Starting 30 day shred - 01/01/2013



  • ct52577
    ct52577 Posts: 15 Member
    I'm in for now until I have surgery on 1/9/13 and then I need to take a months break and then I'll be back I hope. I did Level 1 twice today once in the morning and once this evening.
  • leeza898
    leeza898 Posts: 7 Member
    Hi Everyone! I've used the MFP journal for couple of months now but haven't been active in the forum. I actually just started reading the threads about a month ago and love how it's motivating. I just bought the 30DS at Ebay for $6 with free shipping after seeing some 30 days post pictures result. So I am IN! Very excited! Thank you for starting this.
  • L_Stradford
    L_Stradford Posts: 156 Member
    How heavy are the weights you all using at the start?

    I am using three pound weights.
  • daniellescsu
    daniellescsu Posts: 101 Member
    I have a group for this starting 1/2/2013 since some of us are lazy the day after new years. If anyone can't start the 1st feel free to join us on the second. Search in the groups area for 30 Day Shred 1/2/13.
  • cupcakegirl81
    cupcakegirl81 Posts: 2,033 Member
    I'll be starting on the second. My friend is lending me her DVD that day. I'm so looking forward to it! I've been losing weight, but I really want to tone my body! To look better! From the pics I've seen, I think this may be a good start!
  • ajmom59
    ajmom59 Posts: 5 Member
    I was just looking at this on youtube and decided to start tomorrow. I heard somewhere that you do each level Monday through Friday for 2 weeks to equal the 10 days. That way you have weekends off to rest.

    Is that the way most people do it or do you just go straight through every day? The M-F plan will probably work better for me.

    I will have to do a lot of modification because she seems to like a lot of jumping which is bad on my knees. But I like the way she combines strength, cardio & abs so I will give it my best shot!!
  • Shyler30
    Shyler30 Posts: 16 Member
    Count me in!
  • HotMummyMission
    HotMummyMission Posts: 1,723 Member
    Me me me! I need to drop a dress size in jan! X
  • I'm planning on starting the shred on the first as well... just curious if anyone has done it and had great results! ? :)
  • Elphaba91
    Elphaba91 Posts: 66 Member
    I just bought the DVD today and am planning on starting tomorrow! :D
  • freya33
    freya33 Posts: 149 Member
    Count me in. I have sarted it about 4 times and never got beyond day 6.
  • AshleyLo_44
    AshleyLo_44 Posts: 206 Member

    One of my goals for 2013 is to be able to do 20 boy press ups! I want to get strong not just to lose weight! x

    I am totally with you on this goal!
  • KathieG2013
    KathieG2013 Posts: 9 Member
    I am on day 2 of level 1 today :smile: Figured no time like the present. It is tough going but results done come for free I guess.
  • just did my second day today ! the first half was killer, but the second half i felt great =]

    did measurements today as well
    waist 28in
    hips 35in
    thigh 21.5 in

    wasnt exactly sure where to measure on my thigh but i have a freckle so i decided to measure where the freckle is so i know where to measure next time !
  • Osaado
    Osaado Posts: 1
    Hey! I've just started her ripped in 30 video! I've heard that they are both affective.
  • alamarana2885
    alamarana2885 Posts: 91 Member
    invite me please!!
  • Arwaxx
    Arwaxx Posts: 113 Member
    oooh i thought u have to buy the DVDS, if its on youtube,, i will also do it when i dont go to the gym!!
  • chubbygirl253
    chubbygirl253 Posts: 1,309 Member
    I'm so excited! I'm starting it 1/1 as well.
  • Iwillblossom
    Iwillblossom Posts: 44 Member
    I'll like to join.