1000 calories a day????

OK so I get the idea that I have to burn more Cal. Than I eat in order to lose weight.. that makes sense. BUT I burn 300 on the treadmill and that nearly kills my legs, how in the name of everything holy do people burn off 1000 + a day? Or even burn off more than they eat? I'm lost


  • BusyRaeNOTBusty
    BusyRaeNOTBusty Posts: 7,166 Member
    You are forgetting about all the calories it takes just to keep your alive, to digest your food, and to perform daily activities. About 2000 calories on average.
  • jessadany
    :embarassed: LOL I'm so.new to this! OK so by the end of the day on average one person Burns 2000 just from existing. ? This is so confusing lol
  • citizencrp
    citizencrp Posts: 228 Member
    Oh no no no... You don't have to exercise off all the calories you eat. Just by breathing, sleeping, brushing your teeth, and doing general living type stuff, you are burning calories: depending on your weight and activity level it's between 2000-3000 calories a day automatically used up by your body to function at a basic level. Exercise burns more calories than sleep and sitting around, but you are burning calories 24/7 no matter what.
    That's why you HAVE TO EAT FOOD, even if you want to lose weight. Enter your information into MFP settings and it will give you an estimate of how many calories you burn in a 24 hour period, then it will ask you how much you plan to exercise in addition to everyday living and how much weight you want to lose/week, with 1lb/week being the recommended (not too much deprivation or too little weight loss) and it will tell you how many calories to eat/day.
    Then eat as close to that calorie goal as possible.
    When you exercise, log it on MFP and it will add those burned calories back to your daily "allowance" because the daily calorie goal it gives you is actually what you want to net. Just follow MFP, log everything. Eat your calorie allowance, even though it seems rewarding to eat below it, exercise and log it and eat back most or all of your exercise calories, and give it a little time...
    Don't think of it as a diet, just let the logging guide you to eat healthier and more nutritionally potent food and you'll lose weight, at least that is what I and many others have found here. GOOD LUCK!
  • BusyRaeNOTBusty
    BusyRaeNOTBusty Posts: 7,166 Member
    If you go to the goals tab on the home page it will tell you how many calories you burn with normal daily activities (according to the activity level you set) on the right side of the screen.
  • mommygirlx3
    mommygirlx3 Posts: 39 Member
    you should eat at least 1200 calories a day
  • PinkyKiwii
    PinkyKiwii Posts: 512 Member
  • redraidergirl2009
    redraidergirl2009 Posts: 2,560 Member
    The only person I know who burns that much is my friend who is a fitness instructor because that is her job. I agree with you though, I see some people on my list and I really think they are not logging correctly.
  • Bobby__Clerici
    Bobby__Clerici Posts: 741 Member
    :embarassed: LOL I'm so.new to this! OK so by the end of the day on average one person Burns 2000 just from existing. ? This is so confusing lol
    Don't get confused...
    Go into settings and set up your profile..."Update diet/fitness profile"
    Just follow the MFP recommendations.
    It's simple.
    Good Luck!
  • shirleygirl910
    shirleygirl910 Posts: 503 Member
    Exercise calories are on top of what you eat to exist. Search articles about TDEE and BMR. They've discussed these over and over on MFP.

    Everyday I walk the dog for 40 min and it gives me 400 some calories, then on the days I go to the gym I do an hour on the eliptical and 45-60 min of weight training (I only go to the gym 2-3 times a week). That is how you get 1000 or more exercise calories in a day. My brother gave me a fitbit for Christmas. So, today for example it says I've burned 2393 calories. I would never dream of eating all those calories. I eat between 1800 and 2000 per day depending on exercise level.
  • Kagami_Taiga
    Kagami_Taiga Posts: 124 Member
    Most/all of the responses so far are kind of misinterpreting the question.

    She's asking how can people burn so many calories per day via exercising. That's not got anything to do with the calories you need during the day to live.

    Basically, when you start exercising from a long period of doing nothing it starts off difficult. The more you do something the easier it gets. Consider swimming, nobody starts off amazing. You have to progressively improve, the same goes for the different forms of exercise.
  • ashlinmarie
    ashlinmarie Posts: 1,263 Member
    I burned that many in a day at a waterpark in the wave pool. 4 hours of jumping up and down for 10 minute intervals in the waves and 10 minutes swimming in place (I only logged 2 hours worth in case of overestimation) and then I walked around for about an hour total. When I run 3 miles, I burn 400-700 depending on the effort I put out (a slow run I can expect 450-550 and a faster one can warrant 650+).

    However, when I burn that many calories, I try to eat back at least half of them. 1000 calorie burns should not be your goal...200-400 is a pretty good daily burn and you will hear controversies as to whether or not to eat them back and really, you just have to just test that part out yourself for your body (it doesn't work for me, so I try to stay away from eating extra).

    Your base eating should be determined by your overall BMR and then cutting set amounts of calories depending how quickly you want to lose.
  • terracotti
    terracotti Posts: 101 Member
    I read someone said she burned more than 800 kcal and she did three exercises, maybe she exercised vigorously. burning 200 cal is already tiring to me, let alone 1000 kcal lol
  • slkehl
    slkehl Posts: 3,801 Member
    Another thing to keep in mind-people who weigh more burn more calories doing the same type/duration of activity. My friends who have a lot of weight to lose burn far more than those at maintenance.
  • nicleed
    nicleed Posts: 247 Member
    I have someone on my friends list who constantly burns 1400+ cals doing 150+ mins of "walking very brisk pace 4mph" I call bull**** - no-one can keep up that pace for an hour, especially someone as overweight as she claims to be.
  • jessadany
    Thanks a ton to everyone for.clearing this all up for me.
  • bmoregan
    bmoregan Posts: 109 Member
    I don't post much but I'll chip in here as I've actually set and hit 1000+ calories burned /day as a goal. I was 250+ pounds 9 months ago. Now 210 and slowly falling.

    I started with a personal trainer in April and joined MFP at the same time. I could maybe run 2k in 20 minutes back then, pushing myself hard.

    In December I hit 1000+ calories burned 28 days out of 31. My legs ache almost all the time and have done since September. I'm at the gym 3 days a week and cycle hard for 80 minutes a day when I'm not. My shirt doubles in weight whatever I'm doing and I usually weigh 2 lbs less after a workout despite trying to rehydrate.

    Now - to be clear - I'm not a gym freak in any way, shape or form. On the bike I watch enviously as "proper" cyclists flash past me but I'm fairly clear I'm not over-counting calories. Endomondo/Gym Machines confirm I'm burning what I think I am. Anyway, the only person I'm trying to get ahead of is the guy I was last year.

    I agree with the person above who said you don't start out at that level. I definitely worked hard almost every day to slowly get to where I am and to do so without getting injured and without boring the *kitten* off my poor wife and kids! I mostly cycle because I found running is harder for me to recover from the next day Working full-time with 4 kids etc... I consider myself lucky to get the time to exercise so I'm going to work hard while I have the chance.

    1000/day works for me and I'm not planning to try for a higher number. Pick a number that works for you. If you think you can raise it, do. Or don't and eat less. Or don't and lose weight slower. Definitely listen to your body; aches are ok, pain is not.

    Even if you just do 20 minutes cardio 3 times a week remember; you're hundreds of calories ahead of everyone on the couch!
  • Graelwyn75
    Graelwyn75 Posts: 4,404 Member
    I burn 1000+ on days I get in 2 hours + of cycling, and close to 1000 if I do 90 minutes at the gym, and I am not overweight.
    It depends on the intensity of the exercise, really, and even with a hrm, it is only an estimation.
  • mem50
    mem50 Posts: 1,384 Member
    I've been known to burn that many in a day. Went to a friends cottage up north for 4 days. Fished, walked and did I mention fishing? Then came home and planted the rasberry bushes. I burned over 1900 calories a day in exercise alone.
  • jaxxie
    jaxxie Posts: 576 Member
    please go to sites that will assist you ...scooby.com for example. It has great options and calculators that can help. Good luck!
  • kluvit
    kluvit Posts: 435 Member
    A 1 pound per week loss only requires a 500 calorie per day deficit. You can decide whether to eat 500 fewer calories, burn 500 more calories, or some combination of the two. Example: 300 exercise and 200 less food.