why am i so hungry??



  • charovnitza
    When you eat too little food on a regular basis, your body can go into starvation mode, where your metabolism slows down and your weight loss stops. Your body is trying to tell you that you need to eat more. I know it sounds crazy, but by eating more amounts of the right food, you'll lose weight, and you won't feel desperately hungry. And you're metabolism won't shut down.
  • XXXMinnieXXX
    XXXMinnieXXX Posts: 3,459 Member
    I'd try increasing your calories from 1200...Just go up 100 at a time until you feel better. I think you'd be fine going up to 1500-1600 better to lose slower as you don't have huge amounts to lose and it will make this sustainable long term. To stay full eat lots of protein and fiber, moderate carbs and at least 2 litres of water! Hope that helps! X
  • CrazyWhiskers
    CrazyWhiskers Posts: 63 Member
    Eat more calories and I find certain perscription drugs effect how much I eat too :/
  • Mcgrawhaha
    Mcgrawhaha Posts: 1,596 Member
    800 calories is too low, and is very dangerous for your health. your starving because your actualy starving yourself. do you want to loose weight or do you want to kill yourself by causing multple organ failure?
  • Akimajuktuq
    Akimajuktuq Posts: 3,037 Member
    Are you eating back exercise calories? Based on personal experience, exercise can sometimes depress my appetite the day of, and then I'll be ravenously hungry the next day. Oh, also, if you aren't getting enough of some nutrient, that can manifest itself as hunger.

    yea i think it has to do witth excercise so what do i do about it??


    but then i wont lose weight cuz im eating back the deficit!

    OMG, it's very hard to be polite in the face of this.... looked at this post intending to try to help. Obviously, there is no point. lol

    Edit: forgive my knee jerk reaction. I was doing the same silliness at your age. Low fat, starving and all I got for that was 20 years of sickness and obesity, always fighting with hunger, craving and bingeing. Well, I've stopped that silliness because it is now more important to feel good than to look like the super model on the cover of Vogue. All that dieting and I NEVER got close to feeling good about myself. Now I NEVER struggle with hunger, I eat the best food that I ever have, all of my illnesses are GONE, and bonus, I'm losing weight steadily. I hope that you can figure it out sooner rather than later.
  • MsDover
    MsDover Posts: 395 Member
    I eat between 800 and 900 and trust me it's enough, if you can stick with it. I find small things that can fill me up and keep me that way..radishes and tomotoes are my go to filler. Or if I'm really hungry I will eat over my calorie limits. No need in depriving yourself if your hungry. Be sure it's hunger and not bordom. Brocolli slaw is very low in calories and such a great filler. I saute it in some olive oil spray and add some soy sauce and add shrimp, really yummy and one cup is 25 calories and there are about 3.5 cups per bag. Amazingly yummy.

    You don't need your hormones anymore to have your period and babies so I think she shouldn't be listening to you at all! Are you happy to possibly damage her future fertility with your rediculous advice? Wake up please!

    If she's doing this short term her fertility will be just fine. 8-900 calories a day isn't going to cause her any harm for a short term. I may be passed my fertile years, but I've done exactly what she's doing and still managed to have three very lovely children without any trouble at all. I don't see the point in scaring her and that's just as irresponsible as what you're accusing the first poster of being. She's not going days without eating anything and it's pretty unlikely she'll stick to that low of a caloric intake for long. That being said.... if you're hungry, then you should probably be eating more. I'm not saying gorge yourself, but add more healthy calories and eat stuff that sticks with you for a while... more protein and less refined sugar/carbs and take a good quality multivitamin. It doesn't have to be all or nothing. I was eating 8-900 calories a day for just over 2 months. I only had 20 pounds to lose and I've lost 17 of it. I'm adding more calories now because it's time to and will end with a 1500-1600 calorie a day maintenance. This works for me, I'm doing it with my doctor's full knowledge and approval, and I virtually never mention it on MFP because I know the plethora of "experts" that abide here will tell me why I'm wrong.
  • koshkasmum
    koshkasmum Posts: 276 Member
    I eat around 1500 calories per day - 1200 plus most of my exercise burn back.. I'm not hungry and I have lost 9 pounds in 7 weeks. At this rate I can keep it up as long as I need to

    In dieting, eating less is not better beyond a certain point - your body need the enough fuel to operate and you will feel hungry and exhausted if you try to short change it. Just make sure what you're eating are healthy, hightly nutritious calories: lean proteins, lots of fruit and veggies, low fat dairy and a little healthy oil.
  • tmauck4472
    tmauck4472 Posts: 1,785 Member
    I eat between 800 and 900 and trust me it's enough, if you can stick with it. I find small things that can fill me up and keep me that way..radishes and tomotoes are my go to filler. Or if I'm really hungry I will eat over my calorie limits. No need in depriving yourself if your hungry. Be sure it's hunger and not bordom. Brocolli slaw is very low in calories and such a great filler. I saute it in some olive oil spray and add some soy sauce and add shrimp, really yummy and one cup is 25 calories and there are about 3.5 cups per bag. Amazingly yummy.

    It's NOT ENOUGH for someone who is young adult. As people get older their caloric requirement goes down.

    I'll give you that one :) and it's a valid point
  • Akimajuktuq
    Akimajuktuq Posts: 3,037 Member

    You are feeling hungry because you are starving yourself

    This is not true,..I eat, but Im always hungry..and believe me, I dont starve myself

    Then you are not eating enough healthy foods. Even if you eat lots but aren't getting enough necessary nutrients, your body will still tell you to eat. There is NO REASON to struggle with hunger. Really. It took me over 20 years to figure it out. Better late than never. I'm guessing that you are hungry because you are another of the "low fat" crowd. Our bodies want healthy fat. The body is trying to tell you something.
  • I lost all my weight eating approximately 2000 cals a day, maybe a bit more. If I ever had a crazy busy day and ate a low amount (for me that would be 1200 or so), the next day was almost a GUARANTEED binge. You should be eating at a smaller deficit (250-500 calorie total deficit). If you're eating healthy foods and you're still hungry....EAT. MORE. FOOD. There is NO good reason to be miserable. You don't have to be hungry all the time to lose weight! I PROMISE!! :flowerforyou:
  • JenniBaby85
    JenniBaby85 Posts: 855 Member
    Well if eating only 800 calories a day is normal for you, then that's why you are hungry all the time. Because your body is craving nutrients and energy. Heck, your body is not just "craving" it's screaming out "FEED ME!" :wink:
  • Graelwyn75
    Graelwyn75 Posts: 4,404 Member
    I eat between 800 and 900 and trust me it's enough, if you can stick with it. I find small things that can fill me up and keep me that way..radishes and tomotoes are my go to filler. Or if I'm really hungry I will eat over my calorie limits. No need in depriving yourself if your hungry. Be sure it's hunger and not bordom. Brocolli slaw is very low in calories and such a great filler. I saute it in some olive oil spray and add some soy sauce and add shrimp, really yummy and one cup is 25 calories and there are about 3.5 cups per bag. Amazingly yummy.

    You don't need your hormones anymore to have your period and babies so I think she shouldn't be listening to you at all! Are you happy to possibly damage her future fertility with your rediculous advice? Wake up please!

    Agree with the above ^^ I guess age does not always bring wisdom, if a 51 year old woman is encouraging an 18 year old to destroy their metabolism and health.
  • algebravoodoo
    algebravoodoo Posts: 776 Member
    Are you eating back exercise calories? Based on personal experience, exercise can sometimes depress my appetite the day of, and then I'll be ravenously hungry the next day. Oh, also, if you aren't getting enough of some nutrient, that can manifest itself as hunger.

    yea i think it has to do witth excercise so what do i do about it??


    but then i wont lose weight cuz im eating back the deficit!

    No, the deficit is already deducted from your daily calorie needs before exercise. Exercise calories create an additional deficit, which can go just a bit too far, hence the hunger.
  • Miss_Z_87
    some days i can go be fine with 800 calories and somedays (today) I'm frikkin starving all day!

    WOW.... thats too little. Your body needs calories to survive, and I don't think you are getting enough calories. You are probably putting your body into starvation mode. So when you come to eat food, your body may think that you will go into starvation mode again and retain energy.
  • udremeei
    protein and healthy fats in a meal fill you up and give your body fuel for later. :)
  • Dymatized
    Your biggest meal should be after your workout. Your body needs to be replenished of nutrients. And your metabolism is at a plateau so you need to jump start it by carb cycling. Don't be afraid to eat a little over your "maintenance" caloric intake once or twice a week. As long as you're eating clean not McDonald's.
  • tmauck4472
    tmauck4472 Posts: 1,785 Member
    I eat between 800 and 900 and trust me it's enough, if you can stick with it. I find small things that can fill me up and keep me that way..radishes and tomotoes are my go to filler. Or if I'm really hungry I will eat over my calorie limits. No need in depriving yourself if your hungry. Be sure it's hunger and not bordom. Brocolli slaw is very low in calories and such a great filler. I saute it in some olive oil spray and add some soy sauce and add shrimp, really yummy and one cup is 25 calories and there are about 3.5 cups per bag. Amazingly yummy.

    For the record, this is no way promoting anyone eat the way I do....this is my choice and my choice alone. I don't recommend it and I don't think it's for everyone. I was just answering her question.
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    If I am really hungry i find that protein helps me. Peanut butter is my favorite!
  • Bobby__Clerici
    Bobby__Clerici Posts: 741 Member
    some days i can go be fine with 800 calories and somedays (today) I'm frikkin starving all day!
    800 calories per day crash diets are absurd.
    MFP makes solid recommendations for steady, safe and lasting results.
    You should consider looking into that.
    It's good to work hard, and even better to work smart.
    Your choice.
    Good Luck To You :wink:
  • MsDover
    MsDover Posts: 395 Member
    I eat between 800 and 900 and trust me it's enough, if you can stick with it. I find small things that can fill me up and keep me that way..radishes and tomotoes are my go to filler. Or if I'm really hungry I will eat over my calorie limits. No need in depriving yourself if your hungry. Be sure it's hunger and not bordom. Brocolli slaw is very low in calories and such a great filler. I saute it in some olive oil spray and add some soy sauce and add shrimp, really yummy and one cup is 25 calories and there are about 3.5 cups per bag. Amazingly yummy.

    For the record, this is no way promoting anyone eat the way I do....this is my choice and my choice alone. I don't recommend it and I don't think it's for everyone. I was just answering her question.

    Why would anyone listen to you? It's not like you've lost 156 pounds or anything... :bigsmile: :wink:

    You shouldn't feel you need to explain what works for you in a thread where you simply answered the girl's question. My rule has been to stay out of this "starvation mode" debate on these message boards because all of the "experts" here will quote all of the other "experts" and you can't make a valid point without getting jumped all over. Nobody is trying to recommend that this girl starve herself. She just asked why she's so hungry. If you eat 900 calories of white bread and cookies, you're probably going to be ravenous. If you eat 900 calories of good, healthy food you are not going to go into "starvation mode" unless you're running a couple of marathons every week. Anyone who thinks otherwise needs to do some non-MFP research on what starvation mode actually is. I'M NOT SAYING THIS CHILD SHOULD EAT 800 CALORIES A DAY!!! I'm just saying it can be done and still be healthy if you do it wisely. BUT... if she's saying she's hungry she needs to eat more.

    Now a question for the OP..... have you stopped having periods? Is your hair falling out? Are you 10% body fat OR LESS? If you answered no to all of these you're going to be just fine. Now go eat and make all these nice folks happy.