Advice Pls!



  • lachesissss
    lachesissss Posts: 1,298 Member
    It sounds like you are obsessed with numbers. My advice, find more exercise to do around your house if the gym is not an option (although it sounds like you're using the work of going to the gym as an excuse to not go, when you could cut a few of those listed prohibitive activities out to save time so that you can go). Incorporate more protein and healthy fat into your diet and less carbs/ processed food, (this is a proven way to lose weight - and should increase your levels of satiety). If you aren't drinking water, drink more water, and cut down on sodium (to get rid of bloat). Hope this helps.
  • ILiftHeavyAcrylics
    ILiftHeavyAcrylics Posts: 27,732 Member
    I joined this site before my wedding wanting to lose 20 lbs so I get what you're feeling, but seriously, it's one day. It's not worth getting yourself into unhealthy eating habits and losing muscle just to have some arbitrary number on the scale. Honestly I did make my goal but since I lost so much weight after my fitting my pictures look terrible anyway-- my dress is hanging off of me.

    Since you've only got 20 lbs to lose a goal of 1 lb per week is more appropriate for you than 2 lbs per week. And yes, adding more protein, fat, and fiber will help keep you fuller, but I think you ought to stick with eating 1350 if that's where you're feeling full and just lose as much as you lose with that goal. You are going to be happy and beautiful on your wedding day no matter your size. Try not to stress about the number on the scale.
  • DopeItUp
    DopeItUp Posts: 18,771 Member
    Eat more satiating foods with lots of fiber and protein. Shoot for at least 100g of protein a day and 25g+ of fiber. You will feel much better on your limited caloric intake.

    As for increasing weight loss, if you don't want to starve yourself and you don't want to exercise, there's nothing you can do. Exercise of any kind will help increase your calorie deficit up to the desired ~500 that you seem to desire. Definitely the best choice. Doesn't have to be a gym. Find something you can do and just do it.

    Or, simply don't fret how long it takes. Because it WILL take longer than you think, or want. Taking risky steps (like undereating) just for a silly goal (like being thinner for your wedding) is a slippery slope. A week after your wedding, no one will care or even remember what happened at the wedding - least of all, how you looked. How about focusing on a lifetime of being at a healthy weight and eating properly and maybe even getting in shape?
  • jesz124
    jesz124 Posts: 1,004 Member
    I'm not really sure what the question is if I'm honest. You seem to be reasoning with yourself that it's ok to eat at a large deficit. You seem to realise you'll lose muscle and it won't be a healthy thing to do, but want to tell yourself that's it's not really a bad thing to do in your case? Do you just want someone to affirm your plan? Scale weight so isn't the big I am when it comes to body changes. It's totally over rated. I personally wouldn't touch a 1000 cal a day diet wedding or no wedding. In fact I'm getting married in November this year. I started changing habits in July to give myself 18 months to achieve my goal body. Faddy quick fix diets are not the answer to getting a great body. Sorry, I know it's not the answer you want, but I believe it's true.
  • mambagirl
    mambagirl Posts: 137 Member
    Go back to your fish and veggies diet and watch free exercise videos on youtube...or on the cable box,or from the Library.Buy some weights or Kettlebells for the house if you can use those.
  • aggars
    This is a quite fascinating. As some one who has been trying to become fitter and loose weight over the last 3-5 months, I now realise that the Calorie charts and goals have been through a lot of research and doubting their wisdom isn't something that should be done without sound (logical) considerations.

    I currently aim for 1200 calories a day (my BMR is 1750). I rarely stick to my calorie goal, though I exercise everyday and aim to burn atleast 500 calories through phyical exercise everyday. The result is that I rarely exceed a net calorie intake of any more than 1000 calories.

    In the last 15 weeks, I have lost about 16 pounds,. This actually adds up, as I got married once in between, as did my sister, and for both weddings my calorie intake went craxy and I did no exercise for 10 days each. So, given all that to loose 16 pounds has been fairly pleasing.

    More importantly - I haven't starved myself. What I have become better at is realising that in my head volume = satisfaction a lot of the times. So, if a plate sitting in front of me is full to the brim with food, then by the end of it I will be satisfied. If that is a plate full of Chips or sauteed cabbage - is something my mind isn't very good at deciphering, and provided it's tasteful it seems to make very little difference.

    I would, from personal experience, suggest that you should include a lot of fresh vegetables in your diet - salads with dressing (limited) - as they are voluminous food, which visually satisfy hunger - and in some ways aid the metabolic system which in turn will hep weight loss.

    However, going into starvation mode isn't really something I or most people on this forum can endorse. You can starve yourself for a few days, but any longer just won't be possible.

    And if you're concerned about the social noise at eating healthy, imagine the cacophony if you were to stop eating altogether!?!
  • TheKeithEllis
    TheKeithEllis Posts: 155 Member
    Raise your daily calorie limit to something more sensible, continue to exercise as you are, see results. I think that's concise enough. :)
  • melaniecheeks
    melaniecheeks Posts: 6,349 Member
    You're feeling hungry....but you think it's a good idea to eat less?
  • pkw58
    pkw58 Posts: 2,038 Member
    Do you feel hungrier when you are stressed? I would be stressed if I was working that many hours and planning a wedding! I learned to get up and walk for 5-10 minutes if I was suddenly feeling hungry when I knew I had had plenty to eat (and I just learned that this year).. if I couldn't walk away from my desk I stood up at my desk and practiced standing on one foot for 5 minutes and then would alternate the other foot.

    I also learned protein was my friend. It really kept the hunger pangs away. So does even just half an avocado with my lunch... well worth the calories in nutriition and keeping hunger away.

    To be perfectly honest, I lost 45 pounds in 2012 with getting my food under control, and walking and yoga. I am just getting full force into Barre 3 as well, but want to intensify my walking into running as well - learning to do that is a bit more challenging as I adopt to my new body weight!

    Good luck with your wedding and healthy living journey!
  • TheKeithEllis
    TheKeithEllis Posts: 155 Member
    Thing is, if you really want to boil things down to the most simple, you don't actually even need to exercise to do this - I've pretty much lost most of my weight through pure calorie counting, apart from the odd cycle ride here and there, but making sure I get as near to or as little over my 2000 limit I self imposed. I am now taking it to the next stage as I prepare to do my first triathlon amongst a few insane cycle rides throughout 2013, it will be even more important to ensure my calories are fully taken in with the addition of exercise to my daily routine. Of course one then has the added benefit of hauling back the cals should you go over the daily intake allowance. :)