weidner Posts: 127
edited September 20 in Fitness and Exercise
So, I have been working out a lot; well, I have been eating these great 90 calorie chocolate fiber bars (love them); anyway – we all know what fiber can do to you. So…last night I went to my Pilates class, I did the treadmill first for about 25/30 minutes. I get to the class as she is closing the door; almost in my face; so people are laughing as I walk in. That was the first thing; then as I am taking my shoes off, someone sees a baby spider on the floor right by me, so what is your first reaction, well I had my shoe in my hand so I was just going to WACK it; well you would swear that I was going to kill a baby or something; people were outraged (too funny if you ask me)!!! Some girl actually fished through her purse, found a piece of paper and scoped the damn thing up and took it out of the room, then said to me “We are in Pilates and it is a place of peace and tranquility with ones self and other creatures of the universe” I thought I was going to pee my pants – yeah right, I am here to work on my big fat stomach and get a great core workout – HELLO. Finally, the class begins and we are doing our Pilates and we are lying on our backs – now remember the whole premise of doing Pilates is to constantly have your stomach pulled in and tightening those muscles. Well, we are lying on our backs on the floor and we are raising our feet off the floor like six to nine inches – and I don’t know how it happened, but as I was lowering my legs to the floor, a TOOT escaped!!!!! It was not a little puff, it was a regular guy fart – OMG; well of course I said excuse me and then I started to laugh. Well, the other women in the class just looked at me as though I was from a different planet – I wanted to yell – hey women fart too. Well, like five minutes later, this rather large women who was sitting diagonally from me picked up her mat and left the room – I noticed her struggling throughout the class, but I think some people in the class thought it was her who farted and not me – I think some of them thought I was just covering for her.

So the big question is, do you think I can go back to the class?


  • xecila
    xecila Posts: 99
    Sounds like your classmates are kinda lame, but yeah, go again! And fart on them again. :laugh:
  • If the instrutor was teaching a good class, then definitely go back. Everyone toots, as one time or another!
    I use a personal trainer, in my home. She always knows when I toot! She has told me that it is very normal, especially when working your abs, as it puts pressure on that area!
  • Sounds like your classmates are kinda lame, but yeah, go again! And fart on them again. :laugh:


    Haha, they do sound a little uptight! Did you enjoy the class? If so, go back!
  • lilchino4af
    lilchino4af Posts: 1,292 Member
    Sounds like your classmates are kinda lame, but yeah, go again! And fart on them again. :laugh:
    Ditto!! :bigsmile: Maybe you'll find some of them decided not to go back! :wink:
  • LOL wow what an experience! Yes go back don't let them make you feel inferior.
  • smarston
    smarston Posts: 78 Member
    LOL This is hilarious! I would def. go back...if you enjoy the class. I personally LOVE Pilates so I don't care what happened you couldn't keep me away from a good class. Unfortunately the gym I go to don't offer Pilates classes. I recently purchased a pilates performer and use it here at home though prior to that I did mat Pilates with a home video. I wouldn't let them run you out. Have fun and enjoy your class. I would have squashed the spider too.
  • Momma2four
    Momma2four Posts: 1,534
    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: I loved this story!!! I would work out with you anytime. I think you should def go back. Have you seen that gas commercial where the lady says to take beano so you do not have to find a new yoga class? You so reminded me of that. Take your beano and go back. I think those uptight phoneys need someone like you in their class to show them real peace and tranquility.
  • ha ha our nickname for those are "fart bars" gauenteed to make you let some air farts out!
  • lknorthstar
    lknorthstar Posts: 132 Member
    That is just the funniest thing! :laugh: I bet your classmates were just horrified with you! First you try to kill a spider then you fart! I would go back! It will be okay plus it might give them something to do...wonder what you are doing to do next! :wink:
    Of course I hang with a rough crowed.:blushing: Farting, belching, scratching, etc. are pretty common on my group of crazy friends! :drinker: :smokin:
  • weidner
    weidner Posts: 127
    Thank you all for your positive responses, I appreciate all of your WONDERFUL comments and your laughs we well. I was planning on going back and having some fun again - it was all surreal the looks on those women's faces.

    So since I love the "fart bars" as they were so eloquently called, I will continue to eat them and continue to probably fart throughout the piliates class!!!

    Thanks again, I appreciate it. My motto is if you can't laugh at yourself, which I did, there is never a reason to laugh period.

    Have a great one and thanks again for all your positive feed back and I'm glad I could make each of you smile.
  • DeathIsMyGift
    DeathIsMyGift Posts: 434 Member
    And that's why I can't get into Pilates. It is way too "New Age-y" for me. Even the dvd I bought, the instructor is all, "imagine yourself as a willow tree and your arms are the branches and it is a hot summer day and all you want is to feel as one with........" UH NO!. I'm not a tree, I'm not floating in the ocean and I am SO not about to lay/sit/stand here and listen to all of this crap for 60 minutes. I think I'll just stick to my elliptical/cardio for now.

    I would have totally squished the crap outta that spider.
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