Ready to relapse

Long story short, I lost 70 lbs beginning approx 1 1/2 yrs ago. Awesome feeling! But since Halloween, I have slipped and luckily have only regained 5 lbs but am so fearful of gaining all back plus some! My strength is faltering. What do you do to get back that original determination to not eat after a certain time, or limit intake? Thanks everyone! :drinker:


  • peterzion
    I regained 24 pounds in the last 6 months, but have started again. Find workout partner, that will hold you accountable.
  • ChubbyBunny212
    ChubbyBunny212 Posts: 19 Member
    Here's what I'd suggest...Think real hard about the real reason you're slipping. Something's on your mind. Loneliness? Anger? Hurt? Boredom? Whatever. It's always something. Then address that issue instead of using food to make it feel better. Don't despair. Just get back on the bus.
  • JosieJo2000
    JosieJo2000 Posts: 162 Member
    Knowing how hard it was to lose the weight in the first place just ask yourself, do you want to lose 70 again or would you rather lose 5? That's usually motivation for me!

    Find some exercise you enjoy and concentrate on your strength and fitness. Sometimes that can help you feel more positive and adjust your attitude.
  • sunsnstatheart
    sunsnstatheart Posts: 2,544 Member
    Get committed to leading a healthy and active lifestyle and stop thinking about it in terms of losing weight. Five pounds is nothing and it can be very easy if you're committed. Also, make it easy on yourself and just count calories on a reasonably well balanced diet and don't deny yourself a daily treat (that fits within your macronutrient and calorie requirements).
  • drusilla126
    drusilla126 Posts: 478 Member
    I've lost 70 now but once lost 40 and gained it all back. One of the worst feelings in the world. Stay strong and take it a day at a time. If the weight you've lost so far was made through sustainable lifestyle changes you will be fine :) Breathe. Beathe. Everyone I know is saying they've slipped since Halloween so you're not alone. If in doubt feel free to check out my Facebook motivation page
  • NeverGivesUp
    NeverGivesUp Posts: 960 Member
    giving up is not an option so get back on that horse once again. This is for life, not till you lose a certain amount of weight. This is for your health and well being.
  • twinketta
    twinketta Posts: 2,130 Member
    Here's what I'd suggest...Think real hard about the real reason you're slipping. Something's on your mind. Loneliness? Anger? Hurt? Boredom? Whatever. It's always something. Then address that issue instead of using food to make it feel better. Don't despair. Just get back on the bus.

  • twinketta
    twinketta Posts: 2,130 Member
    Also you lost 70lbs the first time and only gained back 5lb....maybe spend time on the forum helping people that are new,,,give yourself a new purpose?
  • sandradev1
    sandradev1 Posts: 786 Member
    Your body is not affected by what time you actually eat, so eat when you want to. Make sure that you log absolutely everything that passes your lips. If out and about make sure you have loaded the app on your phone too and log, log and log. be honest.

    I found that if I logged each evening the breakfast and dinner I knew I was going to have for the next day (making minor adjustments for weights etc when cooking), I then knew how many calories I had left for the day. I could also check my macro figures and decided on lunch and snacks that fitted in those numbers. This makes it easier to decide what to eat. Once decided, I find that except for minor changes when necessary, I stick to what's already written down. Sometimes, if I know I will have a late dinner, I will split my lunch into two portions to help me through the time.
  • kuger4119
    kuger4119 Posts: 213 Member
    Long story short, I lost 70 lbs beginning approx 1 1/2 yrs ago. Awesome feeling! But since Halloween, I have slipped and luckily have only regained 5 lbs but am so fearful of gaining all back plus some! My strength is faltering. What do you do to get back that original determination to not eat after a certain time, or limit intake? Thanks everyone! :drinker:

    I'm with you on this. I got down to 150 lbs earlier this year with the full intent of loading up on protein while lifting to get back to 160 lbs. I was then planning on doing a cut back to 150 lbs. The plan was to build some lean muscle mass on my way back to 160 lbs. I've really struggled with giving a damn and hitting my calorie goals now that I'm trying to cut back to 150 lbs. The holidays in particular make this tough. You may want to consider if that is the biggest issue and just plan on cranking it back up after the new year.
  • beaglemom1216
    Thank you all for the wonderful feedback! I am actually tearing up...I will use all these terrific ideas and just appreciate the quick and caring responses! Happy New Year everyone!
  • mem50
    mem50 Posts: 1,384 Member
    Start logging ASAP.

    I know I have slipped a bit this last week but as soon as this holiday is over I am so ready to get back at it. 3 lbs don't sound like much but I want it gone.

    What I do is look at my picture from when I started at 300 + and bam...I'm back to calorie counting with a vengence!!!!

    The other thing I am going to start doing again is Making up my menu for the whole week and buying grocery's accordingly.
  • MS954
    MS954 Posts: 13 Member
    I just joined this site today I have to lose weight and can't find anyone to partner with so I'm hoping you all will kick my butt in gear and help me, the doctor told me if I don't lose it he will do surgery on me. I'm disabled don't eat much but because of my disability I don't move so much cause it hurts will I guess I'm going to hurt I do not want surgery so trying to find exercises the don't take standing to long I have had 5 surgeries on my foot looks like 1 more coming and a bad back if you have ideas PLEASE HELP ME..
    and get me moving going to be on here looking for help.

    Thank you
  • NancyG55
    I lost about 50 pounds over 20 years ago, and in the past 6 years, had gained all of that PLUS 10 more pounds. For me, when it started coming back on, was when I stopped Watching what I ate, in other words, stopped logging it in and being accountable for what went in my mouth. With only 5 pounds gained, you are at a real advantage. You can start logging, paying attention, and that five will fall right off again. I know you can do it! By the way, since coming here, logging my food again, I have already lost 30 pounds, so I KNOW that it works. Just keep yourself accountable! I sure have too!
  • ldrosophila
    ldrosophila Posts: 7,512 Member
    Stay on this site. It really helps myself to rally especially when I get in those deep dark places and all I want to do is binge. I think you just really have to step back and look at what is really important to you. Is the feeling of comfort and food better than the feeling of that weight you lost? I hope this doesnt sound sarcastic because sometimes thats all we want in life. I didnt want to see 350lbs again, but thats were I was headed after the miscarriage. I never left this sight, and have slowly found the desire to do the hard work because I want to be on of the maintainers which is the ultimate success.
  • MS954
    MS954 Posts: 13 Member
    I just joined this site today I have to lose weight and can't find anyone to partner with so I'm hoping you all will kick my butt in gear and help me, the doctor told me if I don't lose it he will do surgery on me. I'm disabled don't eat much but because of my disability I don't move so much cause it hurts will I guess I'm going to hurt I do not want surgery so trying to find exercises the don't take standing to long I have had 5 surgeries on my foot looks like 1 more coming and a bad back if you have ideas PLEASE HELP ME..
    and get me moving going to be on here looking for help.

    Thank you
  • intrepidity
    No don't do it...add me. I'll help you.
  • beaglemom1216
    Those "deep dark places" really hit home...binging is what I have been doing and need to get under control. This site is exactly what I need...thanks so much for your input!