HELP!!! - I dont like drinking water



  • FrancesGallagher
    FrancesGallagher Posts: 88 Member
    Probably you are thinking 8 cups of water instead of one cup at a time. I really don't think you need 8 cups of water if you have made up the amount of water your body needs through other drinks and food. Try plain water in smaller amounts and you may find that after doing this for a time you will start looking forward to a cool drink of water. Water does have benefits to your body that you may notice if you try to give it the water it needs. Good luck with your program.
  • bumblebums
    bumblebums Posts: 2,181 Member
    Put some lime in it! Fresh lime slices are great, or get a bottle of ReaLime or similar and squirt some into your water.
  • DebraYvonne
    DebraYvonne Posts: 632 Member
    Tray a big plastic container with a straw -- mine is 28 oz. one I got when I was in hospital, fill with ice and water and you will drink more. I used to not like to drink water now I crave it! Try fresh lime or lemon too!
  • cbrrabbit25
    cbrrabbit25 Posts: 384 Member
    drink tea or eat watermelon! i dont like water either.
  • jennifer87402
    jennifer87402 Posts: 57 Member
    Im with the Mio people. I know its artificial but you know waht it helps me drink my goal of 16 cups of water a day.
    Favorite is strawberry/watermellon and i use half of what it says just enough to smell the strawberry and taste a little different.
    Good Luck water is Very important!
  • jasha13
    jasha13 Posts: 28 Member
    Infuse in fruit or try sparkling water
  • Flab2fitfi
    Flab2fitfi Posts: 1,349 Member
    I drink redbush tea - no caffeine or calories but its better than water especially in winter.
  • Bobby__Clerici
    Bobby__Clerici Posts: 741 Member
    I'd suggest just bucking up, and making yourself drink water - pure water.
    This will become a habit you learn to love.:bigsmile:

    I like mine over ice with a splash of lemon.
    Twice per day I drink green tea.
    Once per day I gulp a 16 oz glass of fresh juice.
    I count it all as "water", and if it contains calories, I also count it as "food".
    Good Luck!
  • emilykg12
    emilykg12 Posts: 119
    I just fill my nalgene to the top with water and squeeze in an eighth of a lemon. The lemon makes it more refreshing, and having the ounces on the side as a reminder makes me more aware. Which sounds weird, but I might be weird.
  • BamsieEkhaya
    BamsieEkhaya Posts: 657 Member
    I don't like drinking water as well. Think it's pure laziness on my behalf, I find having a bottle of water just on the side is great I'll happily drink it if
    a. its in a bottle (just re-fill from the tap)
    b. it's there

    I find adding some freshly squeezed lemon or orange in there great (though my dentist has banned me from doing it with hot water and I have to have a meal at the same time and brush my teeth straight afterwards)
  • Fat2Fit145
    Fat2Fit145 Posts: 385 Member
    Sorry, but there's not much to say but, JUST DRINK IT..... not being harsh, but its like this, You have to, You need to, So make urself do it... Most of us dont like going to work everday dont we, but we do it everyday, cuz we have a reward at the end of the month- a paycheck. So just get a water bottle and take it with you wherever you go, and just sip on it ever so often...even if u're not thirsty. All the best!
  • bathsheba_c
    bathsheba_c Posts: 1,873 Member
    Is it possible that you don't like the tap water in your area? If so, filtering the water might make it more palatable (I can't in good conscience recommend switching to bottled).
  • vjohn04
    vjohn04 Posts: 2,276 Member
    I find it odd that people don't like the taste of water. What does it taste like to you?

    I don't like or dislike it. It is what it is.... water.

    Can someone share with me what it is about the taste that they do not like? Does it matter if it is tap water, or spring water or designer water?
  • newcs
    newcs Posts: 717 Member
    Have you tried Polar seltzer? I like the raspberry (might be raspberry lime). I found I like their plain sparkling water too. I grew up NEVER drinking water. Even when I played sports, I drank gatorade/powerade and it was always milk, soda or iced tea at home. I made myself swap out more and more of my non-water drinks for plain water and now I'm at the point where I drink my morning tea and then water the rest of the day. It's a habit now that I don't even really notice even though I had to choke down water before. I also pretty much never get thirsty so it was a challenge to even remember to drink in the first place.

    You can also add fruit to your water. Try googling for recipes. And if you eat the fruit as well, it'll have some calories but also antioxidants and vitamins.
  • amymichelle1226
    amymichelle1226 Posts: 150 Member
    You must drink it! I wouldn't say I loved water before but I do now. First thing to make it easier is to drink it with meals, take a sip between bites.

    I also found I don't drink as much when it's in a plastic bottle. A month ago I got a glass water bottle (lifefactory from amazon)....and I drink so much more water when I'm at work now...if it was in a plastic water bottle, it would still be sitting there.
  • swimcoach07
    swimcoach07 Posts: 31 Member
    I'm not a big water drinker either...but I do find once I've been "good" about drinking it - that I miss it on the days I don't get enough.

    What helps me is taking a few sips every 15-30 minutes or when I'm bored at my desk or in a meeting. Before you know it, you've finished a few 16 oz bottles.

    Good luck!
  • Lib_B
    Lib_B Posts: 446 Member
    i do the flavored water from time to time. artificial i know and people will rant about that, but it helps. i like the mio. i also like to put a cucumber slice in my water. i hate cucumbers on their own, but something about adding it to water is very refreshing.
  • Lib_B
    Lib_B Posts: 446 Member
    i'll also note that the mio/crystal light, etc. helps curb my sweet tooth. it gives me a little satisfaction and keeps me away from other things that would be far worse.
  • newdaydawning79
    newdaydawning79 Posts: 1,503 Member
    I drink iced tea in the morning (need the caffeine, sorry everyone - I put Sweet N Low in it too haha) and then water after that. I've used the low-calorie drink packets in it if I wanted a change of pace but otherwise I just make it happen. I'm not sure either what it is that people don't like about water (except I can't stand most well water and some city water is just too chlorinated) but the body needs it so if you can find a way, it's best to get it however you can! Good luck!
  • newcs
    newcs Posts: 717 Member
    I find it odd that people don't like the taste of water. What does it taste like to you?

    I don't like or dislike it. It is what it is.... water.

    Can someone share with me what it is about the taste that they do not like? Does it matter if it is tap water, or spring water or designer water?

    For me, I only like certain water. And even then, I don't like it...I just don't dislike it. The tap water I grew up with tastes funky. It did then and it does now (my dad still lives in the house I grew up in). I think it's something to do with how they treat it. I find that city by city, the water tastes different. I don't mind the water in my current town but will drink more of it if it's filtered (we use a PUR pitcher). I find similar variation with bottled water - I can't stand Dasani or most other brands but Poland Springs is fine.