App user, first time on site! Getting back on the horse

Hi! I'm Lindsay, I'm 23 (almost 24). I've been using the app on and off and I really liked it, but my goals have changed so I'm giving the full site a shot. Here's my story so far:

I've struggled with my weight since adolescence, continually gaining until I finally hit 230 my junior year of college, when my first boyfriend broke up with me (you can see my least favorite photo of myself if you click my profile!). But, the summer of 2010 I started working full time on a vegetable farm, picking and loading all day, four days a week. I also became a vegetarian that same summer. I was so busy the pounds melted away without me even knowing, and by the time I went back to school I was six sizes smaller. I felt amazing, so I decided to keep going. I really started calorie counting a year later, and that lost me another six sizes.

Now, it's almost 2013 and I've lost a total of 70 pounds, with a recent 6 pound gain (stupid holidays!). There was almost a year plateauing at the same weight. Mid March I am going on a cruise to Mexico and I REALLY want to be able to wear a bikini. So, my goal in the next 2.5 months is to lose at least 15 pounds, hopefully 20.

How's everyone else doing? It's a nice lazy Sunday, perfect time to pig out, but let's distract ourselves!
