snoozen29 Posts: 33
edited September 20 in Motivation and Support
When I started on MFP about 1.5 yrs ago, I was 177 lbs. With stress at home and work, I am now up to 193 lbs (since NOV - which isn't that much time to gain 15 lbs!!!

I decided that I needed to at least get back to "NORMAL" before setting more weight loss goals but I am finding it really hard to do!.

My clothes are not fitting and I am getting frustrated, yet I will still stop for fast food because it's handy and my frustration is not enough to get my tail back to the gym and start eating properly again. I know I can do it, but I am having troubles getting started.

A few months ago I bought a bridesmaid dress one size smaller as hopeful motivation seeing as I had 5 ms to lose approx 10 lbs or 1 dress size, however 2 ms have passed and now I only have 3 ms and without getting back on track this dress with never fit!!!

Any suggestions on how to get motivated again?
What excersizes burn the most calories...quickly?



  • durbanski
    durbanski Posts: 183 Member
    Find that favorite outfit.. you were always comfy/sexy/confident in. Now keep it conspicuous in the closet. For me it was old pictures. Look at it once a day or a few time a week. Any time you feel like cheating.. Stick to a diet and log like a crazy person. A little bit of obsessiveness can be a damn good thing. Any time you feel like, drop me a line I'll talk anyone away from that drive-thru ;)

    Take care,

  • Heather_023
    Heather_023 Posts: 76 Member
    I completely know how you feel, it's so hard to stay motivated and so easy to get into a funk! Once you get that first few pounds off you'll start to feel more motivation to keep going. Maybe try on that bridesmaid's dress every time you weigh in so that you can actually see the changes in your body.
  • kwardklinck
    kwardklinck Posts: 1,601
    Log your food faithfully and fit exercise into your schedule 3 days a week. Nobody else can do this for you. You have to find the motivation in yourself. You also need to stop eating fast food completely for a short period of time. It's horrible for you and it's darn near impossible to lose weight while you're eating it.
  • danarochelle
    danarochelle Posts: 212 Member
    If you have a gym membership (if you dont, get one if you can afford it), go to a Spinning class! Those darn classes burn up to 1000 calories an hour! Good luck and we're all here if you need us....ANYTIME!!! :happy:
  • lovemtc
    lovemtc Posts: 4
    stop going for fast food if you need something fast it is better if you hit subway and get a veggie sandwich or just make dinner at home. I have the same problem i am trying really hard to not hit the drive thru and so far haven't since i started this program .
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