I don't work I don't know if these will work where you work, but they help me at home since I'm disabled. My balance and flexibility are wonderful. Try doing flexibility exercises for your bottom half and toning for your upper half.

    Oh you could also wear weights on your wrists or ankles. Or you could take them to work in your purse and use during breaks.