BodyMedia device



  • LaPirinola
    I've decided that I'm going to go ahead and get this. I've researched the Nike Fuel band, regular pedometers, Fitbit, etc and the one that keeps coming up on top regarding accuracy is the BodyMedia. Plus with the discount and the ability to sync with MFP I think I'll finally have something that works.

    I've been trying to lose weight for most of my life sadly. I do exactly what the books, websites, etc say to do and then get discouraged when I weigh myself. To that end I wanted to find an alternative to the scale too. I'll prob still weigh in but only weekly until I can figure out what works, then eventually I'd like to not use the scale at all. Three numbers don't define me and a bad weigh in can mess up an entire day! NO MORE! I'll post more once I get the BodyMedia device. I'm definitely getting the Link...the extra couple of dollars seems worth it.

    You are going to LOVE your bodymedia! I did so much research when I joined MFP and I saw the apps that they linked with. First I got really excited about the Fitbit cuz it was so little and cute and looked like it would motivate me. But as I researched into it more, it seemed to be basically a fancy, expensive pedometer. Those things can count your steps, but it can't tell if you are walking up stairs or just walking on flat ground where the Bodymedia can tell the difference in exertion levels using biofeedback. I have had mine for about a week and a half and I now hate to even take it off to charge it or to shower! I don't want it to miss any of my steps! :) It is so motivational, you'll adore it! It is a great way to know almost exactly how many calories (95% accuracy) you are burning throughout the day and it gives you ideas of what to do if it calculates that you will come up short of your goal for the day. For example, the other day was a totally lazy day for me and it told me that I was going to be like 300 calories short of my goal and why don't I go ride my bike for an hour so I dragged my honey out into the cold with me to ride our bikes for a little while around our neighborhood. I teach Zumba and Salsa three times a week and I originally just used my heart rate monitor. My students love hearing approx (since we are all different) how many calories we burned after every song and I love seeing it myself. But now I can tell them how many steps we took and our activity level as well. Bonus! I love it so much that I applied to become a Bodymedia affiliate so I can sell it myself!

    I got the Core since Bodymedia stated that they don't support HTC phones yet, and I have just ordered the display unit so I can satisfy my need for immediate gratification instead of waiting until I hook up to my PC. :0) I'm a total fan and I'm sure you will love it too. Keep us updated!

    BTW, thanks Becky for the FB info. I just joined.

  • Paul604
    Im still undecided on the body media. I feel it makes me want to eat more. Maybe being a bigger guy it gives me a false calories reading? a normal day for me seems to net me a 1500+ deficit. I just dont see me realistically burning what it says i do. Working out calories seem accurate, its the daily activities that seem really high. Been using it everyday for the last few months too so im sure its me.
  • LaPirinola
    Im still undecided on the body media. I feel it makes me want to eat more. Maybe being a bigger guy it gives me a false calories reading? a normal day for me seems to net me a 1500+ deficit. I just dont see me realistically burning what it says i do. Working out calories seem accurate, its the daily activities that seem really high. Been using it everyday for the last few months too so im sure its me.

    Paul, it's pretty accurate. We burn so many calories just doing nothing. We just don't realize it. Before I got bodymedia, I only used my heart rate monitor. After teaching Zumba from 5:30 to 6:30pm then resting until 7pm to teach Salsa until 8:30 then dancing with my students for an hour, I would burn around 2500 calories. That is including demonstrating steps, sitting and chatting with students, standing around watching people dance, eating a snack, whatever. The more active we are, the more calories our bodies burn even when we are at rest. The more calories we burn, the more we need to feed the machine to keep it operating. It's a beautiful thing. We just don't realize it unless we are actively monitoring it. See, you didn't realize how much of a beast you actually were until bodymedia! :) But if you aren't sure about your armband, why don't you try a HRM just to see how they compare? I use a Polar F7.
  • Paul604
    I guess what i don't get is how to lose we need a deficit, if i eat 2000 calories a day, maybe a hour at most in the gym, I'll apparently have burned almost 6000 calories. So technically i could eat 3500 calories and still have a 500 calorie deficit
  • dogacreek
    dogacreek Posts: 289 Member
    Im still undecided on the body media. I feel it makes me want to eat more. Maybe being a bigger guy it gives me a false calories reading? a normal day for me seems to net me a 1500+ deficit. I just dont see me realistically burning what it says i do. Working out calories seem accurate, its the daily activities that seem really high. Been using it everyday for the last few months too so im sure its me.

    Paul, it's pretty accurate. We burn so many calories just doing nothing. We just don't realize it. Before I got bodymedia, I only used my heart rate monitor. After teaching Zumba from 5:30 to 6:30pm then resting until 7pm to teach Salsa until 8:30 then dancing with my students for an hour, I would burn around 2500 calories. That is including demonstrating steps, sitting and chatting with students, standing around watching people dance, eating a snack, whatever. The more active we are, the more calories our bodies burn even when we are at rest. The more calories we burn, the more we need to feed the machine to keep it operating. It's a beautiful thing. We just don't realize it unless we are actively monitoring it. See, you didn't realize how much of a beast you actually were until bodymedia! :) But if you aren't sure about your armband, why don't you try a HRM just to see how they compare? I use a Polar F7.

    LaPirinola: Do you still wear your F7 when exercising? I have the FT7 and was thinking of doing both, but didn't know if they would interfere with each other. I should receive my BodyMedia on Thursday - I'm looking forward to using it.
  • smulokwa
    smulokwa Posts: 45 Member
    I just now ordered mine...I wish I could make it magically appear. I've been doing more research and from what I gather this is a good choice BUT I need to give it time to work. Once I get it I'll need to figure out the bmr and how it factors into my weight loss, etc. There are some good reviews and some bad...I guess time will tell!
  • BodyMedia
    Hi Dogacreek,

    Thanks for giving us a try! We are honored that you have made BodyMedia part of your fitness journey. We believe that keeping track of your burn, sleep, and your activity is essential to achieving your fitness goals and we pride ourselves with being the most accurate device on the market. Keep us updated on your progress!

    -- Laurie
  • Starlage
    Starlage Posts: 1,709 Member
    hello! I've had my bodymedia since March, I wore it for the first three months free trial period, it helped me lose a handful of pounds, then I maintained over the summer and recently started wearing it again to help me get back in the losing game. I LOVE IT!! It's taught me a lot! It's impressive and kinda hard to believe at first just how many calories you burn during a normal day! I love that with the bodymedia I don't need ANY OTHER DEVICE. Forget about your polar or whatever HRM you use, you don't need it once you've got your BMF. That's the huge difference between the fitbit/others and the BMF, since the BMF can evaluate your body heat and sweat it's excellent and calculating calorie burns. I have to admit- when I started using it in march (BEFORE you were able to sync accounts with MFP) it was super frusterating trying to set your food diary to something (because the food diary on bodymedia sucks quite frankly) but now that they sync it's amazingly easy! Makes so much sense. Just set your MFP and BMF accounts to the same goal settings (I've got mine set to lose 1/2 a pound a week and a very active activity level and they sync seamlessly- nothing messes up at all). MFP starts my calorie goal for the day at 1800 something (bmf starts at 2100 something) and I connect my armband in the morning so that the lower MFP goal is adjusted up to the BMF goal, then I plug it in again after exercising in the evening/before dinner and let BMF adjust MFP up to what my new goal should be after exercising and then plan my dinner/evening snack so that I'm up to an average of 2200-2400 cals a day eaten (I burn on average around 2400 without exercise-2800 a day with exercise on workdays, on the weekends though if it's a lazy day it'll stay down around 2100). hope my thoughts made sense there, I don't always type my thoughts out well! LOL. GOOD LUCK!
  • strobiek
    Thanks smulokwa for asking the question and everyone for all the input. I have been researching the BMF for sometime (isn't this what they wore on Biggest Loser?) but wasn't sure if it would be worth the investment. I mean, the weight loss industry is BIG BUSINESS and there are things for sale that are more gimmick than useful. I think after I read all the responses, I will buy it!
  • craftyarmywife
    craftyarmywife Posts: 3 Member
    Hey i just recently got my body media but it really is awesome. I lost a lot of weight about 2 years ago. I went from 165 to 138, but i was eating 1000 calories a day, if that. i ran myself into the ground.. and then i just stopped and i gave up. All of a sudden ( not really, more like 2 years later, but it really seemed to creep up on me) i was 198!!!. i've only had the device for a week but i'm down to 192 today and i'm eating at least 2000 calories a day. The body media really motivates me to keep moving, because i want to see the high activity levels, and it keeps me healthy, by eating as much as I really need. Totally worth the money and the membership. Also my husband thinks its great. He's seen me struggle with my weight since high school and he knows that this helps me.. Plus he finds the whole science of it really cool. He's really good about motivating me by asking how i'm doing on my activity levels and my steps.

    If and when you get one, check out the other sites that link to it. Everymove, earndit, and so on. You can get giftcards and prizes for challenges and you get points for your activity levels that can be redeemed for tons of health products. Can't hurt if the thing pays for it self eventually ;)
  • NaomiDollar
    NaomiDollar Posts: 49 Member
    Does anyone use the BM for tracking while bike riding? This is an area that I find most of the devices fall flat. Please provide any guidance in this area you can.
  • MIM49
    MIM49 Posts: 255 Member
    BodyMedia Fit Link on sale at Costco until 1/20 for $119.99 which INCLUDES 12 month subscription™-LINK-Armband.product.11680102.html?catalogId=10701&langId=-1&keyword=BodyMediaFit&storeId=10301