Is this a cop out?



  • JesterMFP
    JesterMFP Posts: 3,596 Member
    I absolutely will reevaluate myself at 200 and see how things look and feel for me.... I already have the mini goal thing set in my mind. Still... I dont want to mentally limit myself when looking at my overall goal.... I am in the habit of "settling" and I have been breaking out of that shell this last year... I have achieved everything I set my mind to this past year. Other things got in the way of weight loss, but now I am able to focus just on it and its my time to shine.

    I do want to thank you. I will occasionally call upon mfp for some tough love and a lil dose of reality. It might hurt but I dont want to get complacent. And I know me and my tendencies. I am absolutely ready for this change.... I just need to get it in my mind that the sky is the limit. There is no more ceiling for me anymore....
    The sky is absolutely the limit, and I think that as you make progress, you'll gain more confidence in what you can do in terms of losing the weight, and you'll get used to the idea that you don't have to settle any more. :smile:
  • MrsPixelbark
    MrsPixelbark Posts: 175 Member
    The high end of healthy for my frame. And it IS my frame. I can actually find my hip bones and my shoulder bones. My fat is in my stomach, boobs and thighs...

    I could find mine as well when I was larger. I know you think all your fat is in targeted areas right now, but you will get smaller nearly everywhere. :) I know you don't believe me, I wouldn't have either if someone had told me, I had myself PINNED at a size 12-14 for life (as did my Mum), but here I am now at an 8-10, and getting smaller.

    I think when you're large there's a lot of things that you instantly pin onto yourself that you could "never do", or "never be", purely because we're all so used to being THAT size. We're used to being THAT person that carries X amount of excess weight, and I know for me I didn't fully click out of that mentality until a few months ago when I could finally see the product of all my hard work starting to pay off. You could quite happily get to 170, and perhaps when you reach 200 you will want to reach 170- maybe even lower!

    Saying that... I'd try not to worry too much about everything right now- take baby steps and reach 200 for now. Going that small may sound rather scary now, believe me, I know- I'm at my smallest now that I have been since being a pre-teen. I was larger than I am now at 13, and not a day goes by where I do wonder if I am getting too small. However, I also know I'm the healthiest I've ever been and loosing that last 10kg is only going to benefit me massively in terms of my fitness goals as well as aesthetically.
  • IrishHarpy1
    IrishHarpy1 Posts: 399 Member
    I'd say go ahead and aim for 170, then reevaluate once you get there (and you WILL get there, if you want it badly enough). I had originally set myself a goal of losing 50 pounds, which I didn't think was possible as I had also been rather heavy most of my life. Once I got into the rhythm of regular exercise and eating better, the weight came off easier than I had thought. I had more energy and was so happy with my progress that about 10 pounds from my original goal I decided to take it down another 30.

    You're also more likely to stick with the program if you set yourself smaller goals rather than trying to lose a lot all at once. Slow and steady keeps it off...

    Good luck!!!
  • ladyark
    ladyark Posts: 1,101 Member
    Yes, i think it is a cop out. I'm not talking about being skinny but being healthy. That should be your main goal!! Carrying around all that extra weight is not healthy and the aches and pains you refer to in your profile are from that. I started at 200lbs and since losing weight the only pain i have is what i create by lifting weights and pushing myself. I dont know how tall you are but you should set your goal to 170 and then see how you feel from there . I bet you will feel so great you will want to continue to lose more. You need to get out of the old mindset of what your used to being and create someone new, fitter and healthier for yourself and your children...Good luck to you!
  • nz_deevaa
    nz_deevaa Posts: 12,209 Member
    I truly think you are limiting yourself - here is a link to a thread about what happens when you don't limit yourself:
  • tanniew78
    tanniew78 Posts: 602 Member
    I truly think you are limiting yourself - here is a link to a thread about what happens when you don't limit yourself:

    Hmmmm, that lady looks familiar... lol... I am trying not to limit myself. Truly I am. Thats why I brought it up. To call out the bs in my own mind. :wink:

    I never want to limit myself again. I need to get used to the fact that I CAN do anything I set my mind to. There are deeper psychological issues to work through as well. Reasons why keeping at least some weight on appeals to me. And as I lose and get closer to the 200 lbs mark, I will need to address that issue....
  • DavPul
    DavPul Posts: 61,406 Member
    DavPul- I actually did very well with this when I was younger before kids and in my teens. Ive been a bigger girl all my life and its mostly what I know. I know what felt good, and where Im at now, I definitely know is NOT good. I always just thought I would lose until I feel comfortable being in my own skin... Now I am not so sure thats the attitude I should be taking.

    To be sure, I am working from this moment on to get myself healthy and that means eating right. I am plenty active (CNA) but need to find my balance and get back at it.

    These goals are very far into the future, to be sure. This years focus is to lose 100 lbs...... I want to be sure I am working on ALL aspects of weight loss, including mental. So I want to sort of call myself out when I am attempting to put a roadblock out there....

    The stuff we got away with when we were younger is the stuff that will kill us when we are older.

    From a sports angle, I think of pro football players. They play at weights up to 300 or more pounds. But after they retire, a huge, lumbering 300 pounder shrinks himself down to 220 or so. Why? Because that extra weight is killing them. Hard on their heart. Hard on their joints. And as they get older and less active, they know it will get harder to lose the weight.

    But how about this. Sounds like you have a ways to go before hitting 200. Why don't you do everything in your power to get there and then reevaluate? Why are qr putting on the brakes 30 pounds out?
  • tanniew78
    tanniew78 Posts: 602 Member
    Oh I am not putting on the brakes! I am just getting warmed up and started! I know it doesnt make sense to work on the mental angles now when I am so far off from it but I dont want to get there and not be prepared for it. Most people that are over 300 like myself have reasons and issues as to why they are that weight. Im just keeping it real with myself and not letting me put limits on me.

    Pinks song Dont Let Me Get Me is my anthem and I am trying to break out of that this year.
  • vorgas
    vorgas Posts: 741 Member
    For me, not focusing on the weight goal works the best. It's all about changing your mindset to a healthier lifestyle. Eat less, exercise more. Let the weight end up where it ends up.
  • Maidofmer
    Maidofmer Posts: 908 Member
    I wouldn't say so. weight loss is weight loss. if you're comfortable at 200-220, go for it. if you decide later that you want to go for 170, you know you can do it.
  • newmein2013
    newmein2013 Posts: 674 Member
    Oh I am not putting on the brakes! I am just getting warmed up and started! I know it doesnt make sense to work on the mental angles now when I am so far off from it but I dont want to get there and not be prepared for it. Most people that are over 300 like myself have reasons and issues as to why they are that weight. Im just keeping it real with myself and not letting me put limits on me.

    Pinks song Dont Let Me Get Me is my anthem and I am trying to break out of that this year.

    You're gonna find many psychological challenges throughout your entire weight loss process. I think it's best to not over analyze & just go with it. DavPul brought up a great question about the brakes at 30 lbs out. You may not think this is what you're doing but subconsciously that is exactly what you're doing. This line of thinking will only hold you back. Instead of fixating on a number, start obsessing about recipes & workout routines. Educate yourself in nutrition & exercise. Once you do this, the final number won't matter so much b/c you'll be concentrating on the healthy aspects.
  • nz_deevaa
    nz_deevaa Posts: 12,209 Member
    I truly think you are limiting yourself - here is a link to a thread about what happens when you don't limit yourself:

    Hmmmm, that lady looks familiar... lol... I am trying not to limit myself. Truly I am. Thats why I brought it up. To call out the bs in my own mind. :wink:

    I never want to limit myself again. I need to get used to the fact that I CAN do anything I set my mind to. There are deeper psychological issues to work through as well. Reasons why keeping at least some weight on appeals to me. And as I lose and get closer to the 200 lbs mark, I will need to address that issue....

    The reason why I set myself the goal of deadlifting and squatting 100kg (220lbs) is because I thought I'd never make it... I thought the goal was unattainable.

    And I've attained one, and I'm 10kg off the other. Want to know how many of the men at my gym think I can lift that based on how I look? NONE of them. Even a stand-in trainer who'd been told what I could do by my trainer made me do a ton of light lifts because he didn't believe I could.

    You want to know how awesome it feels to be able to achieve something even you didn't think possible? SO FECKING AWESOME!

    Set your goal of losing 100lbs and push to get there, but don't stop because it'll do. Set yourself a fitness goal too... To run 5or 10 k, to lift 100kg, to climb a rockwall, .... Something that means your weight isn't your sole focus -- it makes it a lot easier to get out there and do it. I promise.
  • sdokeefe
    If you are basing whats going to be "healthy" off BMI then you're gonna have a bad time,

    Ideal BMI for me works out around 170lb also, that leave no room at all for muscle mass. I wouldnt want to get under 95kg even, and that would still make me "overweight".

    Having a goal, and then setting yourself a lesser goal because you'll "feel better" at that weight is just easing the road to settling for less then you can achieve.
  • tanniew78
    tanniew78 Posts: 602 Member
    Oh, I have dietary and fitness goals. I live in Montana, just moved and am aching to climb me some mountains. Granted they are paths but it will be easier to get up there much lighter than I am now! Although I wont let anything get in the way of my exercise and activity goals. Its snowy and crappy right now and the trails are buried under, but you can bet once those babies are uncovered, this girl will be setting the goal to start trying to climb them!

    I am also working to cut out the crap from my diet. THATS the crux of my weight gain and maintain.. I need to balance the two. I am also tired of the effects of certain foods on my body.
  • tanniew78
    tanniew78 Posts: 602 Member
    Ok, point taken that it is in fact a cop out. Ive got that and can move on to the next goal.... I have a goal of around 8-9 lbs a month. Doable but I am by far not going to just settle for that. Im going to strive for even more!
  • nz_deevaa
    nz_deevaa Posts: 12,209 Member
    Thank goodness for that because there is no way I could be any more motivational that that.
  • beachlover317
    beachlover317 Posts: 2,848 Member
    Ok, point taken that it is in fact a cop out. Ive got that and can move on to the next goal.... I have a goal of around 8-9 lbs a month. Doable but I am by far not going to just settle for that. Im going to strive for even more!

    Okay I was with you til you said strive for more. 2 pounds a week is a little high. You can lose it as fast as you want, of course, but read on the forums. There are thousands of posts of people who took it off really fast and then can not sustain the loss and gain more. There is a HANDFUL of people who actually keep it off.

    I don't know how much you have to lose, but be careful that you don't lose too fast. I'm going slow. In 9 months I've lost 65 pounds and I am lifting heavy 3 x a week. I am not having the issues with "hanging skin" that some people speak of. The slower you go the better your skin can adjust to the loss.

    Your call. But your ideal goal should be on health. Eating well, eating enough, and working out smart. Good luck to you!
  • sdokeefe
    Pretty jelly I cant check out awesome mountain scenery!

    Nothing but white sand beaches and sunshine where I live, ;D?
  • tanniew78
    tanniew78 Posts: 602 Member
    Ok, point taken that it is in fact a cop out. Ive got that and can move on to the next goal.... I have a goal of around 8-9 lbs a month. Doable but I am by far not going to just settle for that. Im going to strive for even more!

    Okay I was with you til you said strive for more. 2 pounds a week is a little high. You can lose it as fast as you want, of course, but read on the forums. There are thousands of posts of people who took it off really fast and then can not sustain the loss and gain more. There is a HANDFUL of people who actually keep it off.

    I don't know how much you have to lose, but be careful that you don't lose too fast. I'm going slow. In 9 months I've lost 65 pounds and I am lifting heavy 3 x a week. I am not having the issues with "hanging skin" that some people speak of. The slower you go the better your skin can adjust to the loss.

    Your call. But your ideal goal should be on health. Eating well, eating enough, and working out smart. Good luck to you!

    Right now with me being 300+ lbs, I will lose fast anyways... Anything that gets my butt up off the couch and pair that with eating whole foods.... Ill lost more than 2 lbs to start with. Then it will taper out. I know my body. God knows Ive lost the same damn 60 lbs a few times now! I am finally at a place in my life where I can put me first... Its a nice change and I cant wait to focus on what I can do with myself now!
  • beccyleigh
    beccyleigh Posts: 847 Member
    Yes. Cop out. There aren't many of us that can healthily support 200+ pounds.

    where is the eye roll! :huh: OP how tall are you, what is your current weight.?

    I am 6ft, althletic framed & 2 years ago I was 198lbs & at the healthiest I have ever been, I reversed type 2 diabetes & all my medical levels, cholesterol etc were perfect. I aspire to get down to that again before I make any descisions on going lower so depending on your height, frame, activity level etc 200lbs could be a perfectly comfortable stop point.

    Either way, as you currently weight over 200lbs then getting down to that level will always be considered a good idea.