In Serious NEED Of Support/Motivation/Friends!(:

Hello, my name is Amberlynn. I have struggled with my weight since I was a very young child. Through being in foster care and being bounced back and fourth between strangers, shelters, and group homes, I was able to make myself weigh 290 at the age of 11. When I was 16, I weighed 420. A little over a year ago, at age 20, I decided to actually stick to a diet and I did. I ended up losing 72 pounds but a few months ago, at age 21, I let myself give up. I gained almost 30 pounds back. It's disgusting that I let myself turn to food for comfort. That's what I did as a child, not what I want to do now as an adult. I want to make healthy choices. Today, I am 22 years old, and I weighed in at 354 pounds exactly. I want to lose 100 pounds this year. If I lost a lot of weight once, I know I can do it again but even better! When 2014 comes along, I want to be able to say that I have reached my yearly goal with a huge smile on my face. It's going to be hard but it is reasonable and I know I can do it if I truly set my mind to it. I wanted to make this message because I need support, I need motivators, I need friends. I can NEVER have enough. Please feel free to add me, message me, etc. By January of 2014, I will weigh 254 pounds! (:


  • same here need support to lose 65 pounds!!
  • tamoore19
    Happy New Year!! Wishing you much success and blessings. YOU CAN DO THIS!!
  • Daday2013
    Daday2013 Posts: 2 Member
    The first step is the hardest and you've taken in! Congratulations - you're on your way to success in 2013! I'm right there with you because I need to lose too - I've let it creep up on me but I'm taking it off in 2013. We'll do it together - and remember, YOU DESERVE IT AND YOU DESERVE TO BE HAPPY!
  • leellu
    leellu Posts: 8
    I have a 100 pound weight loss goal for 2013 too. I'd be happy to lose more, of course!
  • gobraves47
    gobraves47 Posts: 213 Member
    Stay strong and be kind to yourself. We all have up and down days. We just need to learn how to deal with them in a healthy way. Good Luck--you can do it!
  • Cass0422
    Cass0422 Posts: 26 Member
    Stay strong! You can do this! My weight loss goal is to loose 91 lbs.
  • mommyjos
    mommyjos Posts: 98 Member
    If you want to add me, feel free! I'm looking for motivation, encouragement and the occasional kick in the rear to get back in gear! If you want the same, add me and we'll do this together! :)
  • shnoots
    shnoots Posts: 82 Member
    I totally understand that difficult home life and turning to food for comfort. While I never gained as much as you did, I found myself at 240 by the time I was 14. Between the ages of 14 and 16 I developed an eating disorder (not the my eating wasn't disordered before) and ended up somewhere around 150 (which while being the standard weight for my height, it doesn't sit so well on my frame I think). I think that when attempting a massive lifestyle overhaul it's important to have safe guards against going too far and falling into the same pattern I did - "Oh! I lost 5 more lbs this week. Wouldn't it be awesome to lose 5 more? How about I stop eating actual food and just take multi-vitamins? That will totally work."
    Personally, at this point, I'm not even trying to lose weight (I'm 7 months pregnant) but I am trying to eat healthfully and watch my sodium intake while making sure I'm getting enough calcium/protein/calories. However, I think you and I will probably be in the same place in regards to calories and what kind of exercises feel comfortable.
    So let's be friends!
  • Chgosportsgal
    Feel free to add me..I will be happy to support you.
  • Chgosportsgal
    Feel free to add me ...
  • littlewhittles
    littlewhittles Posts: 402 Member
    Feel free to add me if you want.
  • laserturkey
    laserturkey Posts: 1,680 Member
    You can do it! Add me if you like.
  • ashleyclonch12
    Good luck! You can do it! It's hard to try to make a change in yourself, but you deserve it. You deserve to be happier and healthier. It won't be easy, but when challenges arise think of who you're doing this for. My motto for this year is "No Excuses!" I'm going to try to integrate this into every part of my life. Work is tough? No excuses, get better at your job. I'm to tired to work out? No excuses, get your butt to the gym or go for a walk. I don't have time to read that book I've been wanting to read. No excuses, find ten minutes. Healthy food is expensive. No excuses, it's not as expensive as going out all the time.

    You got this girl! long as you don't make any excuses! :)
  • presley317
    Congrats on beginning to get your mind and body back to healthy! :D You absolutely CAN do this (again)! Feel free to add me as well.
  • doitforabby
    doitforabby Posts: 137 Member
    Happy New year! This is the place to do it! Its such a supportive environment & anywhere you turn there is someone who can support you!
  • Mishy
    Mishy Posts: 1,551 Member
    Welcome to MFP!

    It is really great that you're taking care of your health at such a young age. My highest known weight was 319 lbs when I was in my twenties. I'm sure it was much higher but there was a point in my life when I just wouldn't get on a scale. Even though I think it is much more important to focus on how you feel than a number on a scale, some times having a point (or breaking point) that we can look at helps to keep us motivated along the way.

    Anyway, I just wanted to give you some support! Keep it up! :flowerforyou:
  • skrullerull
    skrullerull Posts: 40 Member
    You can do it! WE CAN DO IT!! =) I'm adding you as a friend, I'm VERY motivated and try do give a lot of support =)
  • mommyshortlegs
    mommyshortlegs Posts: 402 Member
    I, too, am here if you need me. :)

    I'm a 29-year-old SAHM of 1 (trying for #2); a scratch-cooking foodie striving to revise my diet and with it my lifestyle. I repeatedly fail, some falls further down than others -- but I start again, and again, and again, as often as necessary. To maintain accountability with my friends here on MFP and with myself, I log daily with rare exception.