being honest

Why are you the weight you are?

I dont smoke, I dont drink, I dont do night clubs I am a mum and a housewife. I cook, clean, clear up sick and wipe snotty noses. i love my life and wouldnt change it for the world... except the weight. Food seemed to be my only outlet, hubby was working nights, kids in bed by 7 with only junk food and tv to keep me company of an evening i developed a tasting for takeaways (up to 3 per week at one stage) Exuses is all i see now i read this back to me and im so let down by myself for getting this bad. New attitude for 2013 and healthy and normal weight i will become!


  • GaiaGirl1992
    GaiaGirl1992 Posts: 459 Member
    Hanging out with friends and emotional issues for me! Boredom=go to the kitchen. A night of crying or being pissed off =kitchen. Going out with friends means going to Dennys for cheesy fries with ranch. As well as a love for food and cooking, most of my favorites are high calorie treats...sigh.
  • tuckerrj
    tuckerrj Posts: 1,453 Member
    Yep, it's recreational eating. If I only ate when I was hungry I wouldn't be in this mess.
    When I'm happy - I eat
    When I'm sad - I eat
    When I celebrate - I eat
    When I mourn - I eat
    When I'm bored - I eat
    When I'm partying - I eat
    and the list goes on & on. None have anything to do with HUNGER.
  • annams76
    annams76 Posts: 161 Member
    There are so many reasons. I got depressed at one point. I gained a ton of weight when I was pregnant and it didn't just fall off like I thought it would. I've had 4 abdominal surgeries and more importantly than anything else I LOVE food. Food of all kinds too.
  • a_certain_shade_of_green
    i spent my late teens and my 20s out drinking and clubbing. my diet wasnt so bad except for the occasional takeaway. i had some great times, and i wouldnt change them but there's no doubt in my mind that if i had another outlet for good times then i wouldnt have to be trying to lose weight. i've always been active, and i suppose at least that aspect of weightloss is covered, it was just a matter of building fitness levels up by looking after other parts of my lifestyle.

    this year i got things into check and lost 10kg. another 10-15kg next year and i'll be delighted (and hopefully without a gut)
  • raethepain
    raethepain Posts: 13 Member
    People often scoff at my reason for being overweight, but it's a true story- I mostly under eat.

    I'm terrible at knowing when I'm hungry, or planning meals ahead, or even having enough money for food. I can go a whole day without touching food, then get to the very end of a hard day, feel faint, and binge. It's really bad for me. It also means that when I get "free" food, at someone's house or an event or something, I really go to town. Because hey, who knows when I'll be able to eat like this next?

    So part of the battle is not so much eating less, but spreading it out over the day so I'm not eating 1400-1700 calories in one sitting right before bed!
  • plaingirly
    I used to eat too much and do no exercise. x
  • katy_trail
    katy_trail Posts: 1,992 Member
    I. just. didn't. care.

    I knew how much calories was in the mac and cheese, delivered pizza, chips, birthday cake....
    but just didn't care. and couldn't seem to make myself care. or do much about it.

    I realize now that I had to have been in a depression for oh most of this past year, maybe a bit more.
    still not sure if it's a medication issue or just my life.

    but for the most part, I have a good life, and I have to start appreciating my blessings.
    need a whole redo now. really hate waiting for the new year so the challenges can start.
    I'm tired of waiting and wasting my time.
  • katy_trail
    katy_trail Posts: 1,992 Member
    I completely understand what you're saying.
    when you're not eating most of the day, your metabolism slows way down.
    then when you finally have time to eat or are hungry, you're starving and all
    those calories go straight to the problem areas on your body.

    maybe you could make ahead some different varieties of breakfast and lunch burritos to make it easy to grab and go?
    you could freeze a week or 2 at a time.
    i love baked sweet potatoes too.
    just leave it in the oven low and slow, grab and go for work/school. could prob freeze too.
  • Easywider
    Easywider Posts: 434 Member
    Mostly because I've adopted this lifestyle from a young age to increase my performance in sports. I've made progress each and every year, I've achieved and exceeded my goals, but most of all I'm happy.

    I got here because I never made any excuses. I held myself accountable for my actions/inaction's. I maintained bearing in times of trying and I persevered.
  • poedunk65
    poedunk65 Posts: 1,336 Member
    Get off your *kitten* and get healthy girl!!!

    Add me if you like, i WILL be honest and forthright in my suggestions and opinions..

    Plus you can see how i eat and what recipes i have come up with. Also i HIGHLY recommend reading Forks Over Knives.
  • MrsPixelbark
    MrsPixelbark Posts: 175 Member
    Honestly- I put my weight down to being silly whilst being a teen: I wasn't having an overly easy time of school and I slowly started eating more. I met the Mr when I was 17, and as he was quite bad at overindulging, I picked up the habit. Things only got worse for a number of years as life got rougher and rougher for the next decade: and I slowly started eating more. Looking back at it, I'm still not 100% quite sure why I started eating more, I'm sure it started with trying to get some instant satisfaction but wound up becoming normal to eat such large portions of everything. I suspect to begin with it started as innocently as just overindulging with my other half, but the overindulgence slowly became larger and larger.

    For about half a decade I thought had enough problems stemming from life, so I didn't really address the eating: it had become normal, and I told myself I was happy. (To be honest, despite being a size 20/22, the actual weight didn't get me down. Apart from clothes shopping I didn't care all that much, the other half told me I was still beautiful in his eyes- so things were alright.) Thinking back on it now, I shudder when I think about what I used to classify as a 'normal' portion (a whole extra large pizza + sides from pizza hut, or an entire crock pot of stew to myself), but it's what I put my old weight down to if you add this to a fairly sedentary lifestyle.

    Don't get me wrong, I don't blame the Mr, I decided what I wanted to put into my mouth over those five years +. What happened was completely my own fault! Oh well, a good 40-50kg and two and a half years later I think I'm starting to get there now. :)
  • kellygirl5538
    kellygirl5538 Posts: 597 Member
    People have NO idea how much they eat until they log their is unreal...I eat when I'm nervous...sometimes I have to say the word NO when I pick up something in an inpulse.
  • quirkytizzy
    quirkytizzy Posts: 4,052 Member
    A godawful depression sent me towards eating ridiculous amounts of sweets every day for three months straight. (A dozen donuts, half a quart of ice cream, and nearly an entire box of cereal. Every day.) The medication change that accompanied that cemented that made me feel even more hopeless, so I didn't bother changing what I was doing. I forgot that I had the power to control what I put in my mouth and just kept making excuses.

    I was at my goal weight in February of this year. I kept telling myself that there was no way I'd gain any real weight since I was already slim. My delusion is what got me fat.
  • shellux
    shellux Posts: 164 Member
    I could have written this post lol
  • shellux
    shellux Posts: 164 Member
    Yep, it's recreational eating. If I only ate when I was hungry I wouldn't be in this mess.
    When I'm happy - I eat
    When I'm sad - I eat
    When I celebrate - I eat
    When I mourn - I eat
    When I'm bored - I eat
    When I'm partying - I eat
    and the list goes on & on. None have anything to do with HUNGER.
    Must add it was this post I could have written as the original post includes a hubby, not got one of those :)
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    When I initially gained weight, it was partially because my incredibly fast meabolism slowed down as I aged and had to accept that I could no longer eat as much of whatever I wanted and maintain a small size. So, basically, ate too much and didn't move enough.

    I lost that weight and maintained for a couple years. Then I got Mirena and ballooned up 25 pounds and gained and couldn't lose no matter what I did.

    So now the Mirena is gone and I'm working on losing again.
  • Featherlight25
    Just like one fellow MFP user, I too didn't care. Well, actually, I cared. And I knew I cared when I worried everytime I took a bite General Tso's chicken, or had the Extra Large slice of New York style pizza with all the gooey cheese and garlic and thought about whether or not I should or shouldn't be eating it. Of course I should not have been. But it never stopped me. I didn't care as far as believing that "I deserved such delicious food" since I'd fallen into some sort of stooper over 2012. I was very depressed and stressed out over various things. The only thing that made me feel a bit of "normal" was either heading for the kitchen or calling the local delivery. And I could feel it, too. Food would literally call me! So I started gaining all this weight all because I didn't care. Yeah..
  • majica8
    majica8 Posts: 210 Member
    Comfort eating during secondary school because I was bullied a lot, always depressed etc.
    Not really caring about what I ate or thinking about how bad it might be for me.

    Although, while I didn't care about what I ate, I was also one of the most active kids until I had put on a fair bit of weight. I guess my eating was just THAT bad that it didn't make a difference.
  • xSakura
    xSakura Posts: 288 Member
    Untreated Hypothyroidism, mostly. 7 months of it. The depression that came with it made me lack energy and confidence / willpower, therefore becoming completely inactive. I've never been a big eater, but it's what I ate that was the problem, too.

    Finally pushing myself and getting over the "can't do" attitude, hopefully start to see results soon :smile:
  • leantool
    leantool Posts: 365 Member
    i gained load of weight when i hit puberty, conservative parents won't let me go out to play or enroll in a dance class. i knew i was fat, i knew i needed to exercise. but my papa would push me to exercise in a certain way that was beyond my capabilities. discouraged i will slack off. i was not allowed to eat less even if i developed gross stretch marks as i piled up calories.went to college at 187 lbs/5'2.5''. at college i suffered malaria , then got operated for gall stones, i controlled my food but as an undergraduate there was not enough time for exercise.anyway i was then 127 lbs and happy. some 8 yrs down the line i got my present job,once more my food was not in my control and i started going heavier..then the brilliant idea of doing masters got me where i am,bad food, too much food, emotional eating, celebration eating , nothing-better-to-do eating and no exercise brought me to 173 lbs and 1 month back i decided to make a change