Looking for some more friends for support...

They say it takes a village to raise a child, but I need a state worth of people to keep me accountable! LOL I'm not new to MFP, but my situation is new. I'm 36, married, and mom of 2 daughters. We live on a farm with goats & cattle. I need to ideally lose 100 lbs. I'm really not sure if that is possible to get to my ideal weight, but I have to try...again. I've been on diet, after diet. In the end, I always sabotaged my efforts, gotten lazy, or just plain given up. I'd tell myself I just didn't want it bad enough. Well, reality check came in the form of a call from my DR last week. She said I now have prediabetes. Basically if I don't get something to change, I will be on diabetes med this year. Add in I already struggle with hypothyroidism. Something has to give here & it's my bad eating habits...and lack of exercise. This is going to be a long road, and I know I'm not always going to walk it perfectly. I could sure use some supportive friends to holler at me as I make the trip. So if you are interested, please add me. :) Happy New Year!



  • sdreed25
    sdreed25 Posts: 208 Member
    I'll add you ;-) I'm 36, male, married with daughter (21 months old). I have a number of friend on here that have either lost over 100 lb or are on the road to lose 100lb like you. I've lost about 30 and have 10 more to go.

    My good friend on here Joyzy has lost over 100lb but I think she has reached her maximum friends count now, but have a read of here blog which tells her Hospital Bed to 5k running race journey http://www.joyzyblog.com
  • Thank you! Added you & will definitely check out her blog! :)
  • Orient_Charm
    Orient_Charm Posts: 385 Member
    You can do it for sure,
    FR sent to you....
  • rosecook425
    rosecook425 Posts: 50 Member
    I sent a friend request. Im a 35 year old mom too. Ive struggled with my weight and have a borderline high blood pressure and cholesterol issues monster staring at me waiting to attack. I kinda fell off the wagon a bit recently and trying to get back on track. We can do this ...its a new year and new day with a new set of challenges.

    **Please feel free to add me anyone else who reads this thread**
  • Thanks everyone! I'm so excited! I just know myself, I can't do it alone. Let's do this! :-)
  • Terasome
    Terasome Posts: 3,808 Member
    Its great to have someone there even just online, motivating and encouraging you to keep going :)
  • Ranocchia
    Ranocchia Posts: 73 Member
    Hi, I'm italian, 33 yrs old, not married and no child. I'm an agronomist, I live in a farm and we have cattle, too... Seems like we have at least this in common!
    I should lose about 20 lbs.. Not so much but seems like they don't want to leave me

    I sent a friend request to you
  • Absolutely! Just having someone who is doing something similar and can relate is HUGE!
  • Feel free to add me as well. I am a divorced mother of 2 children. I have been on the site for a while but seriously using it since about September. I have lost 17 pounds so far and want to lose about 20 more. This site is a really great tool and I think it is very effective. I have done weight watchers online in the past but for me, MFP has been far more successful. Make sure you load the phone app onto you cell - it is an amazing tool. Also, there are many people in the community that have lost 100 pounds or more. Read some of their stories and you will be motivated. YOU CAN DO THIS!! Feel free to add me. I'm on everyday. Here's to great health for 2013!!! Cheers!
  • Just sent you a request...thanks! :)
  • Thanks everyone..can't wait to get to know you all. Anyone else is welcome to add me too! :-)
  • TxRottie81
    TxRottie81 Posts: 45 Member
    please add me ... i am a mother, working through graduate school and need some support with all the obstacles that get in the way. would love to share this journey to loosing 45 pounds in 2013! but more importantly than the scale improving my over all health.
    others feel free to add me as well.
  • Added you! Thank you! :)
  • I'm a 27 almost 28 year old married mom of 2. I'm like you. If I have people behind me that are gonna help kick my butt in shape I will be more apt to do what I need to do. So please feel free to add me. I've been in a funk lately and am trying to get out of it. I wanna loose about 30 pounds. I work in a nursing home but have been off work since October because I had knee surgery. So it's hard for me to do much of anything in the form of exercise.
  • Just added you, thanks!
  • Everything you just said pertains to me too! Except the farm part!! Have you ever thought of Paleo type habits? Hope to chat with you!!
  • I'm not even sure what Paleo habits are! LOL
  • Anyone else willing to add me for support??? Would love lots of help! :)
  • Sheila_KI
    Sheila_KI Posts: 206 Member
    I will send you a friend request. I have been a starter and a quitter. This is the year of determination. :bigsmile:
  • You can do it! Thanks for the add request!