trying again

Well just wanted to pop by and say hi! I had an account and decided to start fresh. new start...wish me luck!!!!!!!


  • Dandee1
    :smile: Hi, I joined last year. I did lose 20 lbs last year,butI need to lose at least 60 more. I didnt keep tracking after the first mo. I got frustrated after a few bad days. I did lose wt over all, but could have done better if I kept tracking. Happy new year. This is your year!!:-)
  • rachelleeomer
    rachelleeomer Posts: 6 Member
    haha yeah that is almost what i did last year but sadly i gained about twenty throughout the year and just got so mad at myself that i gave up then had to have surgery that made me bedridden so i gained even more in the last few weeks... :( im done and ready to change things!
  • forgtmenot
    forgtmenot Posts: 860 Member
    I'm in the same boat. I joined last year and got off track. I ended up gaining weight instead of losing it, but this is a NEW year and I'm ready to do it. Good luck and I hope we both stick with it this time... No we WILL stick with it this time! Ready... Set... Go!