Looking for some friends to help keep me motivated

My name is Kacie. I am a 24 year old female who has been heavy for awhile, however, recently my weight has skyrocketed. I am currently 253.2 (started at 259 12-27-12) and my goal is to be down to 160. I know I have a lot of work to do and I am pretty motivated right now. My problem usually comes about 3 weeks into a diet/exercise program. My husband is quite thin so he has no real need to diet with me. I get frustrated and usually quit. I cannot quit this time, I am starting to see the effects on my health and my ability to play with my son is greatly diminished. I am looking for some friends on here who could keep me accountable to keep track of what I am eating and keep exercising. Thanks so much!


  • meaghan2008
    meaghan2008 Posts: 401 Member
    Im with you girly !
  • dbroomy
    dbroomy Posts: 17 Member
    You can add me. I'm trying to keep motivated as well for the new year to lose weight.
  • msie501
    msie501 Posts: 1 Member
    At my age it is very difficult to drop those pounds. Stick with it. Don't call it a diet. Watch your portions is one of the biggest clues to a healthy weight loss. Started seeing a nutritionist-even thought I am a nurse and thought I knew all about dieting, I found by not thinking of it as a diet but a way of life I must maintain for the rest of my life. I have learned to eat better and make better choices as I find myself as a stress eater. You can do it. Make it work for you!
  • cmcmommy
    cmcmommy Posts: 197 Member
    Can add me if you'd like
  • Girl, add me as a friend - I am in the same boat as you, and we'll work to keep each other motivated!!
  • ajadumas
    ajadumas Posts: 85 Member
    We sound pretty similar in starting size. I'm curious, how tall are you?
    When I got pregnant with my 4 yr old, I was 165 and in fantastic shape, thanks to a VERY physical job, and active lifestyle. I gained a tremendous amount of weight with her (like, when I checked into the hospital, I weighed 220! lol). I kept on gaining after she was born, and at my heaviest, I was 257. I basically hated life. Yo yo dieted. Cut out ALL carbs and lost 38lbs in about a month. Got down to 200. Got pregnant with baby #2. She was born in April, and when I joined MFP 3 1/2 wks ago, I weighed 230#.
    I started logging my food EVERY DAY. I learned to keep an endless supply of raw fruits and veggies to munch on. I'm making a conscious effort to drink more water (even though I HATE IT!!!). If I eat out, I play around with the food database to find my lowest calorie options. And most importantly, I joined a gym, and am actually going. I bought a Biggest Loser dvd, and am actually doing it. I'm actually using the Wii Fit Plus game that's been collecting dust since LAST Christmas. Don't get me wrong, I still dread it. But when I do it, it has a snowball effect, and I'm starting to hate it less. In 3 1/2 weeks, I've lost 11.8lbs, and 1 1/2" from my waist alone!!
    I know I'm rambling, but my point is, THIS CAN BE DONE! I'm a mom to two small kids. I work full time. I don't have a ton of money. But I'm doing what I can, and its working. I saw one of those fitspirational pictures that said something to the effect of, "You are the difference between procrastination and progress". I love that. You can do this, girl. For your kid, to be a more energetic mom. For your husband to be a sexier, more confident wife. And most importantly, for you! Because you deserve to have the body you've always wanted. And if nothing else, then to prove to yourself that you can!!
    Feel free to add me. Add as many people as you can lol I really think the community here has made all the difference.
  • Bobanji
    Bobanji Posts: 79 Member
    Feel free to add me as well. Always looking for more friends since i'm very new to this.
  • clh2578
    clh2578 Posts: 1 Member
    I also need the motivation, so please add me also!:smile:
  • carriehaynes10
    carriehaynes10 Posts: 7 Member
    I'm in the same boat. Add me too... I need the extra push also!
  • Lets do this, all the help and support is here.. when you start to fall off log on asap and talk to us! Add me!
  • Hi, Kacie. You can add me if you like. Here's my story. About three years ago I started having minor health issues (53 years old and working part time, overweight and overstressed) alot of stomach issues mainly. I hate going to the doctor so I started looking into foods that heal and became somewhat mildly interested in the "holistic" way using foods, teas, spices to help with indigestion, reflux, etc. I started trading in processed foods with more natural foods and gave up red meat. I added a salad to my diet every day. This was a very slow/small changes here and there change in my eating habits. I was not doing portion control at all and continued gaining weight since I had not come to the realization that you can't eat healthy and eat like a horse and expect a good outcome. Last year I retired for good from my stressful job and decided to stay home. Now, being able to go to the fridge whenever I wanted, well you can just imagine. I was eating constantly and around the clock even in the middle of the night. On July 4 we attended a huge barbeque and the next morning I got on the scale for the first time in over 5 years. OMG I saw the number 200 and I burst into tears. All of my clothes were uncomfortable on me I was wearing a size 2X and knew I was creeping toward 3X. I called my daughter and burst into tears. She recommended that I download this app (My Fitness Pal) to my tablet and start counting calories. I did and I noticed that the scale started to move downwards. I started documenting everything that I put into my mouth. OMG the scale was moving down! I started watching Dr. Oz for his eating and exercise tips and my daughter suggested that I add an exercise (she suggested zoomba but I knew that was too much for me) so I invested in a second hand stationary bike, I made a slideshow of still photos of California (a place I can only dream of visiting) which keeps my mind occupied while I am cycling and started cycling every single day (still looking for apps for virtual bike riding but...). I added more salad to my diet and more water and started reading labels for calories. A calorie here and there, it adds up! The My Fitness Pal is saving my life! So every day I eat 2 large salads before lunch and dinner, I have cut out almost all starches, cut out almost every dairy except eggs and 1/4 cup of cheddar cheese for my salad, watching my salt intake and drinking more water. I am on that bike 3 times a day to burn 100 calories each time I get up on that thing. I get stuck every couple of months and it's a PITA getting that scale to go down when I do but it always does.

    I think the main thing is not to think of it as a diet, but more a lifestyle eating change and that it takes a long time. Since July 5, I went from 200 to 174. That's like coming up on 6 months and only 26 pounds but as long as the scale continues to go down and not up, I am in no rush. By June I hope to see another 20 pounds down the drain.

    I am no expert on dieting but here if I can help.
  • Bobby__Clerici
    Bobby__Clerici Posts: 741 Member
    Hello and welcome.
    You have made a great choice for yourself, and the rewards of health are many.
    We all want the same thing...
    ....to look better
    ....feel great
    ....and live well
    Again, welcome; and good luck :flowerforyou:
  • Add me..we can motivate each other. We can do this!
  • We have almost the same starting weight and our goals are 10 lbs off so feel free to add me if you like :) I am on everyday!
  • Add me too! I've always been heavy but my weight really ballooned when I had my last baby (who is a teenager now!). I have a very stressful and time-consuming job combined with a very thin hubby and kids that don't really need to diet or understand what it takes (hubby says "just avoid cake" lol!!). So I need some motivation too to stick with it. I lost 30 pounds on WW a few years ago but have gained 10 back....I know I can do it if I stick with it. Let's support each other and be accountable to each other...we understand that this is not easy and we can help each other get through it.
  • You can add me, my journey is far from over. =)
  • Nimrod2010
    Nimrod2010 Posts: 33 Member
    Please add me to your list. I'll try to help you reach your 160 goal! I'm in need of friends also! I'm not an everyday logger here, but I'm trying! It's tough, but with support, anything is possible!