Rude comments at the gym



  • Sometimes, people are just completely dumb as well as rude and obnoxious. Why are gyms in existence?

    I am very surprised the trainer didn't do anything. If it had been me I would have marched them out and banned them. I would suggest complaining for that reason alone - it's hard enough feeling like the biggest person in the gym...if the management aren't going to assist you in feeling comfortable, then they deserve to lose your business.
  • lilpoindexter
    lilpoindexter Posts: 1,122 Member
    "teenage boys"....That about sums it up.

    I was much fatter about a year ago, but I'm also tall, and wide shoulders, so I really didn't / don't get any sort of comments because of the fear that i'd pound them. I was conscious of people looking at me when I was bigger, which was probably a reason why I waited so many years before attempting to get fit.

    This is completely unacceptable. If the trainer works for the facility, his lack of action is unacceptable as well.

    You seem like you have gotten over it pretty well, but If I was thinking about it, and I saw those characters on a subsequent visit, I would defintely tell the manager, and insist something be done.

    Also...please don't let this discourage you from continuing with your plans. Stick with takes time, but you WILL see results.
  • Aviva92
    Aviva92 Posts: 2,333 Member
    these were teenage boys though. at that age they are known for being obnoxious and not having a filter. i would probably think she's correct in her assumption.

    So what? They're old enough to know right from wrong.

    did I claim otherwise? I just said she was probably correct in her assumption.
  • groversa
    groversa Posts: 450 Member
    Your trainer should have said something if they work for the gym.
    That crap should not be happening.
    If it happens again I would talk to the manager.

    You pay to be there and should feel comfortable being there.

    ^^ Agreed. If he works there and heard it he should be saying something to the kids or getting someone else too. If you're there working out, you're already awesome. So screw them, their teenage boys, immature and they won't remember this in a couple weeks, so neither should you, don't let it get to you. :) But yes, if your trainer didn't say anything, I would say something.
  • groversa
    groversa Posts: 450 Member
    Sometimes, people are just completely dumb as well as rude and obnoxious. Why are gyms in existence?

    I am very surprised the trainer didn't do anything. If it had been me I would have marched them out and banned them. I would suggest complaining for that reason alone - it's hard enough feeling like the biggest person in the gym...if the management aren't going to assist you in feeling comfortable, then they deserve to lose your business.

    Also this, I like that attitude! Haha, it just shouldn't be put up with.
  • suv_hater
    suv_hater Posts: 374 Member
    You should tell management about this as it probably won't be the last time they act like jerks in the gym. If they will do that, they probably break a bunch of other rules all the time. They need to check theyself before they wreck theyself.
  • jr1985
    jr1985 Posts: 1,033 Member
    Honestly... My philosophy is... I am fat... where better for a fat person to be than the gym? It's not like you were at McDonalds! (not that it would have been ok there either) I probably would have told them that exact thing if I were in your shoes... Rock on girl! on your way to a great body... January 1st 2014 they'll be tripping overthemselves to ask for your phone number!
  • jr1985
    jr1985 Posts: 1,033 Member
    Also... If you can... try working out early mornings... People that get up at the butt crack of dawn are only there to get their work out in and go home... believe me they aren't there to harass people then.
  • kelsully
    kelsully Posts: 1,008 Member
    That's true, it's possible that they weren't directed at me. But I'm pretty sure they were in this case. I guess regardless if they were or weren't comments meant for me all I can do is try to not let it get to me.

    You can still report or anyone else needs to be spoken to like that
  • lisforlaurenn
    lisforlaurenn Posts: 28 Member
    I appreciate all the positive comments and response I got to this. I'm certainly not scared to go back to the gym, I've been doing my regular work outs as usual and working with my trainer. There won't be any boys in my future since I have a serious girlfriend but thank you for the positive reinforcement! I've never had problems before with anyone being rude or anything less than very friendly. I don't feel like it will happen again but if it does I now have a better idea about what I need to do.
  • jenihullett
    jenihullett Posts: 241 Member
    Sad as it may be, I've seen things like this happen at the gym as well. Sometimes the managers/employees are quick to respond, sometimes they have a "meh" attitude about the situation. In the end, I joined an all-female gym specifically to avoid guys like that. That fixed the problem until I had to move out of the area. Now that my DH is in the Army, I've started going to the gym on base... and they DO NOT put up with people with snarky attitudes. I'd say, talk to the gym management. If they don't care, take your business elsewhere. There are plenty of gyms out there where you can feel supported.
  • BSH2622
    BSH2622 Posts: 10 Member
    Easier said than done, But just ignore the *kitten* holes !!! YES you trainer should have said something to them because if you heard it so did he !!! BUT LOOK AT IT LIKE THIS, in a few months you will be a IN SHAPE HOTTY and they will still be obnoxious A$$E$ WITH NO LIFE !!! You just keep your chin up because we all know your battle that you are fighting, because 16 months ago Christmas day i was 198 lbs heavier than i am now. And all i can say is where the he)) are the hackers at now !!! You just hang in there, because you look great !!!
  • meshashesha2012
    meshashesha2012 Posts: 8,329 Member
    if they were talking about GETTING big, are you sure they were talking about you and not as a way to egg each other on while they were working out?

    it's possible that your trainer didnt say anything because he understood they werent talking about you

    if i were 100% certain they were talking about me, i'd have a chat with them myself. as an adult i try to work my problems out myself before tattle telling. that's way too passive-aggressive for my tastes.
  • sunsnstatheart
    sunsnstatheart Posts: 2,544 Member
    Let it go. Jerks will be jerks and there's not much you can do. You could tell the manager but what can the manager really do? You could have confronted them but you didn't. So now, just let it go.
  • kkimpel
    kkimpel Posts: 303 Member
    I guess it didn't occur to me at the time that I should have said something to someone right away. I was more focused on getting my workout completed. I'd never let that stop me from continuing to improve on my health and fitness goals. I still did my cardio after my session with my trainer because I didn't feel like "oh I need to leave right away because I'm sad or something." I go to the gym 5-6 days a week and have done so for about 2 months now. I am new to this gym but I don't feel uncomfortable here and the only way I'd switch is if they don't take this matter seriously. I have high hopes and positivity. that they would have gotten this matter solved if I had complained after it happened. So that's my bad on my part. I'll know in case an issue like this ever happens again.

    Oh honey.. it is in NO WAY your bad... you did absolutely nothing wrong
  • if they were talking about GETTING big, are you sure they were talking about you and not as a way to egg each other on while they were working out?

    it's possible that your trainer didnt say anything because he understood they werent talking about you

    if i were 100% certain they were talking about me, i'd have a chat with them myself. as an adult i try to work my problems out myself before tattle telling. that's way too passive-aggressive for my tastes.

    First off no one should feel bad and insecure about going to the gym and if anyone would make me feel like that I would complain, I'm sure when people have issues and want them to be resolved they talk to whoever is incharge just to get that peace of mind that isn't "tattle telling".
  • TMLPatrick
    TMLPatrick Posts: 558 Member
    Wow... that sucks. Going to the gym is already unnerving enough without being harassed by punk kids. Hopefully it doesn't happen again....
  • I just don't pay attention to them, that's all. Whenever I'm at the gym, its pure business and I don't even care if guys and trainers alike give me weird stares for being the only woman in the free weights area squatting, lunging and deadlifting a 70kg (155 lbs.) barbell.

    In your case, better ignore them as well. No one really knows whether they are talking about you or not. Who knows if they were actually referring to another guy they seen or god-knows-who and not to you.
  • lisforlaurenn
    lisforlaurenn Posts: 28 Member
    To everyone who has said that they were not talking about me, yes that is quite possible and I DO realize this. I did ignore them in this case. I was simply seeking advice as to what someone else would have done had they been in my situation. I don't feel like me complaining to a gym manager would make me a "tattle tale." As many people have stated, I'm paying for this and I should feel comfortable. And any other time I've felt COMPLETELY comfortable at my gym for 2-2 and a half months now. I'm not trying to be a whiny fat girl nor am I seeking attention. Just wanted the advice of others.
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    I probably wouldn't address them directly. Maybe. I don't know. But the manager should know. I'm sure that is not the environment he wants in the gym.