Army Wife New On Here....

My name is Becky and I am an Army wife of 3 1/2 years, who is currently getting ready to go to basic at the beginning of fall. I always had an athletic build, then I had got pregnant and allowed that to be my sorry excuse to eat ALL THE TIME!! Well, the time has come to where, not only to I want to be healthy and now be a great looking mom and influence for our daughter, but I really need to get back to my former body so I can beat all the boys up in basic ;). Anyone on here have any good tips for military related exercises to get me ready? I was great when I was thin, but I need something to help get back to that. Thanks!


  • aymetcalf
    aymetcalf Posts: 597 Member
    Welcome! I'm a Navy wife, feel free to 'friend' me! :flowerforyou:
  • MegKacz
    MegKacz Posts: 57
    I'm headed to Navy ODS in July, trying to get in shape before I leave too!
  • lilchino4af
    lilchino4af Posts: 1,292 Member
    I'm an Air Force wife, and AF as well - welcome! :flowerforyou:

    I liked doing the Jillian Michael's DVDs when AF PT wasn't cutting it; No More Trouble Zones is my absolute fav, but I have the other three as well and alternate between them. They definitely help with pushups, crunches, and cardio for running. My husband and I just started P90X and it's kicking our butts, but we're having a blast and getting a great workout; I don't know your money situation but that could be an option too.

    Good luck at basic - stick it to the boys!! :drinker:
  • jdayl
    jdayl Posts: 25 Member
    When I was in the favorite exercises of the drill sergeants were push-ups, sit-ups (all the way up) leg lifts, mountain climbers, jumping jacks and of course running. Your PT test is a 2 mile run, and as many as you can do in two minutes of each push-ups and sit-ups.
    Walk at a good marching pace as much as possible until you go and carry a heavy bag or purse not only to build fitness but to get your body used to the pounding.

    I actually gained weight in basic because of the muscle gain but I lost a lot of inches. I enjoyed basic but I don't think I would want to do it again. Good Luck
  • BecksyC
    BecksyC Posts: 4
    Thats soo funny, I love those dvds and No More Trouble Zones is my absolute fave!
  • BecksyC
    BecksyC Posts: 4
    Thanks ladies! Its nice to see other military wives/service members on here. I've lost 20 pounds since December 27th, but Id like to lose 20 more and be at 140 before I leave. I cant even believe Im at the point to where 140 is a smaller number. Im 160 mow so we will see. I HAVE to get back to kickin the hubby's butt at pt. When I was in AF ROTC, I was a beast. Its so hard to get back to where u were. Like, 3 years ago I was running 2 miles at 14:02 and maxing out sit ups and push ups if u go by the Army PT Test. Im looking forward to sharing ideas and success stories.
  • Ladyhyjinx
    Hi, great news about your decision to join the fun....both here and in the military.

    I'm an Air Force wife and loved our adventures touring the world. Looks like we have other military wives out there.....maybe we should get together.

    The best of luck in preparing for your new challenge and keep us posted. I agree, Jillian can certainly kick some butt into gear.

    Take care!
  • SquidInTraining
    Hello there! I'm going to basic for the Navy in 6 months, I've been running, hiking, and trying to get stronger in my pushups/situps.
  • Home6
    Home6 Posts: 208 Member
    Good luck to all of you going through military training! BecksyC, do you know if you will be going to Fort Jackson or to Fort Leanordwood? I went to Jackson back in 2002, and boy was it fun! I also had to lose weight before I joined the military, and my recruiter had me running like a madwoman 5 days a week. Don't get discouraged, and don't give up!
  • TheMaidOfAstolat
    TheMaidOfAstolat Posts: 3,222 Member
    There is a military wife/husband/family thread somewhere on the boards...if I can find it, I'll bump it for you all.
  • shaggys
    shaggys Posts: 140 Member
    Good luck to all of you going through military training! BecksyC, do you know if you will be going to Fort Jackson or to Fort Leanordwood? I went to Jackson back in 2002, and boy was it fun! I also had to lose weight before I joined the military, and my recruiter had me running like a madwoman 5 days a week. Don't get discouraged, and don't give up!

    Running works the best for me!
    Good Luck:flowerforyou:
  • xsargex
    xsargex Posts: 768
    I hear the focus on PT in Basic has changed or is in the process of changing. They are going to a more core-training
    program, so I'd look into that. Continue doing the APFT. Do what you can to max it out.
  • vettelover
    I'm a Marine wife. I'm trying to get in shape again too. My husband just joined last year and in December we moved to our first duty station in South Carolina. When we got here I got super depressed and ate all the time to try to make myself feel better. Of course, that didn't work. So I've been dieting and exercising and have lost 14lbs since the 19th.
  • BecksyC
    BecksyC Posts: 4
    Thanks everyone for the input. I have been doing PT with the hubby, since here at Southern Command, they dont have organized PT. I'm not sure if Im still going to Jackson. Im waiting on my family care plan approval, to finalize everything for sure. Just some more "Hurry up and Wait". But, I see it like this, if I can withstand a 14 month deployment as a first time mom, when my soldier left 3 weeks after she was born, then I have NO excuse to not be able to get back to my best and kick some ace. I ran 2 miles today at 17:45, so I guess that's better that I was doing. Ill tell ya one thing though, if I didnt have basic training as motivation, I would def have the Miami Scene to give me it.