I'm 30 and falling apart!



  • hafdis
    hafdis Posts: 43 Member
    yup I can really relate to stomach problems!! its what I eat.. crap food and drinking insane amount of coffee!!
  • ichorica
    ichorica Posts: 475 Member
    Welcome Jessica! I got a kindle last Christmas and found mfp via that! I have been here a year and all of my minor illnesses such as acid reflux and heartburn have disappeared! I have lost 91 lbs total since I joined. The site and tools work with determination!! I'll add ya! Anyone else in need of support can also add me!
  • Take it ONE day at a time!
  • SailerSiren13
    SailerSiren13 Posts: 51 Member
    I'm 38 and the body doesn't match the mind at all so i'm back after about 6 months off feel free to add me!
  • Enigmatica
    Enigmatica Posts: 879 Member
    Wish I'd gotten myself on the right track back when I was 30. I didn't get it together until my late 40's, and by then I was 220 pounds and had multiple health issues due to poor diet and lack of exercise.

    Now at 50, I'm 123 pounds, run 5 miles in the morning and sometimes more on the weekends, and am much healthier than when I was 30. Taking care of yourself is worth it. Happy, healthy New Year!
  • gpstrucker
    gpstrucker Posts: 930 Member
    30? LOL Just wait until ya hit 50
  • Welcome to MFP. The beauty in all of this "screwing up" you've done is that it can be corrected and repaired with healthy eating, exercise, and proper supplementation. You can do this, there's a broad selection of supportive and encouraging people to help you with advice, encouragement,and support. Anyone feel free to add me. You're going to have a great year and can definitely undo whatever you've done if you put your mind to it!
  • paradog
    paradog Posts: 378 Member
    I am a returning member. Lost 30lbs, then life happened. So I can tell you my experience of the ups and downs that I experienced. Feel free to add me. This is a great site with some very solid information and advice. I wish you the greatest success in creating the healthier you!

    Don't go gentle into that good night!
  • Again, thank you for all the support! I'm looking forward to being an active member of this site and making new friends! It's almost the new year!!
  • Larela
    Larela Posts: 17 Member
    you're not falling apart sweetheart, you're putting yourself together... there's a difference

    Much love x

    Well said!
  • want2behappy31
    want2behappy31 Posts: 178 Member
    I just signed up today! I will be 30 in August and I have said for years that I needed to get in shape. I'm really depressed about turning 30 for some reason so I made a promise to myself that I won't be fat @ 30! I know that I can't take off all the weight by August but as long as I stay on the right track! Feel free to add me as a friend. I'll need lots of motivation!
  • Okay, so I was on here months ago. Lost 4 lbs, stopped and gained weight. I have about 100 to 115 lbs that I want to lose. I am starting South Beach tomorrow. It's going to be a new year a new day and a new life. I weigh in at 260 lbs for a 5-5 person. I am ashamed at how much weight I have put on since college and having babies. So I am going to start the South Beach diet and see how much I can lose.
  • We can do it - I feel like this is my year, and I usually don't say that :) My over all goal seems extreme, so I'm just focusing on the small goals. That's why my ticker only says 4 lbs to lose.
  • metaphoria
    metaphoria Posts: 1,432 Member
    Hey there, darlin. I'm a newly returned member and looking forward to reaching my goal this year. Feel free to add or message if you need help. :)
  • Jessica,

    I am so glad you are starting this now. I waited until now because I had not had issues with wt. before; now look at me. I am 54 and struggling. You have so much to gain from starting at your age and making it a life long habit.

    I have only been on here a few days, but I LOVE it!

  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,865 Member
    Hi everyone,

    I actually started falling apart a year or two ago. My health has been on a decline and my wake up call was this year when I had all sorts of stomach problems. I realized I've really screwed my body up, and if I don't step up now - who knows what issue's I'll have the next 30 years!

    I got a Kindle Fire for Christmas, and saw this was one of the most popular apps, so I'm going to test it out.

    Good luck in the new year everyone!


    Welcome..you can definitely put yourself back together, I'm living proof. I've been on here only since November, but I started my lifestyle change back in Sept...just took me awhile to find this site. Just remember that this site is a tool, and there are people here to help motivate you if need be...but it's only a tool. There's no magic, it all comes down to you.

    Me personally....had some bad news from the doctor back in Sept. First thing I did was quit smoking...then I started keeping a manual diary of the food I was eating; I have hypertension, high LDL cholesterol, low HDL cholesterol, and high triglycerides and was well on my way to developing type II diabetes just like my dad.

    When I started my diary, it really showed me what I was doing to my body from a nutritional standpoint...it was disgusting and I actually used to think I ate pretty good and healthy. It really motivated me to change the way I was looking at nutrition and I started adding a lot more fruits, vegetables, and whole grains to my diet. I ate a considerable amount of red meat and I swapped those out for lean sources of protein to watch my saturated fats. I still eat red meat, but usually only once per week...sometimes twice, but no more than that. I also cut down substantially on my dairy intake...I was a dairy freak and eating roughly 1/4 Lb of cheese per day (at least) and about half gallon of whole milk. No wonder my cholesterol was through the roof. I still do dairy, but in much less quantity and I've cut out whole milk and opted for 1%...I have maybe one serving of cheese a few times per week.

    All in all, I'm feeling much better...my energy is up...I'm exercising 5 days per week (though I've been pretty bad this past week with the holidays and entertaining guests at the old homestead, etc). I'm currently training for a 5K...something that I would have just laughed at you if you suggested such a thing a few short months ago. I'm also starting to lift at the gym starting this coming Thursday. I've lost 12 Lbs since October when I really got serious about eating at a deficit and I'm feeling great. I really can't believe I didn't/couldn't make this lifestyle change years ago when I started feeling the ill effects of my old lifestyle.

    I still have a long ways to go in RE to my overall fitness and tops on my list for the coming year is to significantly reduce my alcohol consumption...I love my cocktails and red wine, but they're pretty hard on the old diary and my body.

    Take care and good luck
  • Awww! What a great reply!
  • Meeklicious356
    Meeklicious356 Posts: 1 Member

    I have been on and off my diet all year. This year I plan to make it a lifestyle change. I weigh more now than I did when I was pregnant, my knees ache, I cannot get up off the floor without help or holding on to something and I am constantly tired. This makes it difficult to really enjoy my two year old son. This year and the years to come I declare victory for all of us!!!
  • Kimlogans
    Kimlogans Posts: 10 Member
    Hi Jessica,

    I totally feel the same way I will be thirty in June and I feel 50. I feel horrible, my body looks horrible and I am damaging my body. I drink so much Mt Dew my stomach is always in knots and I’m bloated. I have gained 20 pounds in 5 months and I am so depressed but I am determined not to let the weight get the best of me, If you want we can encourage each other .

    I have lost over a hundred pounds 5 years ago but now I can seem to lose 1 pound. I am new to this and 2013 is a new year, So Its day 3 of no mt dew and Im already a wreck.:smile:

  • cwolfman13 - thank you for sharing your story, it means a lot.

    It makes me feel a lot better knowing there are so many people going through the same struggle. Most of my friends have always been thin, so they can't relate or know what I'm going through. Hopefully with all this support, things will work out better this year!