Does weightwatchers really help?



  • lmkaks
    lmkaks Posts: 119 Member
    I did it twice (after my first two children were born). I lost six lbs the first time and four the second time. I did everthing I was supposed to, tracked what I ate, etc. I went to meetings the first time. I was really disappointed that it did not work for me. I also couldn't stand the meetings. I was a lot younger than the people in my meetings and found I couldn't relate to them (or them me).

    I know lots of people where it worked, but it is too expensive for me to try a third time to only lose six lbs. MFP seems very similar to WW so I will see if this will work for me instead.

    Good luck!
  • cmurray234
    cmurray234 Posts: 112 Member
    Weight watchers worked for me. i did lose some weight. However, their food database is the pits and really, all it is is tracking what you eat. It was very frustrating as I could never my food in there. Granted, they had every fast food item known to man listed. But if you eat dinner at home with (dare I say it) ingredients for recipes, it's a total points crap shoot.

    I switched to MFP because the food database is many times better. Oh. And free. :)
  • HippieMamaOf2
    HippieMamaOf2 Posts: 61 Member
    I have done WW a few times over the years. I had considered joining again, but have decided against it. In the past I would still eat fast food because it was within my points range. I decided to make total lifestyle changes and focus on healthy cooking. I feel that MFP will help me achieve those goals better.
  • KristinaW506
    KristinaW506 Posts: 19 Member
    Weight Watchers works for me. I love the program and it's not about eating their foods. They do offer products that are pre-calculated for you but for the most part you eat regular food. I read a lot of stories about people who lost weight with WW and gained it back but I can't help but notice that they didn't stick to the program all the way thru. Once you reach your goal you become a lifetime member and no longer have to pay. You get free e tools and can participate in as many meetings as you like. Online support is great but meetings are like nothing else. Much like MFP it's a lifestyle not a diet. You can eat what you want like with MFP but you quickly learn what is worth it and what isn't. It's working for me so I am going to stick with it, I wasn't able to commit to MFP because of the lack of accountability but now I use both resources and I love it! Find what's right for you I guess is the answer!
  • serenalesley
    serenalesley Posts: 58 Member
    WW ready meals are great for their clearly labelled packaging, so you know how many calories you're eating and how the meal is balanced. They also tend to have a good calorie range of meals including some that are far lower than any other ready-meal range I've found, though the portions are small so I'll cook one along with a load of veg to fill it out (if I'm having a lazy day and want something that I don't have to think about). However, the support that you get at WW meetings is IMO no better than what's available on MFP forums, and you can also add supportive MFP friends for support on your home feed. (I really like the people that I've become friends with since starting MFP.)

    WW works, so does MFP, both encourage you to change your eating habits long-term, though I think that MFP has a greater focus on exercise logging etc. If you like weigh-in meetings enough to pay for them, then WW might be for you, however I'd only consider it if I'd exhausted everything that MFP offers (for free) and found it lacking,
  • fit4lifeUcan2
    fit4lifeUcan2 Posts: 1,458 Member
    I do both. I started with MFP but after 4 months only lost 6 pounds but had regained that same 6 over and over during those 4 months. Joined WW and lost 6 pounds the first month plus a few more. I'm now down 60 lbs doing both WW and MFP. I like the support here better than on WW. You see more success stories here which I find very motivating. I track on WW plus MFP. I plan on staying with both till I hit my goal weight then just do MFP to maintain.
  • lre224
    lre224 Posts: 83
    I do both. I started with MFP but after 4 months only lost 6 pounds but had regained that same 6 over and over during those 4 months. Joined WW and lost 6 pounds the first month plus a few more. I'm now down 60 lbs doing both WW and MFP. I like the support here better than on WW. You see more success stories here which I find very motivating. I track on WW plus MFP. I plan on staying with both till I hit my goal weight then just do MFP to maintain.

    I do the very same thing. I joined WW in March. I had not been tracking WW for the past 6 months or so, just MFP. Through a lot of family stress at the same time, I've been losing/re-gaining the same 2-3 lbs since August. However, after talking to WW councilor & my trainer on Monday, I'm tracking both this week, concentrating more on WW. Hoping this will break that cycle & I move forward.
  • StaycJulia
    I have nothing but a positive experience with WW. The meeting really helped me learn the basics and stick with it when things were slow. If you use WW as a lifestyle change and not a "diet", it works. Yes you can "eat whatever you want" but the program steers you toward making healther choices and portion control that eventually become norm.
    . A good leader makes all the difference so try a few different ones until you find the one you really like. As far as being humiliated or embarassed, I never experienced that, actually the opposite. I felt it was a safe place where everyone could be open and honest. I lost over 100 Lbs with the help of WW, although I didn't need to stay with it as long as I did, I continued for longer than needed to help support friends I made there. If you don't have the basics, Its very helpful to get started. MFP works well for me now that my lifestyle has changed.
  • HippieMamaOf2
    HippieMamaOf2 Posts: 61 Member
    I forgot to add that the reason I choose not to sign up again this time is because a lot of the foods that I'm eating are mostly zero or very low point foods since I'm going more veggie. It just didn't seem like it would work well for me.
  • nannybird
    nannybird Posts: 2 Member
    I have been doing weightwatchers since Aug. I only lost 13 lbs in that time. I canceled the middle of Dec.

    I had been on weight watchers before the points plus program started. At one time I got to goal after losing 49 lbs. The points plus program didn't work for me as well as the first program did.

    I signed up here about 6 mos. ago. Think I will give this a try. I think the 0 point fruit was messing me up
  • anaid01
    Yes, WW is awesomell! Hopefully you've found that out by now :) If you are not willing to make a lifestyle change, NO PROGRAM will work if you are not willing to do the WORK. Plain and simple. I like WW because it helps you you understand portion control and educates you on the foods that are healthiest and the foods that you want to eat only occasionally. I LOVE how it rewards you when you do activity also! When people say it doesn't work because they gained the weight back or because or other reasons , that is because they were not ready to make a change toward healthy living. Losing weight, for me, and keeping the weight off, is one of the hardest things I continue to do but the benefits outweigh (no pun intended) the other. Good luck with whatever you decide!