New with more than 100 lbs to lose

hi friends, My name is Davidea and I am 36, single, no kids and morbidly obese. I have been fat all my life so it's no surprise to me to hear that I have to lose weight and get healthy. I've heard it from every doctor or nurse that has passed my way but I never took heed until now.

I have been a diabetic for 17 years and I was very unwilling to take care of my sugar levels and ate what I wanted because I just did not care. I did not it would affect me like it has. This year (March) I lost my big toe because of my sugar levels and neglecting my health. They tried for a year to save it but nothing worked. I came to a nursing home for rehab and after 5 months when the wound still had not healed I had another surgery and lost the rest of my toes and part of the foot. I am still in the nursing home waiting for the wound to heal. It's been one thing after another. It's been hard on me.

I decided that I was going to lose weight when and if I ever got out of this nursing home because I watched my sister drop 65 pounds in 4 months. My sister is a diabetic as well and learned from me going through hell to not allow herself to do the same. Well a week ago I realized that it may be a while before I leave here and if I keep putting it off then I will always have a reason to not start the diet I so desperately need. In a week I lost 4 lbs by simply exercising and counting my calories. I make sure that I am held accountable for everything I put in my body.

I am an extremely positive person and I love to be a great encouragement so anyone that needs a friend to talk to well look no further. I am waiting right here. I hope to make lots of friends and maybe when we all get to our goal weight we can plan a cruise together and enjoy our skinny girl body's together!!!

I'm all about a vacation!


  • I am also a member of the 100 lbs club. I went from 144lbs to 244lbs. We can do it!
  • I am a mom of two kids and I have always been the "fat friend" I was 160 in high school and I loved to run! Two kids later and a marriage (plus dating) and in 6 years I packed on the pounds! My goal is 135 - 140!
  • AmykinsCatfood
    AmykinsCatfood Posts: 599 Member
    Hi! I too am looking to lose more than 100 lbs. My family has a high history of diabetes and heart disease and the fact that I've avoided both so far is nothing short of a miracle. I would love to have more friends as well with a similar goal so we can all motivate each other into getting as healthy as we can :) Feel free to add, anyone.
  • SheilaG1963
    SheilaG1963 Posts: 298 Member
    Feel free to add more. First 100 gone, 75 more to go! You can do this!!
  • dawnrosina
    dawnrosina Posts: 8 Member
    Morning all - I'm in! It occurred to me this past weekend that I need to loose half of me, what an eye opener! I just celebrated my 46 birthday and refuse to be this size by my next birthday. My goal is to lose 145 pounds and will do my best to encourage and take encouragement as much as possible! WE CAN DO THIS!!!!
  • TreeHugger2013
    TreeHugger2013 Posts: 65 Member
    I also have about 100 lbs to lose ... feel free to add me! :)
  • RhonndaJ
    RhonndaJ Posts: 1,615 Member
    Welcome and good luck!

    I've got well over a hundred left to lose and am just recommitting myself.

    You're welcome to add me as a friend. (ditto to others)
  • you can do it!!! I am in the same club started out at 289 (yikes!!!) on a 5ft 3 in frame, started slow...main thing I have found out is to be uberflexible with you timeline. I wanted this to be a year long journey, but I am now starting on year 3 and I am so glad I stuck with it!!! This is the year :)
  • athenaheim
    athenaheim Posts: 496 Member
    Hello. You are on the right track starting here is a good way to begin. Love your name by the way. Sorry to hear about all of your problems. I am willing to give you the push you need. If you would like feel free to add me. I have a little less then 100 to lose.

  • Handsett
    Handsett Posts: 37 Member
    Hello all,

    I am so glad to find a community that can help me in my life style change. I am looking to lose a lot of weight. About 150 lb. I'm creeping up to the half way mark now. I started this change at 350 and just the small amount I have lost already, I feel great. Seeing others make progress has been helping me keep going.

    Thank you to everyone!
  • DreamOfSunshine
    DreamOfSunshine Posts: 911 Member
    I think you took the hardest step of this journey - start it. Welcome to MFP! It's really a place full of super friendly and nice people.

    I'm part of the -100 ( and a bit more ) lbs club so feel free to add me :) And anyone esle who would like an additional sholder for support!

  • You can do it. I am part of that club also.My Dr told me you need to get by-pass no way am doing that. So I started down this road to a new me. Sometimes you have a bad day. But the next day you start over again. Before long you will be the there. You can add me as a friend if you like. It is going to be a great new year!
  • TreeHugger2013
    TreeHugger2013 Posts: 65 Member
    Anyone else that would like to add me, please feel free. I had lost 100 lbs this time last year ... I sort of feel off the wagon, but I am ready to get back to it once and for all!
  • Hi All!! I know what's it's like to be fat your whole life. I've been struggling with weight loss my entire life. Last year, I made a New Year's resolution to lose 100lbs and get fit. I went to the gym and hired a personal trainer. I was losing inches, but not pounds. Anyway, my fiance was worried about me, because I suffer from rheumatoid arthritis pretty badly, so I went to rheumatologist to get checked out, because I was in a lot of pain and not on meds. Long story short, my thyroid levels were really off so she sent me to the endocrinologist to get checked out. Needless to say, that doctor found a nodule on my thyroid, and I was actually diagnosed with thyroid cancer. Hearing that at 27 yrs old is no picnic...Hearing it at any age as well. Anyway, I went into a deep depression and with my family and friends said screw cancer and fought hard to get it all out of my body. I had to have my whole thyroid removed and have radioactive iodine treatment. After all was said and done, the day before my 28th birthday, I found out I was 100% cancer free and finally my meds are under control. I went back to the gym and work out 5 days a week, watch what I eat, count my calories.....And since November 24th, I have lost 12lbs :-) I want to lose over 100lbs not only for myself and my future kids, but I want to look damn good in that wedding dress!! I'm a very strong and positive person, feel free to add me!!
  • Jewel0124
    Jewel0124 Posts: 119 Member
    Welcome and Good luck on your journey. I'm down 27 and while I could stand to lose 100 pounds I'm doing it in increments so that I don't feel quite so overwhelmed. Feel free to add me. :smile:
  • Hi, my name is Laura and I too have 100 pounds to lose and all of your stories are very inspirational. It will not be an easy journey but with the right support we can do this.
  • Amazing story... keep up the great work!!!:smile:
  • drkuhl2017
    drkuhl2017 Posts: 181 Member
    Feel free to add me. I'm in the process of losing 155 pounds :)
  • feel free to add me!!!! (:
  • wizbeth1218
    wizbeth1218 Posts: 358 Member
    Hi Davidea! Welcome to MFP!

    Your story is a definite eye-opener. But what stands out the most is your positive attitude. I think you rock, girlfriend! :)

    I'm in the 100+ pound club, too. I have lost 52 lbs so far, but I still have more than 100 to lose. That's kind of hard to say out loud, but I know I'm committed to this for the rest of my life. I'm working hard to shift my focus to a lifestyle overhaul, and let go of my focus on the scale. Really, losing weight is a happy side effect of a healthier lifestyle. As long as I am healthy and feel good, I don't care what the number on the scale is. At least, that's what I tell myself right now. ;)

    Check my profile and feel free to add me if you think we can encourage one another. I'm proud of you for realizing that yours is a life worth saving! ((((hugs))))