Restarting again & looking for friends


My name is LuAnn. I'm new here and I' m restarting Fitness Pal again. I' m looking for friends to keep me motivated. It's hard for me to write down every single thing I eat and stick with it every day.


  • Hi LuAnn! I was going to join WW but decided I wanted to save the money for joining a gym so I thought what is better than having to write it all down? My Fitness Pal :) We can do this! Add me if you like and best wishes to you on your journey.
  • Todd08
    Todd08 Posts: 80 Member
    Restarting again myself, feel free to add me!
  • ndspeirs
    ndspeirs Posts: 1 Member
    Hi my name is Nan and I am also restarting... lost my movitation in 2012 but with 2013 just starting want to change things around. Need all the encouragement I can get to stay focused this years.
  • Bobby__Clerici
    Bobby__Clerici Posts: 741 Member
    Hello and welcome.
    You have made a great choice for yourself, and the rewards of health are many.
    We all want the same thing... look better
    ....feel great
    ....and live well
    Again, welcome; and good luck :flowerforyou:
  • Hello everyone I'm also restarting and looking to give and receive motivation! Feel free to add me!!
  • Add me? :D
  • Hello All,

    I am basically restarting again after not worrying about any of the weight stuff for the last couple of months. We can all do it. I have faith that we can. Feel free to add me, I love having the support and encouragement of my MFP friends. It helps me to remember that i have to keep myself in check.
  • rukiddingme46
    rukiddingme46 Posts: 3 Member
    add me too. I am restarting as well after a 30 pound weight loss in 2012 and recovering from broken ankle.
  • eluepnitz272622
    eluepnitz272622 Posts: 15 Member
    I am also restarting feel free to add me. I still have 101 pounds to go.
  • wrenrumour
    wrenrumour Posts: 1 Member
    I'm also restarting... 80 lbs to lose, hoping to get at least half of it off by 4th of July. Anyone and everyone can add me! :)
  • Feel free to add me! I have been on MFP since July 2011. It is always nice to have people support you but would also like some support too! I need others to get me going and lose 15 pounds to get to my goal weight.
  • taffymangos
    taffymangos Posts: 60 Member
    feel free to add me too. i'm starting all over again too.
  • ajadumas
    ajadumas Posts: 85 Member
    Anyone feel free to add me! I've been on MFP for 3 1/2 weeks, and have lost 12lbs. I log on every day, and I promise to be your personal cheerleader and help keep you accountable if you'll do the same! :)

    And I know you said you can't write down everything you eat, I never could either, but now that I use the free MFP app on my phone, its so much easier! I literally log my food while I'm eating.
  • robbinoburrito
    robbinoburrito Posts: 17 Member
    I am restarting as well. It is definitely hard at first. Feel free to add me :) We can encourage each other. I also just started a new group. Feel free to join. It will be a great way to make new friends. It's called An Epic Zombie Adventure. Just say'n.
  • xxmrstxx
    xxmrstxx Posts: 3 Member
    Add me too! I'm looking for friends on here too xx
  • I'm starting over too so add me to the list.
    My husband and I spent New Years Eve with friends and pictures were taken. I don't usually let anyone take my picture but of course there were many. I didn't like what I saw,. I saw my mom whom I miss dearly, and thought about how she was my age when she had her first heart attack and that she passed away at a very young age of 64. So after taking a close look at the pictures and the last few months of battling blood sugar levels over 300, weight totally out of control and just feeling plain crappy. I decided today is the first day of the rest of my life and I need to choose what path I want to be on. Nothing like a wake up call on New Years Eve.
  • Hey! Welcome back! You can most definitely add me!
  • New year new outlook! I love speaking with people with like minded goals and love the motivation!! good luck!
  • New things can be hard Oi am new to MFP but find it easy to use and get everything in you can add me as a friend and we cann all try our best to be our best . Glad you joined just keep motivated!!
  • Great time to start again, 01.01.2013; 6 months on my back-side after spine operation, not sure where to start...