Looking for some exercises a girl over 360lbs can do

edited September 20 in Fitness and Exercise
I am looking for some exercises I can do. I do walk but that is really it any suggestions. I want to try and burn 1000 calories a day if possible.


  • Do you have access to a swimming pool? My aunt was over 600lbs, and she wasn't able to do much more than walk -- her doctors recommended that she take water aerobics because it's gentle on joints, and was doable for her fitness level. I went with her every once in a while, she was self-conscious the first few times, but once she got to know everyone we had a great time.
  • Hey!
    At my gym we have a pool and I've found that when I just swim around for an hour (freestyle whatever pace I can do) it burns over 500 calories! This is easy and if you take friends super fun! Plus, the more you weight the more calories exercise burns, so just walking on a treadmill will burn more calories then the general calorie count reported on here. Hope this helps! And good luck!
  • Try skipping!
    For you it will burn
    27 calories in one minute and
    1606 calories an hour !
  • squoozyq
    squoozyq Posts: 305
    On day 1, walk a block. On day 2, walk that block and a half...and so on. Walk 1 block for a whole week if you have to....any exercise to start is better than none at all. I also agree with the swimming as it does work your whole body. Try walking in the pool where it is shallow....the resistance is amazing!
    Good luck, and good for you!
  • Just plain stretches are really good for simple effectivness. Like- To soften the look of a 'muffin top'
    Stretch your right arm up as high as you can- try to touch the ceiling with your hand- and then pull your hand to the left as far as you can, tilting your body with it. Pulse a few times, then switch.
    From the magezine Cosmopolitain~
    the best ab move:
    the plank is an easy equipment-free exercise thats effective at strengthening your core muscles. do two sets a day and you may start to see more toned abs in two weeks.
    1.lie facedown, positioning yourself so that your balancing on your toes an forearms. your back and legs should be parrellal to the floor; your feet together.
    2.hold the pose for 30 seconds to a 1 minute, then relax for 15 seconds, repeat 5 times.
    3.**an advanced version; lift one arm and the opposite leg for ten seconds, then alternate, raising the other arm and legs for ten seconds. do three times rest for one minute, then repeat set three times** ~
  • KaeChelle
    KaeChelle Posts: 576
    Hi. I am also in Fort Worth. Water aerobics is a great exercise and is a lot of fun too. It's good for people of any fitness level. I also use Leslie Sansome's Walk for Weight Loss. I have them free on exercise tv on video on demand with my cable provider, but there are also dvd's. It's great because it adds more to just walking. Anyway, I hope you find something. The important thing is to get active, even if it is just walking.
  • poustotah
    poustotah Posts: 1,121 Member
    A girl over 360 lbs can do anything I can do. Try a circuit like this:

    Step ups - start with a small step, maybe 3 or 4 levels high.
    Body extensions - start with 10 lb weights, go down to the floor to pick them up and lift them over your head.
    Skip steps - pick a spot on the floor and skip over it and back for a 1 count.
    Upward rows - use a weight bar or 2 barbells and row upwards.
    Torso twists

    Start with a set of 12 - do 12 of each exercise. Then start over with a set of 10. Then go to 8.

    Start there and then work up. My circuit consists of 8 different exercises (alternating upper and lower body) and I start at 20 reps then go 18 - 15 - 12 - 10 - 8.

    And then we'll go have that mani-pedi together.
  • kwardklinck
    kwardklinck Posts: 1,601
    I love the Richard Simmons tapes. I started out doing those. After a few months I had to look for harder work outs but they were fun and easy to do.
  • McKeown
    McKeown Posts: 8
    You could start with Sit and Be Fit, which is normally for seniors, but it is a great place to start. There are also those small stair machines that you can sit down and pedal on. This could help build up some leg strength so you could walk for longer.

    Exercise bands are also a good option. Wrap one around the door handle, stand perpendicular to the door, and pull the band across your body, switch sides after a few reps.

    If you don't have free weights you can use cans of soup or water bottles with rocks or marbles in them (with water) and do some bicep curls or tricep extensions.

    The most important thing is that you keep moving, once you do that, the rest all falls into place.

    Good luck!
  • I have one of those bicycles that are like the steppers. It's good but I can't do alot. Yesterday I did 15 minutes but I can't go the whole 15 minutes I had to split them up.
  • nursee67
    nursee67 Posts: 503
    Every effort of getting up and moving is a great start. Go for short walks and increase as you tolerate. Try different things regarding exercise to see what you are able to do without hurting yourself or giving up too easily. There are also walking DVD's..Richard Simmons...good luck to you!
  • sarahsmom1
    sarahsmom1 Posts: 1,501 Member
    Hi I'm started at 366 I joined a gym but if you have a local JR.college you can take a weight training or walking class you only have to pay for the unit out ours it 26 dollars per semester. I walk on the treadmill for 35 min.at 3.0 at 2.3 miles per hour to keep at my heart rate. then I just go and use the different machines at 12 per set and 3 reps. I'm not as sore as I was of course but soon I will be bumping up the time 5 min at a time. I also bought the Richard Simmons tapes haven't started them yet but i will. Swimming is good too and easy on the joints. Just don't think you can start off at the maximum because after you can't breath or walk in the evening you wont want to do it anymore . Work your way up. And dont forget if the machine allows you to put in you real weight do it because I think they are set for about 150 pounds and it will not show you real calorie burn.
  • waguchan
    waguchan Posts: 450 Member
    I have to agree with water aerobics.

    But how about dancing? Richard Simons was a good recommendation. I used to love that when I was a teenager a kazillion years ago. I also like Crunch Cardio Salsa (no crunches involved). The Bollywood Dance Workout is kind of fun and a bit goofy. You can always modify any exercise that doesn't work for you.

    Or just find some good fast music and shake your bootie for 15 minutes or more. I dance to video on youtube with my kids.
  • Every effort of getting up and moving is a great start. Go for short walks and increase as you tolerate. Try different things regarding exercise to see what you are able to do without hurting yourself or giving up too easily. There are also walking DVD's..Richard Simmons...good luck to you!

    Well said. You are moving and that's what matters. Don't get yourself so wrapped up in meeting a certain calorie burn, just move Dear. Your "number" doesn't define you. Your ACTIONS do :flowerforyou:
  • mrskch
    mrskch Posts: 1
    I Love doing Walk Away the Pounds with Leslie Sansone. She does 1 to 5 miles walking exercise routines. You ca do anything from the one mile up to the 5 miles and anything in between. It easy because you can do it right in the privacy of your own home and at your own pace. You choose!!! It would be a great way for you to get started. I suggest you look her up on Youtube and see if you like what she does before you buy the DVD. I pray that you will find something that works for you. Have a GREAT day!!!
  • chandnikhondji
    chandnikhondji Posts: 136 Member
    Okay with being at about 500lbs i know that it is hard to do some things with being at high weight. Like skipping would be the death of my joints. Even walking is, though swimming and water aerobics is pretty fun. Steps can hurt, though when you have a bicycle that is a pretty nice way too, when you have some green spots around. I.e. I have a park in front of my door and do slow walking there until i can do more.

    What was fun for me (when i was able to do it *G*) is to have a 'mix cd' of my favourite happy music for maybe 15 minutes and have that over my headphones and then do freestyle aerobics. You might have seen many tapes and stuff of exercises. So instead of watching them you put together the excercises yourself out of your mind. Or do the house work dancing while listening to the music, or go for a walk with trying to be in the rhythm of the music you listen to. Even if you have to have breaks that can be more fun than just playing a puppet of the tape or having a silent walk AND you can do it in your pace and in the amount you are capable of.
  • imagymrat
    imagymrat Posts: 862 Member
    Try skipping!
    For you it will burn
    27 calories in one minute and
    1606 calories an hour !

    Seriously? That is a BAD idea...to much weight coming down on your joints. Swimming is awesome as well as the recumbent bike, and plain old walking even if you can only go once around the block..gotta start somewhere, but plese don't try skipping.
  • Bleux
    Bleux Posts: 186
    Like many have already suggested, try out swimming and/or walking. Start slow so you don't injure yourself and don't try to do too much all at once. You can split your workouts up throughout the day as well, 10 minutes, 3x a day. Walk in the morning, afternoon, and evening, for example. Alos, check out some of the great books out there. I recently got "Biggest Losers" latest book, "6 Weeks to a Healthier You". It doesn't mean you are going be skinny in 6 weeks, but that it will take about that long to get your eating habits and exercise habits back on track. There are a few other Biggest Loser books that you might want to check out. I hightly recommend them.
  • HealthyChanges2010
    HealthyChanges2010 Posts: 5,831 Member
    Try skipping!
    For you it will burn
    27 calories in one minute and
    1606 calories an hour !

    Seriously? That is a BAD idea...to much weight coming down on your joints. Swimming is awesome as well as the recumbent bike, and plain old walking even if you can only go once around the block..gotta start somewhere, but plese don't try skipping.
    I agree you make some very good points! When I was at my largest I started out in water aerobics, all I can say is, I've come along ways Baby! When you first start out, doing the gym tour can make you question if you're really where you need to be, but then it gets easier as your body builds stamina. I agree someone came up with skipping and that's a great thing for some at far less weight on their joints but I have to agree with Imagymrat, she's also a trainer and knows her stuff. :drinker:

    Yoga can be very helpful in learning about your body, some you will want to wait on but they do have videos for larger size Yoga, it helps you become far more aware of your body and that can bring about such a positive effect on self image.

    Hope you find something that is the right fit for you! :)

    We're all working toward the same goals, healthy bodies, healthy minds and a long life of healthy choices.:drinker:
  • sarahsmom1
    sarahsmom1 Posts: 1,501 Member
    Also if you are gonna walk my Dr told me to walk on the grass instead of the cement easier on our knees and ankles. We have a park with a cement walking trail so I just walk next to it. Also if its hot where you live, a lot of malls open just the inside and you can walk in the air conditioning, usually there are a lot of seniors but it will keep the blood pressure down and yeah there benches when you need them.
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