Hello!!! I need help!!!

buttercupke Posts: 33
edited September 20 in Introduce Yourself
Hey my name is Kendra!!! I am 26 years old and have always been heavy set and over weight. Haven't ever been very athletic or anything but now I am taking charge. I am ready to loose 100 plus pounds. I joined a gym Monday and have gone everyday since and worked out at least 1hr. I am really enjoying it. I have a friend who said she will go with me but has only gone one day so far so I am not really counting on her. So I am gonna need some motativation sometims. I met someone today while I was working out and she was very inspirational. She lost 95lbs and was still going. She looked terrific. She suggested this website and said it did wonders for her. I am willing to listen to any advice anyone has to offer. Give me a few months and I might be able to give my own advice.


  • Mommy2DCD
    Mommy2DCD Posts: 44 Member
    Hi Kendra!! My name is Shanell and I am 28! I too need to lose 100 pounds. Ive already lost 32 of that. I joined a gym for the first time last month and have went almost every day for the last month!! Id love to be buddies. :)
  • Hi and Welcome! I just joined yesterday, mainly because I too need support. I have over 100 lbs to lose and sometimes it seems overwhelming but we have to remember to break it up into small goals. There is a Chinese proverb that goes something like this:
    "Before a man can move a mountain he must first move a few small stones."

    Well good luck to all of us as we start moving those stones!

  • miqisha
    miqisha Posts: 1,534 Member
    I am glad you already realized that you can only count on yourself to workout....I hate making plans to workout with other people, because then if they change their mind, I get upset and break my workout vibes

    So I have long since worked out by myself,people always say they want to workout with me..and I go sure, whatever lol......I just do my thing

    So I am happy for you....you can do this all on your own and keep it up...we are here as motivation to help and assist each other, but ultimately, you only need you

    You can do this
  • IsMollyReallyHungry
    IsMollyReallyHungry Posts: 15,385 Member
    Well you will find that many will join you for a movie, dinner, etc but when it comes to physical activity it is challenging to find someone consistent. Believe me I know. I ask many to join me but only one person was consistent for about a year and she did not renew her membership. This website is wonder for me. I really only use it for the food and exercise diary, but every once and a while I look at a post. Good luck to you!
  • elylou
    elylou Posts: 3
    can any1 help me....... i put in the wrong weight when i started n i just realized it..........any1 knw if i can change it???
  • Hi girls i would love some friends as i am also on the same boat 100 or more to loes mostly from being a stay at home mom and not doing much and depression and stressers im my life o well time to get down to my size 18 jeans that i miss so much and knowing that i looked good in im looking for positive friends im new to the site please feel free to add me id love some new friends!!
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