Recovery from Eating Disorders

Hi :)
I'm in early days of recovery from various eating disorders which have ruled my life since I was 11. I'm now 27 know I need to change my attitude towards food. Most recently (for the past 5 years) bulimia had been my method of choice. I had a 3 month stint in the summer of not purging at all, regularly exercising and eating well. I finally started to feel normal again, but then I cocked up! I started again on the 16th December, and have managed to keep it up since. However, obviously due to the abuse I put my body through, it's reacting very badly to food. I am sticking to between 1200-2000cals per day. This time last year I weighed 60kg. I am now 75kg. I have created a lot of muscle and am struggling to shed bulk. When I look in the mirror I don't necessarily see 'fat' it's just a much larger version of myself. I am determined to get better and feel healthy again. Anyone else in a similar boat? I could use a friend!
Best of luck to you all on your journey to fitness and health! x


  • With such a personal post, i'm not sure how many replies you will receive. But I understand the difficulties of bouncing from healthy life choices to not acceptable options... I'm here for moral support and could use some of my own!
  • Hello.

    I don't usually browse in the forums here, but I happened to see this topic in the sidebar on my own diary.

    While I'm not in 'recovery,' I do share your battle with Eating Disorders. I have bulimarexia (I'm very tight on my calorie count and if I DO eat, I purge- but, I never binge). There was a year that I decided to give recovery a chance. I exercised very regularly and ate healthy, but ended up gaining 20lbs in that year. I freaked myself out and fell back into my old habits- and, they continue to this day. When I first started losing weight, though, I was 254lbs and I lost 104 of it. So, the 20 lbs did a number to my mentality regarding food. When I look in the mirror, I consistently see the 254lbs me and never the me that's lost all of that weight. I DO know that I'm sick and have a problem. However, recovery frightens me because of the result of that one year.

    Anyway, there's my battle in a nutshell. But, do know that there IS someone out here that completely understands it. Good luck and best wishes for your recovery.
  • Hi I'm definatley in the same boat. I have had every eating disorder out there and am still struggling. Right know I'm between bulimia (overexercising to purge) and anarexic thoughts. I'm 28 and have been struggling with this disorder since I was a child as well. I also recently found out i was hypoglycemic so I have to get over this for health reasons NOW. I've been overweight due to overeating after recovering from my anorexia. I've lost most of the weight naturally by eating intuitively, however as I am finally only 20lbs from goal I started restricting/binging again. I've onlt been eating 1000 cals or under and my weight loss has stalled, also have gained alot of muscle from working out 60min. 6 days a week. I have made the decision to eat more and more fequently to help my metabolism recover and hopefully my hypoglycemia as well. I would love to have a buddy.