Is this a cop out?



  • tanniew78
    tanniew78 Posts: 602 Member
    Pretty jelly I cant check out awesome mountain scenery!

    Nothing but white sand beaches and sunshine where I live, ;D?

    lol... that does sound lovely! However there is nothing like stepping outside the door, having the cold air cool you off and look off into the distance and see snow covered mountains like in a scenery calendar.
  • paradog
    paradog Posts: 378 Member
    Is it a cop out...yes.

    Should you make smaller benchmarks for yourself....sure!

    Not everyone will look at a losing 30+ lbs the same way. Benchmark for 10lbs, see how you feel and re-evaluate. You may find that once you start getting closer to might want to achieve 170. You need to have a goal of health, not weight. Your weight is just a easy way of identifying health.

    Finally you must do what's best for you. We are not the jury. You must be happy with yourself!
  • tanniew78
    tanniew78 Posts: 602 Member
    Yes. Cop out. There aren't many of us that can healthily support 200+ pounds.

    where is the eye roll! :huh: OP how tall are you, what is your current weight.?

    I am 6ft, althletic framed & 2 years ago I was 198lbs & at the healthiest I have ever been, I reversed type 2 diabetes & all my medical levels, cholesterol etc were perfect. I aspire to get down to that again before I make any descisions on going lower so depending on your height, frame, activity level etc 200lbs could be a perfectly comfortable stop point.

    Either way, as you currently weight over 200lbs then getting down to that level will always be considered a good idea.

    I am 5'6 and as I said, it was a past reference point of when I last felt comfortable in my own skin. I didnt feel fat, I looked just slightly overweight. Nothing like now.
  • beachlover317
    beachlover317 Posts: 2,848 Member
    Yes. Cop out. There aren't many of us that can healthily support 200+ pounds.

    where is the eye roll! :huh: OP how tall are you, what is your current weight.?

    I am 6ft, althletic framed & 2 years ago I was 198lbs & at the healthiest I have ever been, I reversed type 2 diabetes & all my medical levels, cholesterol etc were perfect. I aspire to get down to that again before I make any descisions on going lower so depending on your height, frame, activity level etc 200lbs could be a perfectly comfortable stop point.

    Either way, as you currently weight over 200lbs then getting down to that level will always be considered a good idea.

    I am 5'6 and as I said, it was a past reference point of when I last felt comfortable in my own skin. I didnt feel fat, I looked just slightly overweight. Nothing like now.

    I'm 5'6" as well. Of course, all bodies are built differently, but when I weigh 200 pounds I am still way overweight and my bf% is still too high. Maybe you could focus on your body fat % and getting it to a healthy level. I know that's my focus now as weight is different for different bodies.
  • Velum_cado
    Velum_cado Posts: 1,608 Member
    I don't think it's a cop out. I don't have a specific goal in mind, but I don't want to be under 200 lbs. It's a personal preference for my appearance, nothing more.
  • Don't think about it. Just go for 5 pounds at a time. Decide not to decide for now. Just one day at a time or 5 lbs. at a time.
  • tanniew78
    tanniew78 Posts: 602 Member
    Pretty jelly I cant check out awesome mountain scenery!

    Nothing but white sand beaches and sunshine where I live, ;D?

    622495_10151196289257102_1270109125_o_zps402dcf08.jpg Montana at the moment!
  • tanniew78
    tanniew78 Posts: 602 Member
    That is just one of the views, the city is surrounded by them and they are breathtaking.
  • caroleannlight
    caroleannlight Posts: 173 Member
    I am going through some similar dilemmas my ticker on here is set for making 200lbs it seemed a nice figure to aim for and will be less than have been for many years. It will take me many months to achieve this. However with the initial results on losing weight and getting fitter on here I set my fitbit ticker to 169lbs ie in the healthy range for my height 5'7''. I will be reevaluating once I hit 200lbs as to where my final goal is. I am hoping I would be focusing more on body fat and exercise goals by then. I want to try to achieve 1.5 lb per week. Which I think is more realistic for me.

    I find that mentally I do better as an overachiever so I think of the goals as a minimum and hope to exceed them. I don't do well with not hitting goals so I am trying to play to my strengths.

    I have a main target of trying to be as healthy and fit as I can for my 20th wedding anniversary in May 2014. I am hoping that 200 -220 is a banker but hoping for the 180-200 range. Currently my fitbit ticker estimates 169 in July 2014 so that is not achievable by my target date so I will take a view on the timing of trying to lose those last pounds +/- body recomposition slowly and gradually move toward maintaining. Have sent you a FR.

    ETA thanks for the views they look awesome. I love hiking and waling and want to get back into that too
  • kristen6022
    kristen6022 Posts: 1,923 Member
    Unless you are taller than 6'0, I don't know any woman that can support a 200+ weight healthily. Period. I'm 5'11 and 147 and I'm as curvy as they come. Just because you haven't been there before doesn't mean it isn't achievable. I call Cop Out. Now, enough with the excuses, take it 10 pounds at a time and get into that healthy BMI range. Obviously tough love is my motivational MO. Stop thinking about it and just work hard.
  • sjohnny
    sjohnny Posts: 56,142 Member
    Yes. Cop out. There aren't many of us that can healthily support 200+ pounds.

    where is the eye roll! :huh: OP how tall are you, what is your current weight.?

    I am 6ft, althletic framed & 2 years ago I was 198lbs & at the healthiest I have ever been, I reversed type 2 diabetes & all my medical levels, cholesterol etc were perfect. I aspire to get down to that again before I make any descisions on going lower so depending on your height, frame, activity level etc 200lbs could be a perfectly comfortable stop point.

    Either way, as you currently weight over 200lbs then getting down to that level will always be considered a good idea.

    What part of "not many" is unclear? You are 6ft - "not many" women are that tall. Even of the few women that are that tall "not many" of them are still at a healthy weight over 200 pounds. Some are, sure, but not many.
  • AReasor
    AReasor Posts: 355 Member
    I have a larger goal of getting down to 125lbs. But this can seem overwhelming. There are mini goals I have set for myself that are achievable and keep me motivated. For me the idea of losing 40-50lbs. seemed to much. I even told myself that I looked much too skinny and unhealthy at that weight. It was a load of crap. And yes, a cop out. Now that I have lost 25lbs. I realize that.

    Lesson being start the journey and you never know where it may lead.
  • ebrown30
    ebrown30 Posts: 31 Member
    have you been to your doctor to see what a healthy weight for your body type would be. I don't thinkg it should be about being skinny it should be about being healthy.

    Even if you feel good at 200 lbs (I feel good at 200 lbs and I'm pritty active) I know it is not a healthy weith to keep and in the long run it is going to be damaging to my health.
  • amomofthree78
    amomofthree78 Posts: 8 Member
    AS others have stated do what is best for you. Only you know what your body is like. I have a different frame then others, so when I am at 200 pounds I wear a size 12, where some people wear an 18. It's all in how you feel. I hope you continue on a great path and continue losing either way. No matter what your goal is.
  • trophywife24
    trophywife24 Posts: 1,472 Member
    Yes, it is. It's a total cop out, to answer the question.
  • Lyerin
    Lyerin Posts: 818 Member
    I don't think you need to worry about it now. Reevaluate when you get to 200 and see how you feel then. It is (obviously) always better to get to a healthy BMI.
  • nxd10
    nxd10 Posts: 4,570 Member
    Keep going. It's a good habit, you're doing the discipline, you're learning to eat well. Just keep going. It will help it stick as a lifestyle.

    It is so much better for your KIDS for you to eat healthy and stay healthy.

    The last thing you want to do is get back into old habits and regain after all the work you've done.

    You'll surprise yourself.
  • DavPul
    DavPul Posts: 61,406 Member
    Yes. Cop out. There aren't many of us that can healthily support 200+ pounds.
    What are you talking about? I am near 200 lbs.

    I hope you're joking
  • DavPul
    DavPul Posts: 61,406 Member
    Yes. Cop out. There aren't many of us that can healthily support 200+ pounds.

    where is the eye roll! :huh: OP how tall are you, what is your current weight.?

    I am 6ft, althletic framed & 2 years ago I was 198lbs & at the healthiest I have ever been, I reversed type 2 diabetes & all my medical levels, cholesterol etc were perfect. I aspire to get down to that again before I make any descisions on going lower so depending on your height, frame, activity level etc 200lbs could be a perfectly comfortable stop point.

    Either way, as you currently weight over 200lbs then getting down to that level will always be considered a good idea.

    good googly goo. I don't understand people sometimes. I really don't. Guess what? I'm 226 right now and in pretty decent shape. My goal weight (which I recently lowered from 225) is like 215 or so. But I'm a 6'1" male that's built like a brick $hithouse. So obviously I'm not including me, you, FitnessSocialist, our anyone else that fits these parameters.

    but guess what? There's very few of us. And I'm doubting the OP is built like a professional athlete. Most people aren't. So you, FS, and anyone else that is, please use intelligence as your guide and exclude yourselves.

    Hell, even I'm trying to lower my weight as much as possible to make it easier on my joints for a 10 mile mud run I have coming up.
  • Mathguy1
    Mathguy1 Posts: 207 Member
    According to your ticker, you are looking to LOSE 200 lbs, not drop down to a 200 lb weight. If correct, then that means that you are 320+ lbs in weight. If that is incorrect, I recommend changing your ticker from one that shows weight loss to one that shows goal weight.

    You've already stated that you need to lose weight. According to your profile, your health is deteriorating. That is because of your obesity.

    The bright news is that while it is true that you are this weight today does not mean that you will be this weight in 6 months to a year's time.

    However, wishing for it will not make is happen. Saying things like "I've always been heavy so I'll be happy at 200 lbs" screams cop out. If you are discouraged about the sheer number of lbs you have left to lose, then set your goal weight to be higher. That way, your ticker will show that you have less weight to lose and you'll always be 20 lbs from your goal and perhaps you wont be discouraged (just remember to keep updating your goals to include a lower goal weight). I recommend doing whatever will keep you motivated. As you continue to lose the weight and live a healthier lifestyle (nutrition and exercise) you'll be motivated to continue. It wont be easy, I wont tell you it will be. Changing one's habits is difficult. However, it does get easier. Once you get into a habit of eating better and exercising, you'll find it easier to continue towards your goal.

    Good luck.