New to the MyFitnessPal program with 100lbs to lose



  • michellelhartwig
    michellelhartwig Posts: 486 Member
    I have about 130 to lose. I have recently joined the group 2013 Challenge to lose 52 lbs

    There seems to be MANY supportive people in this open group!
  • Jim1960
    Jim1960 Posts: 194
    Welcome back. I know exactly where you're coming from. I usually start off a diet really really well. And I also tend to fall off when something happens - but the signs of my falling off usually precede that. What I think the real culprit is loss of focus. I have so much to lose that it takes a while. And it becomes routine. When that happens I lose focus and lose resolve. I haven't made it past the 4-6 month mark yet this time, so I don't know if I'll make it this time. But I think that they keys for me making it are three-fold:

    1) Logging EVERYTHING daily. It's so important to be consistent and honest.
    2) Find friends who do the same. Seeing friends who log through tough times and good times really helps. Seeing friends who fail; but get back up and on track again helps ALOT.
    3) Be engaged with those friends. I find that I feel that I would be letting them down if I didn't log.
  • Happy New Year!
    I also have 100 pounds to lose.
    I started the using the app in October and lost 14 pounds.
    I took a 2 week hiatus with the holidays, but I am back.
    I am heading to spin class tonight with a friend.
    Feel free to add me to your list of people to help with motivation.
    I could use some motivation as well.
  • I'm right there with you (kinda sorta). I always do really well with diets starting off, have success and eventually go back to my old habits. Using this website, I was down to 204 last September but crashed off the diet and am now back up to 230 (trying to get down to 165-ish). It's always easier with motivation, so feel free to toss me a friend invite (anyone in this situation, not just the OP) and see if we can't motivate each other to keep it going in 2013.