Lost Weight and I LOOK THE SAME!



  • zentha1384
    zentha1384 Posts: 323 Member
    My husband and I have been taking progress pictures. Around my 50 lbs mark and his 70 lbs mark we took pictures. I saw some change in mine but my husband couldn't' believe the change. then we looked at his. I saw a ton of change and he saw none. Sometime we can't see our own accomplishments.
  • MaraDiaz
    MaraDiaz Posts: 4,604 Member
    I started MFP at 232. While I did see small differences after a few weeks and months I didn't see major differences until I'd 40+ pounds. Then I started seeing differences every month.

    The thing is, especially if you do photos clothed, the clothes we wear when we are heavier are designed to hide that as much as possible, which means they will effectively hide losses, too. Or that's my theory, anyway.

    Keep going, you will see differences. And keep comparing pics!
  • JoJoKittyfloss
    Sometimes weight comes off where it isn't immediately obvious...it usally comes off where we want it to LAST! haha
    Measurements are definitely a good idea - but remember that some exercises with INcrease inches in certain places (such as calves).
    Don't lose heart though - every lb you lose is worth it, and good for your health! :)