Nike Fuel Band

Anyone have one of these?
I have been reading up on them and I want one so bad now!!! but it's like $150, just curious if anyone here has one and if it's worth the $$$
It will track your entire day... how many steps you take, any physical activity you do (it will measure calories burned by your heart rate) and you can set goals for yourself on it... you can also link all of the information about your day to your phone with the nike fuelband link.
A girlfriend of mine got it for Christmas... she says she loves it so far.
what do you think? or is there something else you know about similar to this out there?
I feel like it would be a nice little reminder for physical activity :)


  • cmajeff
    cmajeff Posts: 504 Member
    I got the motoatv and love it. Basically everything plus a lot more with the motoactv. You get GPS tracking of your run/walks/bikes. It tracks your steps, calories burned, it has a built in MP3 and Radio, plus it is also a watch. It syncs with bluetooth heart rate monitors, headsets, and you can sync all your data wirelessly over your home network so you don't always have to plug it in to a computer to get your results online.

    It is also 150 bucks on Amazon.

    However, the fuel bands are very cool. They will work for what you want. There has been some question as to whether or not Motorolla will continue the line. From what I hear they will but it is nothing for sure. Best of luck!
  • hdlb
    hdlb Posts: 333 Member
    I had nver heard of a Nike Fuelband until I got one for Christmas from my MIL (Think its a hint to get off the couch lol?)

    Its ok. I like it because it movitvates me to hit my daily goal, but as for getting a real reading on how much you move exactly, it sucks. I don't know about the calorie count, but the steps are way off. I do like it because you set a "Fuel Goal" for the day, and it lets you know how close you are. The more you move, the closer you are to it. Its good for motivation.
  • gotobedmaryse
    gotobedmaryse Posts: 9 Member
    I got one for Christmas as well, and it's ok. Not amazing but fun. My husband got one too and it's been a competition to see who gets more fuel points everyday. I don't think the pedometer and calorie counter aren't accurate but still gives you some sort of idea over time. Worth 150$? probably not but if you have money to spend go for it. :)