HELP. I need something sweet. Need... CHOCOLATE D:

Brkdksmdkskkdkdndfbdnks I'm going crazy eating like this!! D: No desserts ever :,( Does anybody have any chocolate anything recipes kickin' around that are low in, uhm, everything? :D Thank you!!


  • Kwpenguin
    Kwpenguin Posts: 11 Member
    Honestly, when it gets to this point, you just need to eat a little *real* chocolate. Anything else will leave you unsatisfied and heading for a binge.
  • Yeah I might just do that :/ already tried making sugar free brownies. Eyughhhhhhhhuck so gross.
  • nwlve1962
    nwlve1962 Posts: 6 Member
    semi-sweet chocolate morsels are great for that gotta have feeling. just count them out and put the bag away before you start munching. They're dietician approved too! She must have some idea of what's right since I've gotten rid of 123 pounds and my pre-diabetes.
  • ravenlair
    ravenlair Posts: 8 Member
    Have you tried the cocoa roasted almonds? Lots of chocolate flavor with better nutrition than most chocolatey treats.
  • neen6270
    neen6270 Posts: 82 Member
    Found this post by someone else and have made it twice already. Perfect serving size; easy; fast; and very yummy. I have the chocolate one with angel food.

    Wanted to share this email. Calories are around 100 per serving, depends on the type of cake you add to the angel food:
    3, 2, 1 CAKE
    These individual little cakes are amazing
    and ready to eat in one minute! They are perfect
    for whenever you feel like a treat without all the fat
    and calories that cake can have. Genius idea!
    1 box Angel Food Cake Mix
    1 box Cake Mix - Any Flavor
    2 Tbsp Water
    Makes 1 serving.
    In a ziploc bag, combine the two cake mixes together
    and mix well. For each individual cake serving, take
    out 3 Tablespoons of the cake mix combination and
    mix it
    with 2 Tablespoons of water in a small microwave-safe
    container. Microwave on high for 1 minute, and you have
    your own instant individual little cake!
    KEEP remaining cake mixture stored in the ziploc bag
    and use whenever you feel like a treat! You can top
    each cake with a dollop of fat free whipped topping
    and/or some fresh fruit.
    Helpful Tips:
    This recipe is called 3, 2, 1 Cake because all you need
    to remember is
    "3 tablespoons mix,
    2 tablespoons water,
    1 minute in the microwave!"
    TRY various flavors of cake mix like carrot, red velvet, pineapple,
    lemon, orange, etc. Just remember that one of the mixes has
    to be the angel food mix; the other is your choice.
    The flavor possibilities are endless!
    The best thing is, you open both cake mixes into a gallon
    storage bag, one that 'zip locks' or 'self-seals', or a
    container that seals tightly, shake the two cake mixes to
    blend and then make the recipe. Storage of mix is simple,
    put it on a shelf. No need to refrigerate, since the mix is dry.
    Always remember, that one of the cake mixes MUST be
    Angel Food. The other can be any flavor.
    The Angel Food is the cake mix that has the eggs whites
    in it. So, if, anyone is allergic to egg whites, you can NOT
    serve this recipe.
  • NoDiva
    NoDiva Posts: 6
    Saw this in Martha Stewart a while back: slice a banana diagonally and freeze the slices. Then dip them in unsweetened cocoa powder to which you add a little cinnamon. But I agree with Kwpenguin - having a reasonable portion of the real thing now and then is probably the best idea.
  • paulathoren1
    paulathoren1 Posts: 52 Member
    Sugar free fudgsicle for 40 calories - can't beat it!
  • annepage
    annepage Posts: 585 Member
    No sweets ever, not the way to go in my book. I've seen the chocolate mug cake posted quite a bit. Here's one version I found and here's a site that may be of use to you.

    100 Calorie Chocolate Mug Cake


    2 tablespoons self-rising flour
    2 tablespoons cocoa powder
    3 tablespoons stevia for baking
    2 tablespoons unsweetened apple sauce
    2 tablespoons 35 calorie per serving unsweetened almond milk
    1 egg white


    1. Add all ingredients to a large mug. Whisk well with a fork.

    2. Microwave on high for 2 minutes.


    and the other site that might help is:
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    I eat chocolate on a pretty regular basis. Chocolate is good for you, in smallish amounts.
  • samantha1242
    samantha1242 Posts: 816 Member
    Lindt 90% dark chocolate. Eat 1 square = yum.

    Cut up banana and dip each piece in melted above chocolate bar, then roll in shredded coconut or nuts, or don't. Cool and mow down. These are good frozen.

    Cut up strawberries and dip them in melted above chocolate bar, potential for rolling in things here too. Cool and mow down.

    Black bean brownies? Delicious, especially with natural PB swirled through. These are excellent frozen. bean brownies&e8=Quick Search&event10=1&e7=Home Page
  • calibriintx
    calibriintx Posts: 1,741 Member
    Why no dessert ever?? I would totally fall off that wagon! Google carob recipes if you just want something different than old chocolate habits.
  • bathsheba_c
    bathsheba_c Posts: 1,873 Member
    Get unsweetened, 100% cacao and make yourself some hot chocolate. I like using 2-3 tbsp. per mug with 1-2 tsp. of sugar, and preparing it in hot milk. The cocoa plus the sugar together only come to 60-75 extra calories, and milk is good for you. :)
  • Jem97
    Jem97 Posts: 53 Member
    Banana Brownies are great, even if you eat too many, its all clean food
    Makes six brownies.
    2 Tbs Semisweet Chocolate Chips
    1 Tbs Coconut Oil (Optional)
    2-3 Ripe Bananas, depending on size
    3 Large Eggs
    3 Tbs Cocoa Powder
    1. Preheat oven to 350°F.
    2. Melt 1 tbs chocolate chips and coconut oil in microwave for 45 seconds, on high.
    3. Mash bananas, and add into batter, mixing well.
    4. Add in eggs one at a time, mixing well after each.
    5. Mix in cocoa powder.
    6. Mix in last Tbs of chocolate chips.
    7. Put into pan, and bake for around 25 minutes.
    8. Cut up, and enjoy!

    Nutrition Information per serving
    Calories: 125
    Fat: 7
    Protein: 4
    Carbohydrates: 14
    If this isn’t quite sweet enough for you, add 2 Tbs of honey, or use a little less cocoa if you dont like really strong chocolate.
  • Lalouse
    Lalouse Posts: 221 Member
    You can have a little sweet; you shouldn't be depriving yourself because you'll end up binging. Always keep dark chocolate at home and have a square if you're craving. Savor it.

    If you need more, have something real sweet, just not too much.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,905 Member
    Brkdksmdkskkdkdndfbdnks I'm going crazy eating like this!! D: No desserts ever :,( Does anybody have any chocolate anything recipes kickin' around that are low in, uhm, everything? :D Thank you!!
    Check your PM.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 28+ years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • VRoseDuda
    VRoseDuda Posts: 129 Member
    I agree with the cocoa almonds (they also have 100 calorie packs), a fudgicle or a piece of chocolate. Dove dark choc is the best in my opinion. I can also "kill the urge" must faster with the richer, dark choc. VS the creamier, fattier milk choc.
  • tallvesl99
    tallvesl99 Posts: 231 Member
    Every once in awhile just HAVE the chocolate...count the calories that were in it and enjoy every bite! It will kill your craving and then you can move on. If you keep trying to avoid it, you'll just keep thinking about it. I had an ice cream sandwich Christmas day. IT WAS AMAZING. Hadnt eaten one in ages. It didn't kill me and it was delicious!
  • Have you tried the wrigly dessert delights flavored gum? They might help you quench your craving with out adding any calories. it comes in several different flavores including mint chocolate chip, key lime pie and apple pie.
  • i buy the no sugar added pudding or mousse in the dairy aisle. i think they really taste great and only 60cal.sometimes i use unsweetened cocoa mixed with a sugar substitute and make hot chocolate with skim milk or 1/2 boiling water..feels decadent with not a lot of calories. one square of dark chocolate is always good too.
  • micneg01
    micneg01 Posts: 147 Member
    Put a banana in a blender with some unsweetened cocoa and a little chocolate rice milk. It is like chocolate ice cream. Very delicous. I add blueberries, walnuts, dates, or anything else I feel like at the time to change it up. Good luck!