Just saying hello

Hi, I joined this great site today..I lost 11 stones two years ago and now want to stop the slow slide to gaining!!!!
have resumed my running (rather slow at the mo) however, the sun is shining, summer on its way and so am I...


  • Home6
    Home6 Posts: 208 Member
    Welcome to the site! I like your name...Feel free to add me as a friend, and I will try to motivate you as best as I can! Good luck. Also, how much is 11 stones? :)
  • scarlette61
    Hi, 11 stones is about 154 lbs :)
  • smelliott
    smelliott Posts: 120

    Wow, losing 11 stones is a great achievement! I am sure you will find this sitea great help in maintaining a healthy weight. I'm not at my target weight yet but have found it a great help with losing my excess weight.
  • scarlette61
    thank you for the welcome..

  • tavander
    tavander Posts: 79 Member
  • k_wills
    k_wills Posts: 82 Member
    Wow!...To lose such a large amount... And keep the bulk of it off?...That's an achievement!!..I'm sure you'll get your focus back in no time...Good luck.

  • PecanTan
    PecanTan Posts: 47
    Good watching out for how your body is trying to go in the opposite direction, getting back into running no matter how slow it is, will only be a bonus it lets your body know hey I am in charge and i will determine what shape I will be in.. Good luck with the running and keep on keeping on with the weight loss.:smile: