New year new start BRING IT ON!!!!

Hope everyone had a nice new year and ain't too hungover LOL.

Done this site before so no how it works but ultimately a failed cause I wasn't disciplined enough 6 months ago. But after a few months of therapy a have uncovered the reason I start off on a high but end up not sticking it out after the 3 week point. Kinda got bored of stopping and starting repeatedly.

So thought seeing as I am wanting to do a career change into childcare, I need to loose the weight as no where will employ a overweight nursery nurse who will get out of breathe after 5 mins with the kids. So need to change everything about me except my AMAZING PERSONALITY hahaha. So am hoping to loose over 10 stone throughout the year, which my dietitian has told me is completely save as long as I loose the weight slowly throughout the moinths. :bigsmile:

So would love to meet new people on here especially those from Newcastle Upon Tyne area. Geordie for life and all that.

Here are my figures:

Chest - 53/54''
Waist - 48''
Weight - 363lbs

Hope to hear from some of you soon and again HAPPY NEW YEAR :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:
