Is all that water overrated?

I spent an entire month obsessing over my water intake. I drank 70-80 ounces every single day and peed CONSTANTLY and really saw no benefit from it. Coincidentally, this was the month that I completely plateaued. The scale didn't move at all. This last week, I abandoned the constant water drinking and guess what? I lost half a pound! Can somebody give me an opinion about this?


  • kerrilucko
    kerrilucko Posts: 3,852 Member
    70-80oz is on the high side. It's been proven that you don't NEED to drink 8 glasses of water a day, especially if you're drinking other fluids as well (milk, juices, etc) and eating a diet rich in fruits and vegetables (which contain bountiful amounts of water as well). If you enjoy soups, you're getting even more water.

    That said, drinking extra water won't cause weight gain or prevent you from losing weight. The half lb you lost was either a water weight drop from your decrease in fluids or, more likely, would have been lost with or without the extra water. Plateaus are normal and, imo, have nothing to do with your water intake.
  • lknorthstar
    lknorthstar Posts: 132 Member
    Yeah, I guess I don't think have to force yourself to drink eight glasses but you should make sure you don't dehydrate yourself. Thirst can be mistaken for hunger also. Plus keeping yourself hydrated is good for you skin! I try to make sure I have water by me at all times that way I am more likely to drink more water then I normally would. Sometimes I drink six glasses other times ten. It all depends on how I feel...
  • chicka200413
    I love water, I know most people don’t. But I actually prefer water over ANY other beverage. I thank my parents for that because they NEVER had any other beverage in the house but water. So I learned it from the start. My sister is the same way.
    I have found that it helps with my weight loss, but it also helps my skin. I don’t have really bad skin or anything, but my husband does. If he drinks 8 glasses of water each day, it clears it ALL up. If he goes back and drinks soda or fruity drinks it gets worse again.
    I am trying to stay away from a lot of the chemicals in other beverages, so I stick to plain water. You may not NEED 8 glasses of water a day, but it wouldn’t hurt. I certainly do not think it would make you gain weight at all.
  • hill242
    hill242 Posts: 412 Member
    Snopes on the "8 Glasses of Water a Day" theory
  • ZebraHead
    ZebraHead Posts: 15,207 Member
    I can only state from personal experience that drinking more water does for me (other than the peeing :smile: ) I am older and have spent my whole life drinking way too much coffee, beer, etc. All the things that pull water out of your body (I guess) well in the last 45 days of drinking the recommend amounts of water I notice my skin looks more hydrated, my face mostly. I guess this could be an illusion but I don't think so, I think my body is actually putting all that water to use that it never had before. I'm sure there are internal benefits too, but this external benefit in my mind is enough to keep me on the water wagon...
  • CreativeRedhead
    I have to say yes water helps me in many ways. It doesn't make me crave sweetness like sweet tea or sodas did. My skin looks better also. I feel fuller when I drink water with my meals. I'd say there are benefits but it may not work for everyone. :)

    *Zebra post a pic so we can see your face....please. :wink:
  • ZebraHead
    ZebraHead Posts: 15,207 Member
    I have to say yes water helps me in many ways. It doesn't make me crave sweetness like sweet tea or sodas did. My skin looks better also. I feel fuller when I drink water with my meals. I'd say there are benefits but it may not work for everyone. :)

    *Zebra post a pic so we can see your face....please. :wink:

    It Took seven years for KISS to unmask. :bigsmile:
  • CreativeRedhead
    Really..I can't wait 7 years. :tongue:
  • jewelinvic
    jewelinvic Posts: 332
    I have to say yes water helps me in many ways. It doesn't make me crave sweetness like sweet tea or sodas did. My skin looks better also. I feel fuller when I drink water with my meals. I'd say there are benefits but it may not work for everyone. :)

    *Zebra post a pic so we can see your face....please. :wink:

    It Took seven years for KISS to unmask. :bigsmile:

    I would say yes too. Yes, I pee lots, but I stop drinking water at about 4PM, then only have a cup of chocolate milk with dinner! I don't drink water after dinner, because I like sleeping through the night.:noway: I have noticed the changes in my skin, it looks way better! If I am having a hard time drinking my water, i'll put some crystal light in it.

  • sendmoretigers
    it's not that its overrated but water is part of the balancing act that is a healthy lifestyle. aside from breathing, water is the most important element in the practice of staying alive: you would survive far longer without food than you would without water. that said, it's not magical. clean, fresh water is awesome but you need other stuff too. health and nutrition is a balance of all the elements of your diet, not just going overboard on one thing or completely cutting out another.
  • ZebraHead
    ZebraHead Posts: 15,207 Member
    Really..I can't wait 7 years. :tongue:
    OK then how about this one?

    Look quick I bet I am breaking some law somewhere....:bigsmile:
    [Picture of my hero removed]
  • jewelinvic
    jewelinvic Posts: 332