Calorie Calculator says to eat 1100 calories a day. OK??

I am really good about putting what I eat into MFP. I eat roughly 1200-1500 calories a day as is suggested and exercise 3-4 days a week and have lost no weight! I have been using MFP religiously for over 2 months now. Every once and awhile I will get on the scale and it will be down, but the next day its back up to 125-126. I recently started using since a lot of members suggest it and, after calibrating, the site is suggesting I eat 1100 calories (while doing light exercise basing it off a BMR of 1070). People always freak out when anyone eats under 1200, warning of "starvation mode" and a stalled metabolism. Is 1100 healthy for me? Considering I am small in general and that 1200-1500 calories doesn't seem to be resulting in any weight loss. PLEASE HELP!


  • Weebs628
    Weebs628 Posts: 574 Member
    1,100 seems kind of low. How tall are you? Your profile says that you're "skinny fat". Have you tried lifting weights?
  • katy_trail
    katy_trail Posts: 1,992 Member
    It sounds like you need to be exercising more, and possibly being more careful. about your carbs.
    It sounds like you are already close to goal weight, but eating and w.o like you are trying to maintain.
    Are you doing strength training? That will also help with fat loss.

    i agree with the above post, although, not everyone can do that.
  • mockchoc
    mockchoc Posts: 6,573 Member
    What is your TDEE? Find that number out and eat 10% less than that since you don't really need to lose much if at all. You'd probably be best off doing weights since you say you are skinny fat and so mostly need to tighten up not get skinner.
  • chervil6
    chervil6 Posts: 236 Member
    dont listen to other people , if you feel fine eating 1100 cals , go for it ..... were all made the same but we dont lose weight the same ... do whats right for you and take less notice of people on here , most aren't experts !!!
  • GypsySoul_74
    GypsySoul_74 Posts: 152 Member
    before you reduce your intake by that much, i would probably try two things:

    first, if you're not using a food scale, get one. use it religiously. it makes a HUGE difference in portions versus measuring cups/spoons or guesstimating. as awful as it sounds, you could just be underestimating the calories you're eating on a typical day. and i know it sounds silly, but make sure you're logging EVERYTHING. little bites while cooking or serving food, anything you eat off of someone else's plate, hard candies or anything you eat in passing. it still counts, even when it's small.

    second, pick a calorie level (say, 1350) and stick with it consistently. although some people have luck with zigzagging calorie levels throughout the week, a lot of my female friends who are small like us have the best luck losing and maintaining by sticking to a set calorie level day after day.

    if you're doing this super-consistently for 4-6 weeks and still not seeing changes, then i'd say either consider reducing calories by 50/day and reducing again once per week (or every other week) until you start seeing losses, or consider eating substantially more. there are good arguments out there for both camps.

    for reference, most of my friends list is made up of petite girls with healthy eating and exercise habits, and the general calorie range for healthy, active petite girls runs from 1100/day to 1500/day. less than that is pushing starvation. more than that is quite frankly usually too much for women 100-120 pounds, unless their metabolism is insane.

    best of luck! feel free to add me.
  • kdeaux1959
    kdeaux1959 Posts: 2,675 Member
    At 5'3" you are at the mid point of your IBW range (BMI=22)... If you were to get to 110, you would be at the lower end of your range (BMI-19 +/-)... My guess is that you have some body areas that are of concern to you. Might I suggest using weight training to become more fit within your weight class and not be that concerned about losing a few pounds. I bet that if were to implement weight training and build lean muscle mass then you would begin to find the build that you are looking for. 110 really may not be practical for you. That being said, I think people who are shorter (but 5'3" is not real short for a lady), may need to consume fewer than 1200 calories in a day on average but I would not do that EVERY day. However, as I said, I think if you can build muscle mass and reduce your body fat percentage a little bit you would better find what you are looking for... forget the scale. Best wishes on achieving your goal.
  • 3dogsrunning
    3dogsrunning Posts: 27,167 Member
    You didn't give us the information we need to answer the question. For some (not many) 1100 is just fine.
    How tall are you?
    How much do you weight? (ETA, sorry, I see that answer)
    What is your goal weight?
    How active are you? What kind of exercise are you doing?
    What is your target loss per week?

    I see you have pretty much already been eating that or less.

    Like someone else above posted, how are you measuring? Are you honestly logging everything?

    I am in the "eat" camp. I prefer to fuel my body and eat as much I as I can, and still lose or maintain (depending on what is going on). Aside from feeding your body, and being healthy, my other objection to cutting calories to rock bottom is you have no room left to go down. If I am at 1500 calories and losing, if I hit a plateau, I can drop another 100-200 calories and still be eating enough. When you start out at 1200 or lower, there isn't much room to move without sacraficing what is healthy.
  • 3dogsrunning
    3dogsrunning Posts: 27,167 Member
    I can't figure how you are getting a BMR so low. I've played with the numbers and still am not getting such a low BMR for your weight of 126.
  • b1rdbones
    b1rdbones Posts: 3 Member
    you want to be careful about it, but if you switch up your calorie intake a lot (every day ish) it will keep your metabolism from stalling. just focus on eating really healthy for like a week to try it out. seriously kind of go overboard on the healthy. lots of fruits veggies water, go all out. some peoples bodies just dont respond unless its more extreme like that. (just make sure you're still getting a healthy amount of calories every day) oh, and also drinking green tea will boost your metabolism
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    Where are you getting those numbers - I put your stats in and get higher. Did you pick the highest % at 25% as that is the only way I can see you getting to 1,100? You should only be on about a 10% off TDEE cut with the amount you have to lose which would put you at about 1,400 with light exercise to lose.
  • kpkeri
    kpkeri Posts: 9 Member
    Thanks everyone for all the feedback! I used the accurate calorie calculator . I first used to calorie calculator to determine how many calories I should be eating a day for a weight loss of 3.4 pounds a month. It gave me 1500. I then calibrated it by eating the suggested amount for 30 days and, noticing no weight loss, it then gave me a calibration factor of -373. I then used the "World's most accurate calorie calculator" and, using the calibration factor (-373) and a 15% calorie reduction based on 3-5 week of moderate exercise and it gave me 1179 calories per day. Just to clarify:

    Weight: 126
    Height: 62.5"
    Age: 26
    GW: 110 (toned up really)
    Target loss per week is 2 pounds.

    I work out 3-5 times per week, usually running or doing the Insanity workouts. I appreciate the feedback about adding weight training. it seems like that is the consensus. As far as the calories go, I recognize I am short and don't weigh a lot. Any more feedback is appreciated! I don't want to starve myself and slow my metabolism, but I am really frustrated! I really do log everything!! As you can see, I recognize I certainly have some bad days (mostly on the weekends). Could this alone be causing me to not lose??
  • kpkeri
    kpkeri Posts: 9 Member
    you want to be careful about it, but if you switch up your calorie intake a lot (every day ish) it will keep your metabolism from stalling. just focus on eating really healthy for like a week to try it out. seriously kind of go overboard on the healthy. lots of fruits veggies water, go all out. some peoples bodies just dont respond unless its more extreme like that. (just make sure you're still getting a healthy amount of calories every day) oh, and also drinking green tea will boost your metabolism

    Thanks! Maybe its no so much the caloric number, rather the things I'm eating.
  • now_or_never13
    now_or_never13 Posts: 1,575 Member
    Thanks everyone for all the feedback! I used the accurate calorie calculator . I first used to calorie calculator to determine how many calories I should be eating a day for a weight loss of 3.4 pounds a month. It gave me 1500. I then calibrated it by eating the suggested amount for 30 days and, noticing no weight loss, it then gave me a calibration factor of -373. I then used the "World's most accurate calorie calculator" and, using the calibration factor (-373) and a 15% calorie reduction based on 3-5 week of moderate exercise and it gave me 1179 calories per day. Just to clarify:

    Weight: 126
    Height: 62.5"
    Age: 26
    GW: 110 (toned up really)
    Target loss per week is 2 pounds.

    I work out 3-5 times per week, usually running or doing the Insanity workouts. I appreciate the feedback about adding weight training. it seems like that is the consensus. As far as the calories go, I recognize I am short and don't weigh a lot. Any more feedback is appreciated! I don't want to starve myself and slow my metabolism, but I am really frustrated! I really do log everything!! As you can see, I recognize I certainly have some bad days (mostly on the weekends). Could this alone be causing me to not lose??

    2lbs per week of a goal is too high when you only want to lose 16 more pounds. Your weekly goal should be down to 0.5lbs per week.

    If you want to tone up you need to not worry about what the scale says, eat more and lift heavy weights. That's the only way to do it.

    Eating too little won't help you lose. The smaller you are the less you should lose per week to ensure it's coming from fat and not lean muscle. If you think you are skinny fat losing more weight won't tone you up... you need to lift heavy weights to do that.
  • Greenrun99
    Greenrun99 Posts: 2,065 Member
    Your undereating.. If your doing Insanity workouts and eating 1100 some odd calories.. and at your height thats just too small for your workouts..
    Putting your numbers in you should be eating 1600-1800(if not a bit more) calories.. and if you want the lean look I would suggest starting a weight lifting program and moving away from the cardio.. its the best way your going to see that lean tone look, without added weights Insanity isn't going to get you there.
  • kpkeri
    kpkeri Posts: 9 Member
    Your undereating.. If your doing Insanity workouts and eating 1100 some odd calories.. and at your height thats just too small for your workouts..
    Putting your numbers in you should be eating 1600-1800(if not a bit more) calories.. and if you want the lean look I would suggest starting a weight lifting program and moving away from the cardio.. its the best way your going to see that lean tone look, without added weights Insanity isn't going to get you there.

    If that is the case then why do I gain when I eat more than 1600/day and maintain on 1300-1500/day? It seems like if I do what MFP tells me to do, I don't lose. I've been using MFP for months now and haven't lost a pound! There are just so many conflicting suggestions.
  • now_or_never13
    now_or_never13 Posts: 1,575 Member
    Your undereating.. If your doing Insanity workouts and eating 1100 some odd calories.. and at your height thats just too small for your workouts..
    Putting your numbers in you should be eating 1600-1800(if not a bit more) calories.. and if you want the lean look I would suggest starting a weight lifting program and moving away from the cardio.. its the best way your going to see that lean tone look, without added weights Insanity isn't going to get you there.

    If that is the case then why do I gain when I eat more than 1600/day and maintain on 1300-1500/day? It seems like if I do what MFP tells me to do, I don't lose. I've been using MFP for months now and haven't lost a pound! There are just so many conflicting suggestions.

    How long do you give it when you eat more? If you aren't giving it a few weeks you won't know if you will truly lose on higher calories. You need to give changes time to work and show results.

    You need to eat more calories and lift heavy weights and stop looking at the scale. If you want to tone up you need to build muscle which will not show losses on the scale.
  • kpkeri
    kpkeri Posts: 9 Member
    Your undereating.. If your doing Insanity workouts and eating 1100 some odd calories.. and at your height thats just too small for your workouts..
    Putting your numbers in you should be eating 1600-1800(if not a bit more) calories.. and if you want the lean look I would suggest starting a weight lifting program and moving away from the cardio.. its the best way your going to see that lean tone look, without added weights Insanity isn't going to get you there.

    If that is the case then why do I gain when I eat more than 1600/day and maintain on 1300-1500/day? It seems like if I do what MFP tells me to do, I don't lose. I've been using MFP for months now and haven't lost a pound! There are just so many conflicting suggestions.

    How long do you give it when you eat more? If you aren't giving it a few weeks you won't know if you will truly lose on higher calories. You need to give changes time to work and show results.

    You need to eat more calories and lift heavy weights and stop looking at the scale. If you want to tone up you need to build muscle which will not show losses on the scale.

    I've been eating around 1300-1500 for about 3 months now and no change :-/ and have been working out 3-5 days a week for over a year now.
  • weird_me2
    weird_me2 Posts: 716 Member
    Looking over your diary, I saw some quick add calories and a couple of days of not logging at all. I also saw a lot of processed foods and food entries that can vary widely between brands, etc. Cookies jumped out at me. I don't have a problem with eating cookies or other sweets, but you have to make sure you are being accurate in what you are logging. One day you logged 2 homemade chocolate chip cookies as 300 calories and the next you logged a nestle toll house homemade chocolate chip cookie as 110. Did you make them yourself? If so, use the recipe builder. If not, weigh the ones you buy and use an appropriate entry. A cookie with only 110 calories is quite small! Even a 150 calorie cookie is pretty small by most bakery standards. My first suggestion, instead of cutting calories, is to make sure that you are weighing and measuring everything and logging it properly.

    Maybe you are under reporting your calories and you are really eating closer to 2000 a day. Maybe you aren't. If you aren't weighing everything though, it can be hard to tell. I had 4 oz of cooked chicken breast on my salad today and it was a weighed portion. I've been weighing and measuring stuff for forever, but chicken I'd just been lax at guesstimating. It was less chicken than I thought it would be. Yeah, not a big deal because I was probably only off by about 35 calories, but still, a little here and a little there add up. I saw you had peanut butter a few times. Peanut butter is SO easy to understimate on. I've heard that most dieters can understimate their food intake by up to 30% per day, so weighing and measuring for a while may just help you start losing again. Doing that and eliminating most of your generic entries and tracking every single day may help you. One day of not tracking and being over by just 1000 calories can undo 2 or 3 days worth of work. When you don't have much to lose, it can really stall you.
  • geekpryncess
    geekpryncess Posts: 118 Member
    I am really good about putting what I eat into MFP. I eat roughly 1200-1500 calories a day as is suggested and exercise 3-4 days a week and have lost no weight! I have been using MFP religiously for over 2 months now. Every once and awhile I will get on the scale and it will be down, but the next day its back up to 125-126. I recently started using since a lot of members suggest it and, after calibrating, the site is suggesting I eat 1100 calories (while doing light exercise basing it off a BMR of 1070). People always freak out when anyone eats under 1200, warning of "starvation mode" and a stalled metabolism. Is 1100 healthy for me? Considering I am small in general and that 1200-1500 calories doesn't seem to be resulting in any weight loss. PLEASE HELP!

    I'm having the same issue. I know I have been fairly good at staying near my calorie goal, but not having much luck in losing, so I just manually adjusted my calories down. It's either one of two things - eat less calories, or do more exercise. I'm going to try to do a little of both.