2013: What will you do differently?



  • jcjsjones
    jcjsjones Posts: 571 Member
    #1: I want to break my sugar habit. It's getting out of control!
    #2: I plan on starting some heavy lifting. Just dowloaded NROLFW on my Kindle Fire!

    Here's to a wonderful 2013! :drinker:
  • Cut back on sweets, I may give up sweets altogether!
  • Fred4point0
    Fred4point0 Posts: 160 Member
    I planning to rest more, stretch more and drink even more water. Working out is not my problem. It's the smaller but just as important things that I first mentioned.
  • kimmiedunne
    kimmiedunne Posts: 82 Member
    Over the past few years I have developed a whole new me so I don't have to do much differently! I've developed a new normal for myself eating healthy and working out 4-5 times a week (sometimes more!) So for me it's keeping that up. I am getting married in April so my first dress fitting is at the beginning of March and then I have to maintain until after the wedding so the dress looks great! So my short term goal before the beginning of March is to lose another few pounds before the fitting. :)
  • mgw44
    mgw44 Posts: 1
    Every year I focus completely on how much weight have a I lost - which is no fun for me. This year I have created a points system and gotten a few of my friends to join me. The goal is 10 pts per day - 1 pt for every meal you eat that is healthy, 2 points for drinking all your water, 3 points for working out 30 min, 2 pts for using the food diary - total 10 points, Then when you reach 150 points - you get a reward - a new book, workout video - manicure. Anything but a food related treat. :smile: That way I am looking a the positives - eating healthy and working out - and not getting discouraged over how much weight I did or didn;t lose. The idea is for all the good things to become a habit. Plus we will all take bathing suit picures to show each other - every 30 days - now that some accountability - LOL.
  • Buzzatronic
    Buzzatronic Posts: 7 Member
    A few things:

    1. Stop getting on the scale very day. I love stats but daily weigh-ins at this point are counter productive. Once a week is my target.
    2. Get on the elliptical 3x a week for 20 minutes in the morning. This one will be rough since I'm not a morning person at all
    3. Get a road bike in the spring and bike to work at least 2x a week (it's about 15 mi) starting in May
  • Bobby__Clerici
    Bobby__Clerici Posts: 741 Member
    The principles of health and fitness transformed life life and continue to do so.
    Progress shall continue through 2013 just as it did in 2012.
  • carrietehbear
    carrietehbear Posts: 384 Member
    1. Start lifting more. Just read NROLFW. While I won't be following the program to the letter, I am going to conquer my fear of lifting.
    2. I hit my weight loss goal so I'm going to focus this year on new fitness goals. I would like to run at 6.5-7.5 mph on a regular basis.
    3. Run at least 2- 5ks and 1-10k
  • Cupcakehippiemommy
    Cupcakehippiemommy Posts: 457 Member
    1. Will not settle
    2. Will not underestimate myself EVER again
    3. Keep this change (eating in moderation and exercising)
    I will remind myself that NOT one single piece of junk food I eat that tastes good will ever compare to how I feel now. I only have ONE body and one life to take care of it!
  • LilynEdensmom
    LilynEdensmom Posts: 612 Member
    I hope to stay focused and not get side tracked this year
  • I'm going to focus on slow and steady. I always want fast results and it never works. I'm also going to work on moderation and portion control because if I try to deny myself, I always end up going off the rails - big time.
  • doit2013
    doit2013 Posts: 230 Member
    Keep moving, keep logging, and stay plugged into MFP!!
  • NuggetLovesEdie
    NuggetLovesEdie Posts: 477 Member
    "1. Stop getting on the scale very day. I love stats but daily weigh-ins at this point are counter productive. Once a week is my target.
    2. Get on the elliptical 3x a week for 20 minutes in the morning. This one will be rough since I'm not a morning person at all
    3. Get a road bike in the spring and bike to work at least 2x a week (it's about 15 mi) starting in May"

    These goals meet SMART critera:
    Relevant, and

    I like!

    I also like the "I've decided to accept my awesomeness". :D

    Seriously, though, I will continue the oatmeal in a jar and salad in a jar trends that I started this fall/winter because its as close to Bachelor Chow as I can get.

    What I will do differently...
    -seek dental consult for jaw pain (now that I finally have dental coverage again)
    -so I can increase my vegetable intake (I miss kale!)
    -check out Zombies Run! C25K
    -find and take a strength training for women class at my Y so I learn how to lift safely
    -5 days out of 7 minimum of 30 minute walks for my sanity
  • islandbeauty81
    islandbeauty81 Posts: 133 Member
    Gonna start lifting in 2013~!

  • I really need to get around to giving P90X2 a go.
  • smp4463
    smp4463 Posts: 59 Member
    stopping this insanity of yo-yoing by changing things around=

    Focusing on great nutrition : more raw foods
    Eliminate caffiene.. (already down from 2- 24oz cappaccunio's to 2c. black coffee a day)
    switch workout to evening and add more cardio
  • i am focusing on my own hwalth this year. my children are grown up and this past year i spent being at their beck n call, so they have been told that 2013 is going to be my year for me time. i have told them i am going to take care of myself. i have told my partner the same as he told me i wasnt allowed to go back to work cos he didnt like the people i worked with. he soon got told if he thinks that then he can sling his hook.
    i am going to think more positive aswell and try and loose some weight even if my health issues are fighting against me
  • Commenting to read later.
  • Minnesota_Nice
    Minnesota_Nice Posts: 414 Member
    I'll celebrate "bud lights thru a crazy straw" on Fridays AND Saturday's.... Instead of just Fridays.
  • kimcalica
    kimcalica Posts: 525 Member
    Hopefully I keep doing the same thing! Don't lose momentum! I'm kicking *kitten*!! Yeah!!!