New Year Resolution

My name is Jamie, Female, Maine, 36, and I want to lose 12 lbs and get back in shape.

I joined MFP over a year ago, mainly to watch my sister's progress (she rocks, she lost 40 lbs), but was inspired and also lost a few pounds. I ran a marathon in October 2012, then stopped all exercise, and ate my way through the holidays. Well, I'm back, and trying to start the new year on the right foot. Ran a 3.5 mile New Years Day race this AM while pushing my three year old in the stroller, and I'm starting to track my food again. I also registered for a June marathon that I'm really excited about, Bay of Funday Marathon, it's the first ever International marathon (starts in USA, crosses to Canada and back over to the USA).

I'd love to find some runner friends on here to compare stories/progress with. Happy New Year Everyone! :happy:


  • Hksalex
    Hksalex Posts: 144 Member
    welcome :)
  • catherinemontoya
    My name is kris and I would like to lose the 10-15 pounds I keep gaining. I need an inspiration to help me to lose the weight. This year my new years resolution is to get on my treadmill for 30 minutes 4 times a week.
  • PunkyRachel
    PunkyRachel Posts: 1,959 Member
    My new year resolution: Is to get healthy and actually stick to the diet I'm suppose to be on. For health reason, I'm suppose to be on a low GI diet. I've cut back on alcohol in 2012 but I want to remove it completely in 2013, instead of just drinking on holidays or birthdays. I want to get to a health BMI. Which I am 30 pounds from but my goal is 50 pounds in 2013.
  • jamie_maine
    My name is kris and I would like to lose the 10-15 pounds I keep gaining. I need an inspiration to help me to lose the weight. This year my new years resolution is to get on my treadmill for 30 minutes 4 times a week.

    Kris - I do most of my running on the treadmill since I usually run after my son is in bed or before he wakes up (ie. it's dark out). One of the things that helps me is to pick some shows that I really like, but that my husband doesn't, and only allow myself to watch them if I'm on the treadmill. My favorite 30 min sitcom is New Girl, very funny! I love running while watching Biggest Loser too, which will be starting soon, I find that show so inspirational. Good Luck.
  • PrincessLou71186
    PrincessLou71186 Posts: 747 Member
    1. Swear less
    2. Do more housework
    3. Get fitter and healthier
    4. Have one positive thought every day.
  • inashdeen
    Main way to lose the kilo is to control the diet, I suppose.
    if continually we exceed the calorie bar, weight increase is definite
    : )

    Created by - Free Calorie Counter
  • rmanna5
    Hi! I am turning 40 this year and I have made the resolution that I am going to be the healthiest me there is. I ran my first 5 km last year and absolutely loved it. I am aiming to either run a 10 km or a half marathon this year before I turn 40 in July. I need all the help I can get! Good luck.