So I'm back...AGAIN!!!

Heaven help me...I HAVE to lose this weight and get back to looking like ME again!!! I was doing so good and was going to the gym without fail. However, I started to GAIN while I was trying to lose! Why does that happen? I know, I know...the building muscle thing. How can I keep myself from getting discouraged when that starts happening? I get and then BLAM - hello another 5-10 lbs!!! It's got to stop!!!


  • I know! I totally understand! For me, I just screw up one time, then let myself go! I think we just need to keep focused and not give up. We can do it!
  • I get so mad at myself!!! I can't stand it!!!
  • scowil03xx
    scowil03xx Posts: 45 Member
    Stop worrying about a single number on a scale! Take body measurements, body fat, etc. Most times, despite a slight increase in weight not only will those numbers go down, but also your clothes will fit better (or be too big). And, you will feel stronger and better. If I only paid attention to the one number on the scale, not only would it seem too distant, but I would look sickly and weak.
  • I know you're so right!! I wish I could train my brain to think that bf tells me that very thing ALL the time. Why are we so fixated on numbers!!! Thank you for your advice!!!!
  • One day at a time Jersey, I know! I have faith in you that you can do it!!! Don't think about yesterday, only think about today!
  • maryjay52
    maryjay52 Posts: 557 Member
    welcome back!! yep i came back too ..i found that out of sight out of mind can pack them lbs one before you blink . im back too!!!! good luck
  • welcome back!! yep i came back too ..i found that out of sight out of mind can pack them lbs one before you blink . im back too!!!! good luck

    Yes...I know that all too well!!! Welcome back to you!!!
  • Im back too, i did this in March last year and the weight came off easy! I just got lazy and complacent and slipped back into my "fat jeans" before i knew it!! I want to get into shape for my holiday in September. Im sticking to it this time. I know some people laugh when they see people starting a health kick in "New Year" and think we'll give up before the end of January but im determined to reach my goal no matter what. Im looking for friends for encouragement and to go along this journey together!! Feel free to add me :) Good luck everyone!! x
  • Yup - back in my "fat jeans" skinny jeans just sitting nicely folded and lonely!! Good luck to you, too!!!

    And I know what you mean...people scoffing at your resolution to get in shape...but, if we listen to them, we're only proving them right!!
  • mmgrahamm
    mmgrahamm Posts: 10 Member
    THANK GOODNESS FOR JAN 1 :) New beginnings and new resolutions. You can DO IT!!!! Don't get discouraged, keep it up and you will see changes! LETS DOOOOO THIS!!!!!
  • THANK GOODNESS FOR JAN 1 :) New beginnings and new resolutions. You can DO IT!!!! Don't get discouraged, keep it up and you will see changes! LETS DOOOOO THIS!!!!!

    Amen, sister!! :wink:
  • GoddessG
    GoddessG Posts: 175 Member
    Measure inch loss, not weight loss. Get that scale out of your house for a while. It's playing with your head! Don't let it do that to you.

    I just came off a plateau that was driving me to distraction. I put on a smaller pair of jeans and used a belt that I hadn't even been able to buckle a few weeks ago. Weight wasn't going down. Everything else was.
  • apohaqui
    apohaqui Posts: 7 Member
    I am back again as well, and am going to try harder this trip. I know that you shouldn't gear yourself to that GD number on the scale, but that's easier said than done. I have one snag tho. I get sooo overwhelmed trying to meet or stay within the daily totals of "Proteins - Fibers - Carbs - Fats". Im not quite sure what to do... Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
  • Yes, it can get very confusing, can't it? One thing I found helpful was the "Body For Life" books - Bill Philips - it helps you get back on track for EVERY day living and eating. It's very good at explaining what we need!!
  • Well I'm gonna try real hard this time.. I gained my wieght back. I'm going to need some help if I start to slip.. Thank you and this year(2013) will be a better year..
  • alisiaendris
    alisiaendris Posts: 213 Member
    Measure, measure, MEASURE! I gained about 2 pounds, but when I measures, I lost a total of 4"!
  • Im very new to this website and looking forward to reading about how everybody is encouraging each other. Cant wait to utilize the program.
  • Good Luck!
  • yeah!!!!
  • kdeaux1959
    kdeaux1959 Posts: 2,675 Member
    Use a tape measure to measure progress. If it is muscle gain, your progress will show up on the tape... If not, then it is time to change something. Welcome back. Committment is Key to Success.
  • Use a tape measure to measure progress. If it is muscle gain, your progress will show up on the tape... If not, then it is time to change something. Welcome back. Committment is Key to Success.

    I know that's the key and what I should do...hoping I can stick to it!!