Is this a cop out?



  • yoovie
    yoovie Posts: 17,121 Member
    i think youre thinking about it too much. You should just take flight and see what happens.
  • yo_andi
    yo_andi Posts: 2,178 Member

    But how about this. Sounds like you have a ways to go before hitting 200. Why don't you do everything in your power to get there and then reevaluate? Why are qr putting on the brakes 30 pounds out?

    That's where it's at.
  • Muddy_Yogi
    Muddy_Yogi Posts: 1,459 Member
    Why even set a number at all? Why not just keep doing great things for yourself even when you hit those magic numbers?
  • yoovie
    yoovie Posts: 17,121 Member
    all this chitter chatter is one more way to procrastinate putting your money where your mouth is.
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,131 Member
    Cop out. Shoot for 170. Set smaller goals along the way, but strive to get into that healthy weight range. As you get closer, it will seem more reasonable.

    When I was actively losing, I had set my goal weight for 20 pounds more than where I actually settled when I got going. The healthier you get, the healthier you want to get.
  • Goal_Line
    Goal_Line Posts: 474 Member
    "Yes" it is a cop out

    Here is my advise: Just adopt a healthy lifestyle and keep it regardless of the scale. I think you find you your "natural" weight will be much less than 220. The concern is if you focus on 220 without the lifestyle change, once you get there you will regain the weight. Eat quality food and move your body on a daily basis. Over the long term you'll find you hit equilibrium far below 220.
  • skyttles
    skyttles Posts: 33 Member
    Though i do agree that you should wait till you get to 200 and evaluate how you feel, i think you should go back and think about why you choose 170 in the first place instead of 200. Why are those reasons no longer relevant? You have reasons for wanting to reach a healthier weight. Will those reasons be satisfied at 200? Also I settle a lot and i find when i have to stop and ask a friend, hey is ____ a cop out... it is .. every single time.... I don't know, just food for thought... good luck to you.
  • Cindym82
    Cindym82 Posts: 1,245 Member
    Yes. Cop out. There aren't many of us that can healthily support 200+ pounds.

    THIS, I think 170 is a goal you should be shooting for
  • beachlover317
    beachlover317 Posts: 2,848 Member
    all this chitter chatter is one more way to procrastinate putting your money where your mouth is.

    edited to comment below
  • beachlover317
    beachlover317 Posts: 2,848 Member
    I have been doing a lot of thinking about where I want to go with my weight loss and I had an original goal of 170 or so. However, lately I have been thinking maybe 200-220....

    I have always been comfortable with a little extra weight. I am not necessarily looking to be skinny. I am just wondering if this is a cop out of sorts. I dont know what it is like to be under that and honestly.... it does scare me to think I could make it there.... I know that probably doesnt make much sense for such goal oriented folks, but knowing where I have been in my life and what I have been through, I am just not sure I would ever feel safe much under 200...

    Holy crap. I just read this again. If the last part of your letter is referring to something that would mean pain for you if you were to get really thin - you need to work that out now. We've all been obsessing on what you should weigh and not the fear of being in territory that is somehow threatening to you. Good luck on your weight loss.
  • dragnich
    dragnich Posts: 2 Member
    I'm just starting up and I decided to take little bites. Weight Watchers (yes I've done it all) used to always say focus on the first 10% so I put my goal at 21 lbs. Once I've lost that I will reevaluate, actually if I actually lose it I'm not sure I'll have to, it'll be so exciting! However right now 21 lbs looks like 2000 lbs to me so one day at a time and baby steps I say.
  • Sweet_Pea0107
    You don't have to have a number set in stone right now. Set small goals and as you lose you can better determine your ultimate goal. I don't think it is a cop out. Weightloss is a personal matter and only you can decide what you are comfortable with. As far as health goes... when I was classified as overweight by BMI was at a healthy fat%(still higher at the time than I wanted but still healthy)
  • Carolyn_79
    Carolyn_79 Posts: 935 Member
    If the number causes you stress, perhaps throw out your scale and just focus on healthy living.
  • omma_to_3
    omma_to_3 Posts: 3,265 Member
    When I started this, I told my Dr if I got under 200 and made it no further, I'd be happy. I am quite large framed myself - I'll just never look tiny. It was still a cop out - mainly because I didn't think I could actually get there. I'm now FAR below that level. I'm aiming for the top of my BMI healthy range too but will reevaluate once I get there. Maybe I'll shoot for another 10 lbs after that. Because now I have the confidence to believe I CAN. You CAN too.
  • beccyleigh
    beccyleigh Posts: 847 Member
    Yes. Cop out. There aren't many of us that can healthily support 200+ pounds.

    where is the eye roll! :huh: OP how tall are you, what is your current weight.?

    I am 6ft, althletic framed & 2 years ago I was 198lbs & at the healthiest I have ever been, I reversed type 2 diabetes & all my medical levels, cholesterol etc were perfect. I aspire to get down to that again before I make any descisions on going lower so depending on your height, frame, activity level etc 200lbs could be a perfectly comfortable stop point.

    Either way, as you currently weight over 200lbs then getting down to that level will always be considered a good idea.

    good googly goo. I don't understand people sometimes. I really don't. Guess what? I'm 226 right now and in pretty decent shape. My goal weight (which I recently lowered from 225) is like 215 or so. But I'm a 6'1" male that's built like a brick $hithouse. So obviously I'm not including me, you, FitnessSocialist, our anyone else that fits these parameters.

    but guess what? There's very few of us. And I'm doubting the OP is built like a professional athlete. Most people aren't. So you, FS, and anyone else that is, please use intelligence as your guide and exclude yourselves.

    Hell, even I'm trying to lower my weight as much as possible to make it easier on my joints for a 10 mile mud run I have coming up.

    don't go getting all butthurt about it. My post was in response to someones blanket statement that 200lbs is not a supportable goal for most. Guess what, most on my friend list are over 5'11 & 200lbs is a viable & quite acceptabler stop point for us which is why I asked the OP her height & frame rather than just shutting her down with "your copping out,"

    The OP is clearly well over 200lbs so even getting to 200lbs would be beneficial to her health but telling her that aiming for 200lbs is a cop oput has the potential to be very detrimental her weightloss. m'kay.
  • tanniew78
    tanniew78 Posts: 602 Member
    Oh, even I know they didnt mean it like that. They are just saying that I shouldnt get focused on the number and to just do the things I need to do to be healthy. And that it will most likely be under 200 lbs. Either way I have a very long road ahead. So I am focusing on 30 lbs increments. I am already down my first 30 and then some... Now to tackle the next!
  • Gramps251
    Gramps251 Posts: 738 Member
    Don't over think it. Just get healthier every week. Small changes and achievments add up.
  • paradog
    paradog Posts: 378 Member
    tanniew78 watch this >>>>
  • meshashesha2012
    meshashesha2012 Posts: 8,326 Member

    :laugh: it looks like your doggy is watching, awww
  • DamnImASexyBitch
    DamnImASexyBitch Posts: 740 Member
    Yes. Cop out. There aren't many of us that can healthily support 200+ pounds.
    What are you talking about? I am near 200 lbs.

    You are 200lbs of (hot) man-muscle. Not 200lbs of squishy lady-lumps (like me).

    I'm 5'11'' and 205lbs. I want to weigh 175. I wear a size 10/12 currently and I'm super busty. Some people can carry that. No one ever guesses I weigh what I do.