New bf' ing mom looking for other moms



  • Hi! I am a breastfeeding momma. I am currently nursing my 11 month old twins. I have previously nursed my other 5 children. All my children are fairly close together (my eldest was 7 when #6&#7 arrived). I am currently at my wedding weight. It is a struggle each time to lose the weight, but it can be done! Make sure you eat enough to keep up supply. This website is nice to balance the enough calories, but not too much. Feel free to add me. :smile:

    Wow you are my hero!!! Bfing twins !! Way to go mamas! I'll add you thanks!!
  • Aeriel
    Aeriel Posts: 864 Member
    Not breastfeeding yet but will be in about 6 weeks. Due Feb 14, 2013 with my 3rd child. Have an almost 6 year old and a 4 year old that were both breastfed. Been on MFP since April 2010 and lost 65 pounds. Maintained a 55lb loss for almost 18 months before getting pregnant. Feel free to add me :-)