New to the MyFitnessPal program with 100lbs to lose

Hi. For a majority of my childhood I wasn't ever considered big. Time has passed and the weight has crept on year after year. Now, I find myself almost 100lbs over my ideal weight. A friend of mine told me about this site. I got as far as logging in my calories and weight a couple of months ago and then I wandered off of the site when I got a cold back in Oct. I was logging all of my food up until that point. That seems to be a problem with me. I start something, do well at it, and then I fall way side once something happens. Guess what I am looking for is some support and ideas of what has worked for you. I am new to this program so, if there is something on here that has helped you, feel free to let me know. Like I said, all that I am (somewhat) familiar with the is that calorie counter and the weigh in aspect of this site. New friends and supporters would be great. I know that 2013 will be the year that I make a change!


  • lre224
    lre224 Posts: 83
    Welcome back to MFP! I'm still struggling to lose weight also. I've been losing the same 2-3 lbs since August! Hopefully that will soon change though (I also have a great deal of stress that I'm dealing with at the same time, so it's not easy.) Even though I've been screwing up, I do find that logging EVERYTHING you eat (good & bad) helps. It keeps me much more accountable & forces me to face exactly what I've been eating, and not ignore it. i still have another 50 lbs to lose also, which I hope to accomplish this year.

    Feel free to add me if you wish. Going into the new year with a positive outlook! We can do this!
  • cmcmommy
    cmcmommy Posts: 197 Member
    Hi, my goal is 130 to drop feel free to add me. :happy:
  • phillipspage
    phillipspage Posts: 25 Member
    Welcome :) I too have 100 pounds to lose. I know exactly what you mean--I'm the queen of not finishing things, but after a month of logging on here it's old hat and just part of my routine now. It's just getting into the habit of doing things that's the hard part. Feel free to add me and we can give each other some support and encouragement!
  • FourLynne
    FourLynne Posts: 135 Member
    Hi! One thing you may want to join up with a group, to help you stay motiviated that is close to your interests or goals. There are a variety of them available to you. Another option is to find folks within your local area. If you go to the "invite friends" tab you can plug in your zip code and bring up people in your area. Also, you may just want to reach out in your community for a weight loss buddy so you can meet up and exercise and keep one another accountable.

    I'm coming back for Round Two, had to take a break for personal reasons but realizing there is always going to be something going on in life decided to give it another whirl. I wish you the best!
  • Hi you can add me if you want. I have 100+ to lose.:smile:
  • fightininggirl
    fightininggirl Posts: 792 Member
    welcome. when I started out in 1996 I weighed close to 300 pounds. I went from a size 26W to a size 16 where I am now. you are welcome to add me. I am working way my down to 135 pounds.
  • Hpetrie
    Hpetrie Posts: 21 Member
    I also have 100 lbs. to loose, and family is a big motivator. I will send you a friend request! You've got this! Congrats on coming back!
  • I probably could have written your post! I too have 100lbs plus 10 more. So here's to 2013 - lets hope this is the year!
    TC4IOWASTATE Posts: 64 Member
    Hi, please add me to your friends too! I have 100 lbs to lose and we can do this. Your story sounds like mine but log in and log the food. Even if you go over we will support you and we understand.
    Happy New Year!!! Teresa
  • Hi! Welcome back. I owe most of my success on MFP to my wife. She logs our food dairies everyday. She also modifies all the recipes and prepares 3 to 4 days worth of meals in advance. It helps alot to have someone at home doing it also. Best of luck and Happy New Year. We always say "New Year, New You".
  • GoMizzou99
    GoMizzou99 Posts: 512 Member
    I have lost 70 - gained 40 and lost 40 again. I know many failures and successes.

    Been on for a year and have maintained my goal weight for that time. Add me if you like.
  • RhonndaJ
    RhonndaJ Posts: 1,615 Member
    Not everyone is going to get it done in just one try. Some of us start, wander off, come back, and so on. I'm one of the latter.

    The thing I've found is that every time I wander off, I find that I've taken some of the things learned here with me, so I don't slip so far back.

    As long as you keep coming back, keep on trying. It's all worth it.
  • Lozx87
    Lozx87 Posts: 130 Member
    hi, i loved this site when i first joined but i was lacking concentration and motivation i was logging for so long then leaving it but i know have everything i need to get me on my way i have 87lb to lose and i have some of the best mfp friends to give me all the advice and motivation i need.

    anyone feel free to add me
  • megsmom2
    megsmom2 Posts: 2,362 Member
    Welcome can do this! You're not defeated until you stop trying,..and here you are!
  • LauraRhodes0902
    LauraRhodes0902 Posts: 70 Member
    Add me! I have about 130 pounds to lose and could use the support as well!
  • filady
    filady Posts: 12
    Hi, I've been here many times and 'm here again. I agree with keep tracking your food no matter what you eat good or bad the pattern will soon turn to good. Remember YOU are worth it you are doing it for YOU
  • tonyamariepierce
    tonyamariepierce Posts: 42 Member
    i have lost over 100 lbs in the last 4 years. i would be glad to a friend and supporter to anyone who wants to add me. i now run a fitness bootcamp and worked with over 60 individuals this summer, to also help them with their weight loss journey. i post monthly fitness challenges and try to help people to hit those goals. any way. make your health and fitness a priority and you will do this
  • jmslewis
    jmslewis Posts: 52 Member
    Hi! I am new to this as well. I found MFP in October, but had some other things going on and now I'm back! I am wanting to lose about 140lbs. I am much like you, I start things but don't finish them or become sidetracked. What I know works for me, perhaps this will help you as well, is to plan....plan...plan. If I prepare in advance and stay on top of my tracking (I gotta figure out the app thing on my cell) then I can do it!
  • I too have been away from MFP for some time. I would love to have the support of friends on the site to help me stay with the program. I have about 50 pounds to loose. Exercise is difficult for me due to medical concerns further complicating my weight loss efforts. Very disheartening. I would love to be in a group for the support and accountability.
  • blueeylb
    blueeylb Posts: 297 Member
    welcome to mfp feel free to add me i have 75 of 100 still to drop...