Called fat by a stranger.



  • Michellerawrrr
    Michellerawrrr Posts: 312 Member
    I haven't read through this entire thread so I apologize if any of this has already been said. First of all, I am so sorry that happened to you, it's so WRONG and very hurtful I know!! Secondly, please don't think all kids are like that. I am raising a 15 year old son and he would never talk like that to anyone ever. It's not the children, it's the ****ed up parents who don't spend the time teaching the children right from wrong. Now move on, hold your head high and keep on walking!! One day you will walk by those brats and there jaws will drop at the sight of you!
  • yourenotmine
    yourenotmine Posts: 645 Member
    Of course people on the streets do point sometime and even laugh, but most of them are ugly anyways, inside and outside.

    My God. That is horrible. The stories in this thread make me sick. Thank God, I don't recall ever hearing anyone say things like that about me, but people do yell at me from cars sometimes when I'm walking the dogs. I try not to speculate about what they might be saying; thankfully, it's all a sound smear coming out of a speeding car.
  • Italianyc84
    Italianyc84 Posts: 192 Member
    I used to work at a kiosk in the information booth in Times Square...they had internet and relatively clean public restrooms, so all kinds of people would be in and out all day, not just tourists. Lots of people would come in to keep warm/dry and would end up chatting with me, since my kiosk was near to the door. Anyway, one day this guy comes in and starts up a conversation. Somehow it came up that I was an aspiring actress, and he told me that I would need to lose weight if I wanted to get ahead in the business (keep in mind it's not even like this guy was a casting director or something, he just honestly thought that this was appropriate, helpful advice). I was about 17 and not very bold, so I just kind of ignored it and tried to end the conversation. He left shortly afterwards...and came back about a half hour later with pamphlets to a local dancing school and told me how "dancing is such great exercise, you would surely lose weight" ?!?!?!?!? what is wrong with people?

    Edited to add: I wasn't even particularly heavy at the time either, I worse a size 4 or 6.
  • Italianyc84
    Italianyc84 Posts: 192 Member
    And I can't tell you how many times I've been hit on by a stranger and, upon politely turning them down, they'd say "it's ok you're fat anyway!"
  • hotrodhoodlum28
    hotrodhoodlum28 Posts: 9 Member
    Lighten up they were 12
  • kthurman87
    Sorry to hear that people can be so insensitive and rude. My boyfriend's ex called me a porkchop one day, even though she has never seen me. I was pissed and it hurt my feelings at first, but I just use that as a motivator to get to my goal, plus if she's concerned about me and how I look obviously the ***** is a hater :). Don't let closed minded people get you down. If you are doing what your supposed to do thats all that matters.
  • keith0373
    keith0373 Posts: 2,154 Member
    There were two Hannahs at my school. I was fat Hannah and the other was skinny Hannah. At the time I was 5'8" and about 140 lbs, so not fat at all really. I have gained 30 lbs since then. I wonder what they would say about me now.

    Probably call you "Hot Hannah" :)

    High School kids are idiots . . .
  • DawnieB1977
    DawnieB1977 Posts: 4,248 Member
    So, today while I was getting my walk in in the park, these 2 young kids (about 12yrs) were messing around with their bike in the middle of the sidewalk...I didn't think anything of it until I passed them and the one said "fat *****!" Now, I wasn't sure If I heard him right so I ignored him and kept walking. So he yelled it louder. I turned around and said "excuse me, what did you say?" Of course, He couldn't call me a fat ***** to my face because all he could say was "I didn't say nothin' homie" So i kept asking him (using vulgar language) "go on, tell me what the **** you said!" "oh i didn't say nothin homie"...his friend was just kinda standing there not saying anything...If he was not 12 I would have slapped him! I know I shouldn't be using cuss words around children but If he can call me a fat ***** then obviously he can handle the f word and plus i was so pissed words were just coming out of my mouth. I just ended up telling him to **** off...

    Seriously...I can't stand how kids are these days! That really hurts. And obviously I'm walking in the park for a reason...not sitting on my *kitten* eating cake. This is the reason why I don't want to have kids...they're so evil now a days...I never even got called fat in middle/high school (in ear shot at least) things have changed and it's really messed up. I wish his mamma woulda heard that! lol....have any of you ever been called fat to your face by a complete stranger?

    Kids can be cruel, but so can adults. My sister was insulted at the swimming pool a while ago by some boys who must've been 19/20. They were messing about and she was trying to swim, asked them to move and they called her a fat cow.

    I'm a teacher and teach teenagers, so I see how rude they can be to each other and to staff. I've been insulted personally in the past, but now i've lost weight I don't get personal insults, in fact i've been told twice how pretty I am! I have been told to 'f**k off' though! It isn't every day, and to be honest the kind of kids who do it are the ones who don't have nice home lives, so although I don't condone it, it makes my heart break that that is probably how they get spoken to at home.

    I have kids of my own and I wouldn't let mine act like that. Being a teacher hasn't put me off having my own.
  • yannuzzi
    I completely here you there 'lette. It's a struggle for all of us. I can tell you that the problem is not the kids but their parents. Too many "Best Friends" and not enough discipline at home! Just vent to your MFP "Family" We all understand where you're coming from.

    That's exactly the problem today. Too many parents are afraid of alienating their children if they discipline. They try harder to be "best friends" instead. FYI, your children will respect you more later in life if you step up and be their parent and disciplinarian now. Do your job!!!
  • fatgirlslove
    fatgirlslove Posts: 614 Member
    Don't let people who don't matter ruin your day pshhhhh
  • redheaddee
    redheaddee Posts: 2,005 Member
    You feed the beast by responding to it. Best to ignore it so the monster doesn't get the attention is craves.
  • PeloMichelle
    PeloMichelle Posts: 100 Member
    I'm so sorry. Gosh there are so many stories of ignorance!

    A little girl maybe 5'ish (obese herself) made "oinking" noises at me when I walked by her at the pool. She was with a daycare group so I marched myself right up to the teacher and called her out on it in front of the group. Her teacher later had her come over to me to apologize. I was kind to her and accepted her apology and explained how something like that really hurts someone's feelings. I suspect she'll need to brace herself because she will probably fall prey to mean comments, or already does.
  • cici1028
    cici1028 Posts: 799 Member
    I definitely have. Twice. And it really hurt. It hurt more than hearing it from someone I love and trust, actually. The first time my husband was walking myself and my other girlfriend to dinner. He is very small (5'7", 135 pounds sopping wet) and at the time, I was around 180. My girlfriend was a bit rounder as well. Some jerks hung out of their car and screamed, "Hey, guess you like fat chicks" to him as he held the door for us. Ugh.

    The first time it ever happened that I remember, I was walking in London and some men tried to get me to come with them to a bar. Which I did not want to do! (Rough neighborhood... it was a dark alley and I was scared!) I kept walking and they called me fat. That hurt too.

    I've had it said to me countless times by younger siblings/etc and it never really stung like it did when complete strangers said it. And sometimes it was the looks I'd get or the stares, not even words... :) But the nice thing is that when people say those things, they are just trying to feel better about themselves. You can change fat. You can't change ugly. :)
  • Par8hed4life
    Par8hed4life Posts: 104 Member
    I completely here you there 'lette. It's a struggle for all of us. I can tell you that the problem is not the kids but their parents. Too many "Best Friends" and not enough discipline at home! Just vent to your MFP "Family" We all understand where you're coming from.


    Sorry you had to deal with this. Kids are just mean and like to test their boundaries and see how much they can get away with. It's good you called him out. Still, I'm sure it hurt. Good for you for getting out there and walking! Let this encourage and not discourage.

  • Lalouse
    Lalouse Posts: 221 Member
    I had a bunch of teenage girls did something similar to me once. It's awful, but just keep in mind that they are kids. I told them to grow up and shut up. It still hurts when it happens, but just remember that they're babies are you're a grown woman.
  • Natihilator
    Natihilator Posts: 1,778 Member
    Not even going to read the posts because it will set me off, but to summarize this topic: Yes, I have been directly and indirectly called fat by strangers. People are such bumholes, and it's easier to be even more of an bumhole to stranger than someone they know..

    Fuel for the fire, fuel for the fire.
  • lgordon6336
    lgordon6336 Posts: 2 Member
    well its better than being called Kids now days wow!
  • love22step
    love22step Posts: 1,103 Member
    I was always taught that "two wrongs don't make a right." What were you thinking?????

    This new year can be a great one for you if you can get your mouth under control. Good luck and God bless you!

    Did I just join the list of "mean posters?" Maybe I should rephrase my reply. I just can't imagine that using profane language is ever the best response. How about advice from Proverbs 15:1 - A soft answer turneth away wrath: but grievous words stir up anger.

    The entire exchange hurts my heart! You and the children can't hate each other, because you don't even know each other. I don't see how setting a bad example for the children by using profane language is going to make them want to change their already bad behavior. Ultimately, it's up to adults, parents or not, to set a civilized example for children to follow.
  • keith0373
    keith0373 Posts: 2,154 Member
    I have heard this stuff more out of 20-something club girls talking about each other and heavy guys. That crowd is even tougher than teenage boys!
  • Phoenixchichima
    to paraphrase "we may be fat but we can fix fat. they're stupid"

    keep it in perspective. they actually dont know better.