Next stop: New Me :D

Okay so this upcoming summer I'm going to finally wear 2 piece bikini! thats my goal!! I know I have said it past few years then summer came and then im disappointed but not this year. I have lost 5 pounds already in just 1 week and i just started eating right last week. The thing is I always workout on the regular. The HUGE mistake is that I was weighing the same and not losing weight because I was still eating the same and didnt change my eating habits. You better believe not going to make the same mistake again :) I love it when my love handles/stomach gets smaller it motivates me to keep on going (:


  • Todd08
    Todd08 Posts: 80 Member
    Keep thing that way and you will do well!
  • I seemed to make the same mistake last time ;( It was the first time i actually motivated myself and got over the fear of the GYM!! But i just thought well im working out more i can eat more, how wrong i was. i was so gutted after 8 weeks of workouts at the gym id actually put on weight :/ but like you i wont be making that mistake again. Im starting my diet 2mrw so fingers crossed :)
  • Thats how i felt as well since i was going to the gym i thought it was fine to eat but big mistake now its all about discipline with eating habits :) we have to stick to it!
  • yay for summer and bikinis :D added!